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Sunshine or Lake Louise? Mar 3 & 4


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Day 1 was pretty fun, but it really highlighted my lack of mountain experience. I used to hate moguls before, now I really dislike them after accidentally getting stuck multiple times on some blue and black runs with some big ones. As Bartron said, at least they're pretty soft at Louise.

My friend tore his ACL and MCL (while skiing) on the second run of Day 1. Oops! The crazy part is that he skied the rest of day on easy groomers, thinking it was just a mild strain.

Wow. Today was the best day of riding I've had in years! Thanks to Allee and Bartron for being fantastic riding buddies. Our riding levels were close enough that we were able to stick together all day, searching for those great groomers with little traffic. We had more than a few people standing slack-jawed at the side of the run as three carvers tore past them. :biggthump

Gtanner was completely right, the 178 Proton wasn't a fun board on 90% of the runs. The 168 Renntiger was fun on everything, from dodging moguls to trying to keep up with Bartron's big GS turns.

Wicked fun trip! :) I'm going to go soak my exhausted muscles in a hot tub now...

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Corey - bummer about your friend! At least you don't have to feel so bad about dumping him at the hospital now, cos I bet he was there all day ... hope he heals quick!

I had an amazing day riding with you two guys. It's great for me to be able to ride with other carvers, so I learn to ride less like a girl, push my envelope and figure "hey yeah, I can do this ..." A number of times I was riding at the back and admiring how absolutely graceful you both looked on the hill. Like Corey said, lots of slack jaws and stunned looks! And conditions (until mid-afternoon anyway) were perfect. Top day.

Maybe next time we'll choose a day with a few less people, and really do some damage!

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Just got off the plane in Winnipeg. It's a balmy -30C with no wind. :( I felt like turning around and getting a ticket to go back.

I am pretty sore today. My calves hurt real bad, I didn't even notice working them yesterday! I guess the BTS kit really does get your ankles working more.

Allee, you were ripping it up out there! You looked like you were very comfortable on your board. Just watch out for those body-dragging carves over ledges... ;)

Let's plan for another meet at SES next year!

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Ditto. That was my best riding experience without a doubt. Allee and Cory, you both looked unshakable. You gave me more confidence on the narrow connectors.

I ended up ripping another hole in the back of my pants. Good thing I bought a bunch of those patches. :)

Would definitely love to get together again next season.

BTW, it's a good thing you guys didn't go today. It was crap. I could hardly make a turn, although I believe that was partly due to exhaustion.

Damn, out of time again. Will post some more when I get home tomorrow.


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Sorry I couldn't make it. I had booked the trip with a couple friends, but I broke my new Prior for the second time this season, and had to send it in for repairs again. Another prime weekend lost, and 3.5 total days of riding on my killer new board this year. I was so pissed at the prospect of having to ride my old 167 Factory Prime that I cancelled everything in disgust. :angryfire


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Bummer Greg! :(

I just remembered that Ian had talked about taking some pictures and video of each other having fun out there. Doh! Ah well, next time.

Dude, if you don't replace those pants before you move out here, I'm not riding with you again. :cool:

That made me LOL! Someone has to slip a packing tape patch on Allee's back next time. ;)

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Sorry I couldn't make it. I had booked the trip with a couple friends, but I broke my new Prior for the second time this season, and had to send it in for repairs again. Another prime weekend lost, and 3.5 total days of riding on my killer new board this year. I was so pissed at the prospect of having to ride my old 167 Factory Prime that I cancelled everything in disgust. :angryfire


Yikes ! Sorry to hear about the board. Too bad you couldn't make it. There's always next year.


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