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I really want to ski at Aspen, but I have the five mountain pass which doesn't cover Aspen. I don't want to spend $90 for a day of skiing at Aspen when I can go to Vail and the other resorts. It will only be for one day hopefully because I will be staying with a friend in Eagle and skiing for free at Vail. Is it suitable for just a day of carving?

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It can be worth it but Xmas is always shaky around here. We get our best snows right after the Xmas vacationers leave!!!! On a more serious note, Sunlight can have good conditions and some fair carving. There are about 3 good trails there that work if groomed and 1 killer trail if groomed right, steep and narrow but completely do able. It's a small local hill that's been trying to upgrade its product every year and getting better. They have improved their grooming immensly the last 2 years. A new owner is taking over and trying to get approvals to upgrade 10 fold in terrain and chairs which will make a huge future improvement. there are days it gets more snow than Aspen and thats when I usually hit it since so few people are there and it has short but good steeps and trees. It's really a great little local hill. Find out the base cover that week and if it's over 30" then you could hit a good day of carving. There's only 3 lifts and the best stuff is off the main lift to the top which is the 2nd lift you have to get on to get there. The best runs are the main one that winds around the main lift, Joslins and the primo one is just to your right as you start going up the 2nd lift (looking from the chair). It's steep but consistent pitch..sorry I can't think of its name right now. then it has some good lally gagging carving terrain off the west side.


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I've always liked Sunlight. I remember doing the whole Glenwood pool,cajun food(mental block on the name of the place with the frog on top)drinkin at night routine after putting on aasi clinics and exams there.Loved cycling the road up to it in the summer.(Used to live in Gypsum)Great little mountain.

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