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DUMP a licious !


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as many hills closed last weekend, we get a hearty dump to string things along.

what I wouldn't give to be at sunday river or the Loaf today:

This is absolutely amazing! As of 7:15 am we have 16-20 inches of snow on the ground taking our total this week to over 27 inches! Best of all, it's still dumping like crazy.

should be a great easter weekend !


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It's gonna be a ****ty weekend. We got the same crapload of snow. None of our hills are open. Can't go boardin.. Can't go golfin. CAn't go rollerblading or bike riding.. The snow isn't gonna stick around for any good period of time. It's flippin cold out. Basically we're getting the worst of both worlds around here.

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people complain too much..ask yourself ?? what would BEER FEST do ?

he'd sack up and go rip ! never heard that kid complain, not even when he was sure he'd lost his keys at wachusett :freak3:

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hey Pebu, you said your local "hill" has less than 350ft. of vert. you could hike that. Granted, you won't get anywhere near as many runs if the lift were running, but I don't see why you couldn't hike it for a few runs.

It would be like backcountry, except without the backcountry part...

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hey Pebu, you said your local "hill" has less than 350ft. of vert. you could hike that. Granted, you won't get anywhere near as many runs if the lift were running, but I don't see why you couldn't hike it for a few runs.

It would be like backcountry, except without the backcountry part...

They'd probably arrest me for it. Even though I have a seasons pass. But yeah, they're stupid like that.

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It's gonna be a ****ty weekend. We got the same crapload of snow. None of our hills are open. Can't go boardin.. Can't go golfin. CAn't go rollerblading or bike riding.. The snow isn't gonna stick around for any good period of time. It's flippin cold out. Basically we're getting the worst of both worlds around here.

My car's in the shop and my GF is sick, so I can't go boarding. What do I do? I go to work by bike, like everyday, except for the snow part. Winter biking gives a whole new perspective on winter. It's my first time riding my bike in the snow since 2003.

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you said your local "hill" has less than 350ft. of vert.

is that a par 3 or 4 ?

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