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Tuning edge angles


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Any techs or do-it-yourself tuners care to share some advice. What file angles are best for what types of riding ie. all mountain, GS, etc. I have a great file set up and am ready to tune. I just need a little philosophy on the angle stuff. Thanks. GC

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Bordy, Billy, PCUtahBilly (whatever they call you these days)!

Someone asks for your help and input on tuning.

Can't believe that he still can't tune his board. It is unbelivable. Rider cannot tune his boards;)


Sorry, man. I could not help after recent dispute on this forum:)

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Great! The first time I ask for some technical advice, I get a post like this? I am not sure I undstand what Maciek is trying to say. If he is assuming that I have opperated under several AKA's on this site, please note that I have nothing to hide.

Secondly, in years past I have tuned many edges racers and recreationalists alike in the ski industry. True, I have not picked up a file for some time, and I can't help but think that with the advent of deeper sidecuts (especially carve boards) edge angle philosophy has changed---hence the reason for my post.

Lastly, I have never engaged in any disputes on this site, and believe that the sharing of positive information, experience, and knowledge is a what bomber is all about. With this being said, please feel free to read my original post and respond with some productive information. Thanks. GC

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I don't think Maciek was getting on your case. he is refering to a post from last week that got completely out of hand, entiitled cause of uneven edge wear.

as for your question, I currently run with a 91 side and a 1 degree base bevel.

However, A skier just suggested that increase my base bevel a ton, to say 4 degrees, justifying it by how far boarders can roll the board over. That would however mean that I would have to do some serious sidewall planing in order to get decent side angle. Does anyone have any input on the value of this?


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Guest Mike Ford

I generally set three degrees off 90 for the side and 1 on the base. I have to disagree with going any higher on the base edge, you only bevel it so that it won't hook up inintentionally and can glide better. (these are angle I've chosen from a race background)

A tip for setting your desired angles, run a permanent marker along the edge and when you can't see it any more after filing then the edge is set.

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Gary,,,it's Kevin.

I'm pretty much sure Maciek is reffering to a guy here named Bordy because I know of him.

I don't think he's trying to "pick on" you.

Also, I'd like to learn some edge tunings , if possible, after you get all the philosophy you need,,,,:-)

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Guys thanks for the information on the edge angles. I especially appreciate knowing that Maciek was refering to another post were the discussion got heated. I was not privy to this discussion, so I could not figure out what Makiek was trying to say. Sorry I jumped to conclusion Maciek.

As for edge angle, I am finding the 90 and 1 degrees or 91 and 1 are fairly standard, which is where I will probably start. Any other ideas concering this would be apprecieted. Thanks. GC

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