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yesterday I am standing at the summit literally seconds from stepping down into my step in and going when 15 of the little monkeys scoot up and sit down 5 abreast all the way across the run in front of me. Guess who was leading the pack? that's right the snowboard instructor:smashfrea :smashfrea :smashfrea :smashfrea I had to plow through and around and over them on semi flat ground to escape. I said guys its really rude to block someones line and you should think about using the side of the run. they gave me semi intelligent confused looks and continued the 10 minute process of buckling in.:angryfire

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I hate the blocking too. Had a group of weekend wonderkind come sliding up as I was teaching my boss how to ride one day. The (group of 4) marked the 4corners of the compass around us and I say in amazement..." Uh...can you move, we're actually trying to ride here" And indeed I got the same stares of confusion...who wants to ride/ It's much easier to sit around and pretend.


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:lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

that's hilarious except that I am a big guy and I am afraid I might kill someone.

I wear body armor and a helmet more for the straight liners than for anything else. If I hit someone it would not be pretty:barf:

With protective gear like that you should be able to smear many a straight liner across the landscape me thinks......

Sadly collisions are getting worse... what's with people with bugger all control trying to overtake others who clearly know what they are doing.....??!!!


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She flips onto a tirade about that guy being from the "valley" (of all places) and that she (a true Tahoe boarder since she lives down the street)

She lives down the street...one week a month in her timeshare. Those are THE WORST kind of people. I love locals, I LOATHE "locals". Most people who own resort town condos are perhaps the stupidest, rudest, most arrogant people it has ever been my displeasure to run across. Kinda off-topic, but on a similar note:

My friend's family owns a condo (owns outright, not a timeshare) in Lincoln, NH (home of :AR15firin Loon) and we pretty much live there. We go to town meetings, support the chamber, go to the local businesses (I'm planning on living across the pass from there), and basically are everything to the town that the year-round locals are. So, we're at this little pancake hut one morning, and it was kinda busy. We waited our turn in the wait line, and we were next to be seated. Then this woman in a shiny nylon "EVERLAST" workout suit comes in with her dip**** friends, looks at us, and goes (in my best michael jackson voice) "we're locals, we should be served first". Guess where here licence plate was from! Yep...you guessed it Massivetwo****s. Ugh. "locals" suck. Locals-like the poor girl whose car broke down on the Kanc at 12am while watching the Aurora that we drove home-rock.

Rant off.

(sorry about the off-topicness, but this is one of those things that chaps my ass)

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She lives down the street...one week a month in her timeshare. Those are THE WORST kind of people. I love locals, I LOATHE "locals". Most people who own resort town condos are perhaps the stupidest, rudest, most arrogant people it has ever been my displeasure to run across...

Most likely...as one of my esteemed college buddys would say "That b***h needs a serious beast-f*c*ing!" I love when people pull the local card.:cool:


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Sadly collisions are getting worse... what's with people with bugger all control trying to overtake others who clearly know what they are doing.....??!!!


here here, I sometimes wonder if we went the wrong way when we did away with the snowboard certifications, but then we'd have to certify skiers tooo and regardless of the number of dead kennedy's and bono's doing dumb things the idea of stopping stupid people from doing stupid things just go's against everything american until Darwin steps in

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