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boarding in maine?


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Hey everybody,

any maine boarders around here? anyone going up to sugarloaf this sunday? or next?

I'm definitely going up this sunday, and probalby next sunday as well. actually, I'll be trying to go to at least every other weekend. usually sugarloaf, sometimes sunday river.

If you can make it, or are alreay heading up - let me know. I'm a beginner so you'll probably be way ahead of me ...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Andrew S

I'm a little late on this but yeah, Sugarloaf is my home mountain as well. I've been skiing (uh-oh) a hell of a lot lately due to the nice snow and bad carving conditions but I'm generally on a blue flame Coiler or a white Donek. I'm generally up a few days mid-week and maybe one weekend day each week. Drop me a line if you are ever looking for someone to ride with...


asherman AT colby.edu

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey I was at Sugarloaf this week Sunday the 4th- Wednesday the 7th. I saw you skidad62 on the blue Coiler. I had the blue Nidecker Tornado and my wife had the Purple Generic. I was riding earlier in the week on my Silver F2. The mountain was shut down on tuesday, but Monday and Wednesday were perfectly awesome days. I also saw a Rentiger, with Beckman, and an Ultraprime. Good to see so many riders at the loaf:)

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Hey there Zraced! Good to meet you at the loaf - sorry we didn't get to rip some runs together - my son was with me & we were dialing in his new boots & bindings...

I watched for you Thursday - thought you might have packed up.

You're right, the snow was FANTASTIC this week!!!

Thursday was snapping cold again - alot like Tuesday but the mountain stayed open all day - lots of wind hold though. Friday was perfect - low winds and sunny - temps got up to 32*. Light traffic on the slopes - perfect for lettin er rip.

Trailertrash - I was watchin for you but didn't see you... I think Tuesday was your last day? It was pretty extreme up there - I rode until noon when they closed the entire mountain due to wind holds, extreme wind chill & frost bite warnings. I met a couple of folks in the Widowmaker with the worst frost bite damage I've ever seen - they looked like they had serious road rash - their skin was literally GONE in spots about 1 -2 inches around where their skin was not covered. The Superquad liftie even refused to load a couple of people in front of me because he saw frostbite on them. So... if you chose not to ride on Tues... not a bad call.

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Yeah I was at the Loaf Sunday - Wednesday. Tuesday they shut it down so the wife and I took a break. She just got on her racedeck this year, and was trying out a more flexible board, which she liked alot. Monday and Wednesday were awesome days. Spillway turned out to be a great carving trail on Wednesday. we got a voucher for the lost day on Tuesday. Maybe we can make it back for Regae Fest.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was up at sunday river two weekends ago when they got all the snow (kind of sucked actually b/c of how wet and heavy it was) ... but what kind of snow did the loaf get?

and does anyone know if they've been getting the rain that Southern Maine is getting? I'm trying to decide if I should head up there this weekend (and what board to bring if I go), but if its raining - not sure if its worth waking up at 5:30....

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Well, certainly not a carver's dream. Good for putting in your time in tough conditions, though. That which does not kill us...

Standard late season. Needed the right combination of time of day, temperature, snow coverage and aspect to the sun. I'd say Ram Down did the best job of softening up w/o piling up. If one had strong skills then they would have enjoyed the challenge.

I'll be up the next two weekends and then my season ends.

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I'm heading home this friday night/saturday for my mom's birthday, so doubtful that i'll make it up sunday.

Maybe next weekend though. It would be good to bring out the softboots and do some spring boarding.

pray, dance, sing, or do whatever you do so the snow gods smile favorably upon us and let the season continue for another month. :1luvu:

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