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Critique my Technique!

Baka Dasai

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<strong><a href="http://www.doco.net/snow/">A small video of me riding</a></strong>

Come one, come all—qualified, non-qualified, boobs, kooks and everybody else. I need all the critiquing that I can get, as I am completely self-taught, and don't have any opportunities to get lessons where I live.

My hard-booting experience runs to about 75 days over the last 4 seasons. Rode soft boots before that, but was always trying to carve.

(The video needs some editing, and isn't great quality. The best bits are from 0 – 2 sec and from 35 – 39 sec.)

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Hard to critique when I don't know what you're goals are or how you would like to ride......it's all about application tossed in with a bit of fun.

But, I did get a very big kick out of your one-piece pix. Very funny. An fomer rider of mine wore one at the X-Games this year... Perhaps they are coming back!


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You're just fishing for compliments. I've typed 3 nitpicks and erased them all because they're pointless and probably inaccurate. I'd have to see you in person to pick out any minor details. There's a <i>little</i> wobbliness here and there, but that's just practice. Nice carves.


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I'm working on my ability to stand upright .... Take a look at this Video Clip and feel free to offer suggestions. I think that it was probably the camera bag throwing off my balance, but it may have been the gravitational pull of the moon. It was my first day on plates but I've managed to get myself to the point where I can clip in WHILE whistling... and not fall when it's time to get off my @ss!!! progess is progress :)

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Everyone else seems to be polite here, so I'll be the messanger :)

Anyway, back to topic: looking at your carve it seems to me little bit static: you should add more dynamicity to riding. Now you change edge and keep your position until next edge change. Good suggestions for riding more dynamically are in Cern snowboard club pages. You seem to use crossover turns (by extension in cern page), try to practice acceleration (forward-backward movement) and flexion (crossthrough). Of course this prerotation may be not what you're after, so skip it..

Second thing is, that you go too fast: try to put board more on edge (but on slower speed). I rode in same style whole last season (my first one on hardboots), going down much faster than more experienced carvers, but on last day of season I put my board really on edge and WHOA, this sudden acceleration by riding on high edge and deceleration right after this by carving really short-radius turn opened whole new dimension in carving. It takes time, until you get feeling for correct (optimal) speed on given board and slope but it is well worth of it. Your mountain seems to be steep enough to practice such short agressive turns (was it in carver's almanac, where it was said, that the better the rider, the slower and on steeper slopes he rides).

Well, here are my thoughts. Take it (with grain of salt) or leave it :) If I said something very wrong, then I'm sure that riders with better knowledge will correct me.

But most important: have fun!

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It's a little hard to tell, but I'm pretty sure he is doing some nice cross-through. You're right that it's a little more over than under, but it's not totally cross-over. I also see nothing wrong with the speed. I actually think the trail is not steep enough to attempt much more edge angle, he'd probably lose too much momentum. But it is hard to tell steepness from a camera.

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hey Baka,

I'm headed to hunter mountain (1st time) with a friend from NYC next week. Can you tell me what trails to check out? also, how are conditions? I see the weather is warming up there, too....do you know if anyone there is qualified to teach us hardbooters? perhaps we coudl even meet up one day if you want...feel free to email me @


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