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The closest to snowboarding I have come


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I think someone is a bit jealous because they had to put their big ol pole away for the winter.....

Look forward to seeing you out there Bordy, I'll be at Strawberry and Dillon.


Not jealous of kooks, just sick of kite promos.

Going out sailing for a long lunch today actually. We go all winter here, just need a little sun, wind and 40 degree air.

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Not jealous of kooks, just sick of kite promos.

Going out sailing for a long lunch today actually. We go all winter here, just need a little sun, wind and 40 degree air.

Dude whats your deal?

Its one thing to say you prefer to wind surf its another to post links to heath insurance and a wheelchair store, Then to take it personally when I post what I have been doing in the kite industry (for thoose on the board interested). You still have to through in your negitive 2 cents. Did you hear me Bad mouth your little Mcgregor when you where trying to name it? Or do I post wind surfers deaths with headings of "another one bits the dust" (pretty weak)?

We get it you think the kite is dangerous and are prefer to knock it when ever possible. Stay on your poleboard not everyone has what it takes to handle the power of the kite. (funny though I kite with 15+ guys and girls over the age of 50 who used to Pole Board, even my 120 pound wife perfers the kite over a wind surfer it was great selling her last rig this summer)

Please stop your being really lame. It is like your a softbooter knocking alpine all the time because you just don't know. :angryfire

I am currently prepairing for another paid kiting trip from my sponsor ( 10 days), And i'll be traveling all winter on Best's tab. In less then a year I have had more oppertunitys and recevied more free gear in the kite world then almost 20 years off competing in Alpine snowboarding. Huh, I bet more people snow kite after only a few years of the sport then ride alpine.

Sorry you have to take of work to go sail......

I sail and snowboard for work... so every day is good...... ;)

I hope your not driving to your boat today... I hear thoose car things kill people( so I sould bring it up right?????) maybe you should ride a bicycle there.

Also after I posted the kite info on bomberonline we received several e-mails about kiting.... I sure am Kooky for posting about a snowboard sport on a snowboard web site and getting a postive respose from several folks.

Come on dude........ its still a wind and board sport???? :smashfrea

Oh yea the fastest growing winter sport also......

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Dano, it’s awesome you are getting out still and get to play all winter. Being in Colorado I’m limited to getting on the water all year, so I’ll admit I’m jealous but I’m also psyched that you and others get to enjoy your sport year round. Bordy and I living in the mtns and being semi landlocked turn to the snow and our passion to snowboard and being able to add in the use of a kite gives us another great option. Maybe the thread should have been “off-topic”, maybe not, since it’s snowboard related that’s up to the site monitors, but you do have the option to read it, comment, and be either negative or pro. If your truly sick then it may be best to quickly see the subject and move on. To choose to reply and then be negative seems to be your choice. Sorry you feel that way and I hope your negativity doesn’t affect your everyday attitude as I’m sure it doesn’t. No need to ruin a good day on the water if a kite goes by. Since you’re a snowboarder and a carver too then you must have been through the negativity that skiers used to always have and sometimes still do. It’s just ashame it has to be here on BOL, especially where a lot of us BOL’rs are kite-snowboarding too. Personally I like reading and thank Bordy for posting info here since I regulary check the site for my snowboarding interests. I see others post about cars, bicycles, motorcycles, etc. etc. Some of it’s interesting to me and some not. I choose to read the ones’ I like because we all dable in like sports and I find other peoples interest kind of cool. I’ll actually enjoy reading about your windsurfing days and if you had a great day or not since windsurfing is a like sport for what we do. I’ll never be negative about it or sick of reading it since I know your enjoying it and someday we may meet either on the snow or water and we could talk about our like passions in an enjoyable way…although at this time I feel you may not be ready to talk about our on water experiences.

I ski and snowboard, and for years I got more garbage from skiers than I get from kiteboarding, but today we all go together and enjoy our days and share our experiences at the end of each day. I kite along side many windsurfers on South Padre these days. We have rules and all and for the most part about a 99% respectful relationship. I would love to try your sport, but I know deep down it takes 10 fold the time and commitment to become a good winsurfer and I just don’t have that luxury living here in CO.

That’s the end of my ramble. I hope you have/had a great day on the water. I wish I was out there too although I really like warm water and warm air….getting old has draw backs.

Enjoy, JoelP

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I look foward to seeing you at strawbs and dillion! If you are coming to strawbs make sure you e-mail me we will be using our sleds (thanks Best!!) To access some new terrain!!! Would love for you to join us! (you could bring Michelle!). I hope we both get some snow soon!!!

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54 kiteboarder deaths worldwide have been reported to date since 2000.

How do kiteboarding accident fatality rates compare to that of other activities in the USA?

Motor Vehicle 15 per 100,000

Kitesurfing 6 to 12 per 100,000

SCUBA diving 5 per 100,000

Pedestrian 2 per 100,000

So, kiteboarding might be interpreted to safer than driving in the USA by this limited statistical indication. A more sensitive index would be offered by losses per hours kiteboarded just as in the case of losses per driving hours. No recognized estimates are currently available regarding hours kiteboarded vs. skill/years riding vs. time of year, etc..

transcribed by:

Rick Iossi

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Driving is not a good example but we always seem to blurt out comparing driving to many sport related accidents, but it's really unfair since millions drive everyday and lots of hours are put in behind the wheel.

It may be more comparable to hang gliding or paragliding or jumping into a whitewater kayak and attempting Cl V rapids without experience. Kiting can be and is very dangerous to unknowledgable participants. It's really a dumb thing to try to do without lessons. Kites are very very powerful and trying to put one up in the air without knowing what your doing will be worse than exciting. It may be the last thing you ever do. I flew paragliders competetively for many years and I knew of people who bought a wing, seen it on tv or something, and then tried to jump off a cliff. Dumb but it has happened. I've had friends die hang-gliding, friends die in avalanches while backcountry skiing. Others have died riding bicycles on streets. Things do happen and there are deaths related to all sports. I hope here on BOL I'm not advocating to people to think kiting is so simple they can just get a kite and go. that's the last thing I would want to do but I do want to share this sport with others who may have an interest. I've tried windsurfing years ago....many years ago...It is an easy sport to try if you have access to equipment and the odds of dying at the beginner stage is very very low compared to kiting. Kiting is not so easy to try unless your with an experienced kiter. I'm a total advocate for kiting lessons and try to force anyone interested in them. Also equipment has changed drastically over the last couple of years and is way more controllable and easier to use.....you can still get yourself in trouble but with some lessons and experience it's becoming a simply fun sport. BUT you need respect as in all of our so called extreme sports. there is a lot to learn.

So we all die sooner or later and hopefully on our travel there we have a lot of fun and add some risk to keep us on our toes and for learning new things about ourselves. Lets just not die doing something stupid like putting up a 15 meter kite in 30+ winds or kiting/windsurfing so far off shore that if something happens you could get hypothermic or going out in nuking offshore winds etc etc. Just keep the respect and an open mind that all sports have risks and we each choose our own levels.....


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Sorry to jump in here again but if anyone thinks kiting is dangerous you got to check this little vid out. An old paragliding buddy just sent this to me. Now this looks exciting..

enjoy and sorry for the quick hijack


Having been involved in competitive skydiving for many years, I watched the wingsuits develop from the very start.

Like all cool things that are dangerous and untested, they killed a few people. Although the time it took for the skills of the pilots to catch up was remarkably short compared to say when high performance parachutes, or even 'skyboards', first came out. The gear improved really fast too. I am truely impressed by some of these guys, but will stick to the good ol' airplane for the foreseeable future. Call me old fashioned. :)

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there is some incredible footage of this same "technique" in the new Warren Miller movie "Playground", except this time around they are flying down peaks with chutes touching down on select spots, then launching off of cliffs. Incredible stuff.

The guys in the warren miller flick are speed flying, as a matter of fact they replaced a bunch of kiting footage shot locally with the speedflying footage because they felt skiiers could relate to it better then kiting because it is a down hill style sport. Sort of a bummer when you and your kiter friends show up to see kite footage and there was none..... :confused:

lots of guys speed fly where we kite, they get to the bottom and pack up and walk or skin or even get a sled ride back up the hill, Kiters just turn around and ride back up....

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I got some great pics I'll post later of a kite shop I stumbled into in Rome 2 days ago.The owner gave me some sweet diecut stickers of the shop logo and was really chill and friendly despite a huge language barrier. He knew "Robby Naish" and pulled out the catalog to show my wife the italian team riders and when she said "Best" he said Alex with a thumbs up, pretty funny. :biggthump and he stocked some carving boards (heavily discounted).

c'mon dano ....if "Robby Naish" took kiting mainstream....how bad could it be ?

it's "kiter envy" for some poleboarders.....like hatin' on married guys that still get laid all the time. but you're "married" :freak3: you're supposed to jump thru hoops to get some once a month.......SEND IT ! woooooo hooooooo ! :rolleyes:

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The guys in the warren miller flick are speed flying, as a matter of fact they replaced a bunch of kiting footage shot locally with the speedflying footage because they felt skiiers could relate to it better then kiting because it is a down hill style sport. Sort of a bummer when you and your kiter friends show up to see kite footage and there was none..... :confused:

lots of guys speed fly where we kite, they get to the bottom and pack up and walk or skin or even get a sled ride back up the hill, Kiters just turn around and ride back up....

Those speed flyers look awsome! I have that falling/flying dream a few times a year and love it. Thanks for posting that Joel!

Too bad the kiting footage was too lame to make it anywhere but the editing room floor. No surprises there. Keep pimpin' it tho.

Maybe if you were hanging from a small speedy blimp and doing those trapeze tricks it would be more marketable...No wind dependence and you could just fly around anywhere...like Mary Poppins on mushrooms.

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Bordy, I just now linked to the bus tour page. Great gig man !

I partied on that bus with shannon and Ian on the cape, it's a beater but still pimp'd out inside with a full bar.I met your homey jake last winter in VT at a snowkite festival.He was so stoked when I mentioned your name :biggthump he let me ride a waroo 13 for hours and hooked me up with his waist harness cuz I forgot mine. btw, jakes big brother is this guy -MICAH


dano , can I borrow your new tanker for some snowkiting? :lol:

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNzGyZEkw24&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNzGyZEkw24&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHTYa98f_yw&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHTYa98f_yw&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

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i have been wanting to do this for years... just never got a kite... .. .

I'm going to attend this:


It's my first time snowkiting, and I'm really excited!

My only problem is that I'm not a freestyler, but a carver, so... I don't really know what I will get. Maybe I will try to carve using the kite! :ices_ange

Ciao, Gio

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  • 1 month later...

time for a bump - there's a snowkite fest coming up in VT, you guys should check it out, good times there last year, met Jake, etc.


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