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freecarving clips

Guest stoked

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I just read the "Canadian Girl" and "Eurocarve" threads and agree that freecarving with all it's possibilities including "euro"carving would attract more people to alpine riding than races do.

I just NEVER saw any freecarving on TV or video. I'd be really uh stoked if someone could name videos that feature it. Also I couldn't find any clips on the net except the one at extremecarving.com

I simply don't understand why freecarving is not getting more (any) coverage ... even the racers freecarve in their spare time but you don't see that on TV ...

I guess I could also make some scenes available to others on the website I'm building / the webspace I have ...

Btw there was a report today in Austria about snowboarding going down a bit in general. I'm not stunned by the fact that a lot of kids go back to skiing. Maybe the industry will soon feel the drawbacks of marketing snowboarding purely as a fashion sport, all freestyle, and will (re)discover alpine riding. Because most riders don't ever get into actually jumping around and working on aereal tricks, don't even seriously think about it - and I guess we all know that there isn't that much powder all the time.

So what 80 percent do with their freestyle boards is drifting around on the slope and that surely gets old after a while.

Best carves to you,




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well the site is under construction ... I thought it would be easy to collect some pictures and make http://stoked.at a showcase for freecarving ... but there aren't (m)any 'professional' pictures around and I hesitate to add personal pictures that can be found on the net to the site without permission ...

I'd like to have like the greatest 6 freecarving pictures on the introducory "Facts" page and then everything goes on the "Pictures" pages, no matter if beginners' or advanced riders' pics.

So if you have a 'glamour' shot at home and/or would like your own pictures to appear there I'm more than willing to make that happen.




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I remember seeing one freecarving clip on TV. It was in a weekly skiing show in the province of Quebec (Ski Mag on the RDS channel). It was in the mid-90's, asym boards were still popular and symetric baords were making a comeback. There was some powder and some groomed runs carving, all in hard boots. The music in the background was "Big Sky" by an unknown band. I had it recorded, but it accidentally was erased a little later. Maybe I could call the station and see if they still have it archived somewhere.


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that's a good idea, I'll contact some TV stations and think about other possible sources too. As for getting me the clip you mentioned and surely for use on the website it would have to be on DVD or CD-Rom. Don't know if you think it's worth the effort.

Greetings and it's snowing again right now here, it wouldn't even have to, guess how the slopes will be in a few days, we're so lucky


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i was amazed to see a 1.5 second clip of some rider (we will assume that he was riding hardboots because thats all we got) carving a nice trench in Robot food's new vid Lame. unfortunately it only showed the bottom of the boad and the spray of snow on a cord background.

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Stoked who is the rider in the pure boarding vids? That guy is unbeleiveable Pop ing nose blunts in his transitions. Any one trying to explain carving to sombody should show them that link!

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I don't know the riders, their site is http://www.pureboarding.com (the clip links are already on my site)

That nose thing looks very cool yeah! Looks like they use softer freecarve boards. I didn't really try with my raceboard but that move alone makes you wanna buy a board perfect for just that :) and hopefully it will get some people to buy their FIRST alpine boards ...

I think what freecarving is all about is how many ways you can go with it. Just playing with an alpine board so to speak. Ideas wanted! (there are some in the "carving styles" thread). I'd like to make a page about that on my site with ideas/instructions for advanced 'playful' carving.

I'd like to cover that with pictures and I think with crediting the creators and including links to their sites, it's okay to create a list of carving clips that are available on the net so that they can be found easily in one place.



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everything will be in english and german - except the Facts page :) it's just some general information and there's much more right here at Bomber in english. Also you'd have to edit the text so that nobody laughs at the wrong places because of my bad english - or go write you own introduction to / description of the freecarving stoke ... that would be cool!

long narrow boards video just the quality is not that great, thanks,



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