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Loon/WV Opening Days


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im all in!

my only question is, will petee bring the hotdog lady, or his a-game? hes already started bitchin about the cold and asked if i was going to bring the puff to the scrimage tommorow. not a great attitude heading into the season, in my eyes.

red bull toast @ 7:58am paul bunyan "bunny" room

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tied for 1st place

john deere with 7 cups down the hatch + 3hr drive home

stevo with 7 cups down the hatch + 2hr drive home

2nd place

enzo with 6 cups, 1 sandwich, 3 waters, 4 midols. pretty impressive stats even with all the kicking and screaming that went on today! 16min ride home.

tied for last

kenmacmustache 17 time champion and favorite to win this one again

deer hunter


flyin haiwain


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i know i didn't run this by upper management. i dont know were my head was at the time of purchase, aspen maybee, or even wanting to be an extra on the hills, when they follow hiedi home to crested butte. i apologize and will take full responsability for my actions.

but in all defense of the the duke. this could be a great conversation starter for us. either with a pair of wobbling cougers, or a bunch of sweat time punks on our terf. whatever the occasion that the helly hansen instigator brings on, the guy in the jacket is ready for anything!

dtmfh @ gf your local sweat time punk.


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Impressive first day guys. I was pleasantly surprised with the great snow quality for Nov 22nd. Blown away that you had your Coilers out in Nov!!! That's awesome!!!

so jd starts the season off and sets the tone right away with a big time fashion statement. I still don't know what to think. I couldn't sleep last night. The wif said I was having nightmares, twitching & talking in my sleep all night long!!! She kept hearing me mumbling "fur ball", "wtf is that", and "cougar bait". Is that thing team issue?? Was it made of Ewoks??

What's the name of it??

Da Muff Huntah??

Hairy Sanchez??

Porn Star Stache??

Geraldo at Large??

Kenny Jr???

I'm worried about you choosing style ova function guy. Did you put a H/H patch over the Bogner label??? What's next CB lycra speed pants and Ugg boots?? WTF guy?!?!? Are you taking fashion cues from Reggie Dunlop???????? :freak3::eek::AR15firin:barf:

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the instigator by h.h thats the name, guy!

im still on the fence, i actually cant wait to see what polaris thinks of it. the good news is that its only 8 buttons away from being removed. i can always button the beav-stache back on when i take the pro cut jet to aspen.

ill see you friday at the pbr around 7:45am. ill bring you some tissues, so your eye liner doesn't drip on the new rug. also get me the 411 on the aid, to see who was inquiring about the D.I.L.F's marital status. i have look alikes in the area, that can put on a good closet show for the boys.

try to line up a football game in plymouth for friday. t32 vs sweetie pie time :boxing_sm

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guy weekday lifts start turning at 9am. there was so much snow yesterday that I had a 2-1/2 foot snowbank at the bottom of my driveway and needed to get plowed. all the rain, fog, and overnight warm spell corned everything up. snow consistency is more like frozen spring crust. was planning on going this afternoon but I think I'll pass on the mashed potatoes and wait til Friday for the gravy.

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this guy is the real deal!

after we split and maccockedzie thought he would head out on the hill to work on perfecting the toe side chatta-slide. i went home and grabbed the nsr and the wif, and we took some turns in the pak for the rest of the day. well when i went to the ba to meet up with my goon in law, guess who had wrapped up the bud light cup 08/09 title in one day.

lets put it this way when i saw maccockedzie at 4:00pm, he had drank more than we did on the day 1 massacre, and he was probably a beer or two away from closing in on our day 2 totals, COMBINED! however, he did make me proud when he brought some of his new roomies by the bitter end late night.

i just hope this isn't the direction where heading in for the 08/09 season, this is bad.

well, im getting thru my hangover, i gonna head to the hill and ***k some $hit up! :AR15firin

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awesome first day. The snow got better in the afternoon. I have full faith in the coiler now. Some of the fastest carving I've done up till now...not that fast, but fast for me. I think I'll need a cane for tomorrow.

Good seeing ya JD.

Enzo, the madd is unreal. Holds as well as the coiler, just makes you work more.

My next trip up north will be in 2 weekends. Finals are gonna rape me. I'll be walking weird until new years till the tears heal.

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i was thinking a full body cast and a live in nurse. guys in the nfl had it easier than you did yesterday! ive never seen someone fall so many times in one day, it must have been a world record! you must be black and blue from head to toe! remember that one run you took down basin street, after you made the comment on how well the alice n wonderland pot smoker special was handling the ice. holy $hit! im surprised you still had your teeth after a couple of those.

when you come back up in a couple weeks, ill let you borrow my hockey pants, elbow pads, shoulder pads, helmet w/cage and bring a mouth piece!

it was a real treat riding with you and ken maccockzie all day, never dull moment when your riding with the two sharpest tarts in the bunch!

good luck with school and get some rest!

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its true. I got outta bed like 3 hours late for my 8 am class. My leading ass cheek (left) is a lil bruised up. Guess I can't do my mankini spreads for FHM for a few weeks.

I was falling less near the end of the day. It was hurting too much to get up so I tried harder to fall. My arms are even sore from getting up all the time. I stayed till closing because I knew I'd regret every run I didn't take while studying.

At the end of each run I was puffing like an obese football player after cleaning up the KFC buffet. I'll be in better shape next time you see me.

Back I go to an adderall induced 8 hour study marathon. Yay for drugs!


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