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Muscle Atrophy ends my career???

Bobby Buggs

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This really sucks!!! I had a back operation 2 years ago due to nerve compression from a disc. I noticed this week that I have lost most of the muscle on the front of my shin on my right leg. You can see the entire shin bone when I hold my leg out and the lower part of my leg looks almost like a triangle.

I went to my PT guy today and he said I "might" be able to get "some" of the muscle back by working on it but as soon as I stop I will begin to lose it again.

I was wondering why my foot and Ankle have been killing me after games, well its because I had no muscle there any more. Now the top of my foot is Burning :(

I have a MRI next week but Even then, the thought of another Back operation scares the shT out of me. That was the biggest ass kick I have ever faced.


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I'm a bit biased as to the effectiveness of spinning (a copywritten name I can't use when advertising my classes since I am not a franchise).The low impact of the exercise on joints but the effect of the direct drive and wide range of resistance has worked wonders on many that have been using my classes to rehab or rebuild.Like any workout or rehab,one gets out what he puts in.Just a thought.

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My PT has recommended a stationary bike as the best form of exercise for me now (other than swimming). What's the difference between spinning and just riding a stationary bike. I never understood the meaning of that term - spinning. And what kind of bike should I buy? I want simple and durable.


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A spin bike is direct drive or fixed gear like a track bike in that is does not have a freewheel mechanism and does not coast.You slow it down by either increasing resistance by turning the knob or 'soft pedalling' to slow down and stop.Not being able to coast seems to accellerate the fitness/strength gains and also provides another aspect that is great for just getting the joints moving smoothly.That is,under low resistance you can give a couple of good pushes on the pedals and then let the inertia of the 30 to 40 pound flywheel pull you along with very little effort.There are other aspects to the class environment that include being guided into standups or simulated climbing out of the saddle that can help make the transition to more weight bearing exercise smoother and less painful.Technique is important as with anything athletic,since it is possible to screwup and stop too suddenly or spin too fast for one's skill and cause joint problems.Working up to higher cadences/resistance is part of the fun.There are quite a few brands and models available for both commercial and home use.Good ones can be had used for around 300.00 and new ones with all the bells and whistles can be over 1500.00.The Keys Ironman model I use in my studio are commercial quality and are about 900.00 including shipping when bought one at a time.I have added handlebar mounted shifters and computers to make it safer to shift while standing and more fun (for some)to see info like cadence rpm on the computer.If you need any more info just email me and I'll be happy to help.Steve

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Holy ****! that really blows. I can't imagine the agony of not being able to carve. I was really looking to riding with you. Do what you have to do, so you can do what you want to.

We just learned about this in school, but we never touched on why a back injury would effect muscle loss in the legs. Was it because you didn't move much after the surgery? Good luck and hang in there!

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A friend of mine had an operation that removed part of his calf muscles in both legs. Tiny Tim as we refered to him had these massive quads with hardly any lower leg do to it and was still able to rip in cat 1 after the fact.The guy was and inspiration.

Been thrown on the table a few times myself and know how it feels.Do what you have to do and dont give up the fight.

ps fix gears rule!!......especialy on a 5km downhill with no front brakes :eek::eek:

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