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Prior Metal 177


td2s (step in)

Probable delivery in 8 to 9 days +-


talk about goin all out!

what made you go with 177 over 183? I didnt read all the posts...

just noticed that you are going to steamboat on 4/1

that place is a BLAST for carving (and general all around riding, of course, although very little steep)

DEFINITELY have a look at the Sunshine lift and runs to skiers right as you get off the lift. I remember days where I would literally have entire runs, top to bottom, to myself. A few are a tad flat, but with your kids...they can do the greens and you can do the blues. HUGELY wide open, fairly long...

man...why didnt I just stay in steamboat :)

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What do I know? next to nothing. I have no baseline upon which to judge anything. Soooo, some people said go shorter, some said go longer - I took the average I think. The whole process, for me is really a gigantic effort in guesswork. I can't demo anything anywhere - Period. So I need to rely on everyones advice - sort of like designing an airplane by committee - it would never work - ooooops wait wrong analogy- well anyway I will have a better idea in about 2 weeks. Estimate is about 9 days to arrival. Than I have to go thru the setup, mold liners etc. etc.. Hopefully this setup will work for many years to come.

Looking forward to 7 days in Steamboat April1 thru April 8.

Rich S.

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177 is a nice middle ground. You could have gone bigger IF you rode places like steamboat all the time, but since you go locally where hills are likely smaller and maybe more crowded, the "shorter" (177 is NOT "short" no matter what any compensating fool tells you) board was a good choice.

assuming you have a good learning capacity, Id be willing to bet money that you will be 110% happy with every aspect of your purchase, especially when you get to Steamboat and get comfortable letting it all out.

take me with you?

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I expect you will be so stoked on that equipment, but that is just my opinion ;) (as I lie here, couch bound, staring at 183 and 177 Metals):angryfire

It is really hard as a beginner to sort through the amazing number of opinions about what will be right for you. Everyone has a thought. I have found that every company produces equipment that has its own feel. Every company has riders who love it, and recommend it, and riders who prefer something else, and recommend that. Let alone the different types of alpine decks that people ride and recommend.

Only 9 days until the equipment is in hand. That is a good feeling when it arrives. Hopefully only a few more days until you are on the mountain scaring the hell out of yourself on that first day! That is a great feeling!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks to everyone who chimed in here - I got my equipment and have ridden 2 days on it. Day 1 was a learning experience in how to control a board in alpine rig, Day 2 was initially a struggle to learn how to get the board over on an edge an hold it there and to STOP doing the ingrained habbits that were leading me to skid turns. On day 2 I went up to Roundtop PA and let Phil work his magic on me. He spend a couple of hours working on me. It took some time for whatever he did to seep past my skidding habbits. However, by the end of the day I was having a blast and carving turns - it does feel great!!!!

Thanks everybody!

Rich S.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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