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Meeting carvers not on BOL


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I'll be up there the 13th and 14th also. The easiest way to tell if I'm there is to look for my blue chevy pickup in the buck lot. It had a tanneau cover on the back and a ski rack on top of that. You can't miss it, I always park backed up to the hill where everyone has been parallel parking this season. And on a good day, I'll be switching between skis and a board about once an hour right there. maybe ill see you out there.

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I'm sure I've it there. You aren't one of the guys that has the tailgate open and a cooler full of beers and a grill full of burgers and brats, are you? I see them all the time. I'll look for you this weekend. (If I can remember :freak3:

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Haha, no I'm not one of those guys. I've always wanted to bring a pack of hot dogs and buns and invite myself to their nice hot grills though. You can always count on at least one of them being out there. My truck is a light blue chevy 1500 and its the only one you'll see with a thule rack on top of a tanneau cover and a ski rack on top of that. I'll be riding an old blue burton factory prime or a pair of volkls. And I always wear a white and black jacket that says Knoch above the left breast pocket.

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Pebu, not sure if you're still checking this, but i just heard that a few ski/snowboard teams will be up at crystal this weekend. the two i know of are WMU and Michigan State. Both teams have a few people who ride alpine set ups, so you should see a couple more than just me on the hill this weekend. Also, I'm heading up tonight so I'll be on the hill friday too. See ya out there.

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OOooh man, today was somethin...

Knoch, as we pulled in, I saw your truck with the tonneau up and we parked and by the time we grabbed our boots and headed to the Kinlochen building you were driving out.

Boardin was still pretty flippin awesome though. The snow was finally holding up and wasn't even that chopped up when we got there at 4 or 430 or whenever it was. I was a little leary at first, given that it was my 3rd day in hard boots. (My second consisted of 3 runs...) By the mid-portion of our stay I was rippin it up. I was so pumped. I was concentrating on leaning forward and keeping my hands where they belong and on their respective sides. One time on cheers I was running my heal edge just layin it right down and my left hand started hittin the snow without me even tryin. Kinda suprised me but it felt flippin awesome. I have my back toe hanging over about an inch maybe (because too much more forward angle and it's quite uncomfortable) and it was both awesome and frustrating for that toe to be getting in the way. When I got home I noticed a little shin bang too. On my rear foot... I notice when I'm carving I really push forward with my rear foot. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Anyways, that was my Crystal Mtn. diary.

We're gonna try to get there pretty early tomorrow and hopefully we'll hit some nice near-groomers. I'm sure I'll see you there this time Knoch.

By the way, How is that pronounced?????

See y'all later.

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Hey, sorry I missed you out there Pebu. I was with my girlfriend and she has a 9 week old puppy that needs to be taken care of way too often. I had to leave to let it out, but I was back out on the hill later that night. Hopefully I'll be up there again next weekend and maybe we can meet up then for some riding. I thought the snow was pretty marginal while I was out there so I spent about half the time skiing. To answer your question, It's pronounced knock, there is just an h that means nothing. Next time you're headed out let me know, and tell me what you're driving so I know when to look for you on the slopes. Those guys were all parallel parked in my spot right up on the hill again this weekend, so I asked one of them why, and he just stuttered some response about his truck being real big, I don't get it.

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It's all good. Sunday I managed to rack my brain against the ice anyways, so I wasn't really into carving hard. Spent the rest of the day leanin way back prettymuch.

I told my brother to back up in between a couple of paralleled vehicles but he thought that would be tacky. I thought it would be funny.

Unfortunately I won't be on the hill until the weekend again. Work and all... See ya out there.

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Tacky... I do it every weekend I'm there. I was in front of them, left, and then came back and the one I was in front of had pulled forward and filled the space I was in. So I backed in behind him in between two of the parallel parked cars. I'll be up there next weekend. Good luck healing the brain.

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