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2006/2007 Season Accident Thread


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Probably the worst injury I have had was when I was trying to ride a box in the park next to my lift and went head first into the ground(note to self, should get a helmet before doing boxes), that hurt for a bit... but I was mostly ok. Well that or when i went down some moguls in deep powder(like a foot or more) on a ski break, in full aspen uniform, and right infront of some guests when I caught an edge, lost my ballance, and went head first into a crazy upside down what-the-hell is happening spin throwing a huge cloud of snow. didnt hurt a bit, just felt stupid. Popped right back up to there questions of "are you ok?" lol...I'm supposed to be riding carefully on my breaks! But that powder was awesome, especially once I set the board up for it. Its still out there too, its fantastic.

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It was late afternoon, when the sun just went down behind the trees. the terrain blended together and the very choppy run looked like a grey blur. I started a heelside turn but halfway through i realized i had just gone over a mogul and i wasnt on the ground anym-

I hit the ground.

and after a few twists and flips i turned around, looked over to my friend dave who was straightlining towards my general area, and called out "wow, what a wipeout!"

at that moment he caught his toeside edge, faceplanted the hardpack and smacked his back with his snowboard.

theres my wipeout story so far this season, and i hope i can't top it when the season's over!:biggthump

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A few seasons ago, The snow was magnificent (For Australia anyways) Lots of pow pow...

Decided to go out freeriding with my softboot buddies... Found a really nice natural kicker that didn't need heaps of speed but just gently "popped" you into the air... The hang time was great felt like ages..

Anyway as one of the more elder riders I was pulling methods all kinds of grabs, 180's 360's 540's etc etc etc....so I decide to pull a backflip....(Now I have done them before Both on snowboards and BMX) and hit the kicker with a teeny bit too much speed... overrotated and landed in very packed snow... (which might as well have been ice) with the tip of my tailbone.

result.. I broke my tailbone...

So bad in fact it stayed in it's broken position (Basically pointing straight down)

I had to have surgery to have that repaired.... Nice scar.... I call it my Butt crack extension!!!

Most painful Bastard of an injury I've ever had in any sport (BMX freestyle, BMX racing, Road cycling, MTB's and snowboarding)

I have never felt such pain... seen such swelling, or stuffed that much snow down the back of my pants................ ever........!

I'm much smarter now:smashfrea

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It's not a day on the hill if I don't wake up the next day feeling like I got hit by a truck. One bad digger a day is about par for the course. I fall so often that my other half is always really surprised when I actually do some damage!

(Touch wood) I have yet to tear ligaments and things. But my helmet has proved its worth a few times this season, and today I am sporting a couple of hippers and a very bruised and swollen elbow...

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I wish I were sporting some bruises or something. I haven't been riding in about a week and it sucks. I think most of the time when I do fall it's from something lame like falling off the chairlift. Although last season I got my bell rung (thank god for my brain bucket) otherwise I would have had some drainbramage.

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well, i'm finally in the clear.

i sprained my ankle about 3 weeks ago due to my liners packing out a bit (have had them refitted since then). haven't been on the slope for 3 weeks either

x-rays came back and they're all clear, no talus fracture, and the ankle feels great. i waited about 2.5 weeks before i got the x-ray so there wouldn't be any swelling clouding up the picture.

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7th day on snow

4th run of the day, on the baby hill, with my students...

One of my kids dropped her board and boot from the chair lift down a small ravine. I left the kids at the top of the run with another instructor I was training, rode half way down the lift, and proceeded to post hole up to my hips down and up the ravine with her deck. I put my board on my right foot (on piste) and tried to push off my left foot (up past my boot) in the mash. Heard a pop, fell over, and couldn't straighten my leg. Long story short, I popped out my patella and ripped a ligament, had to ride down to SLC with a morphine drip and haven't been on snow since. :nono:

My PT person thinks I should be back out in two weeks if I keep doing the homework, so I guess I got off fairly lucky.

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