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so I come back home...


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...friday after being swamped with work in a pharmacy for 10 hours listening to people bitch about the 2 hour wait to get theirs stuff filled because everyone seems to want to wait till friday to fill and pick up their stuff...

anyways, I get home and my neighbor is sitting on my stoop and says "you better get up stairs, some serious **** just went down."

Turns out when 2 of my roomates were home, 3 guys got in and robbed our house at knife point. My heart dropped because all I was worried bout was my boards, skis and boots. I go into my room and thankfully, they only stole a couple of dozen of dvds and video games. They didnt touch my ps2 or xbox or the wad of $20 bills sitting in my open drawer.

They did take 3 laptops (I have a desktop) and some money from my roomates as well as the house key.

Cops and detectives were all over our place. Strangley, 3 of the cops said I looked familiar from previous parties they've busted which I found kinda funny.

One of my neighbors knows of one of the kids that was robbing us so we'll go from there. What a great day...

My season almost ended before it started. it makes me feel kinda sick:barf:

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That sucks bad man. If/when you guys find the guys, not only should you kick him in the ass, but you should also ridicule him for being so stupid as to leave a wad of $20s, 3 high-buck snowboards, an x-box, a PS2, and god knows whatelse they left behind. All for some laptops and a few DVDs? Noobs. Now their going to go to jail for...wait, its massachusetts...a week maybe? Nah, I'll give them 3 months for armed robbery. But all that for a bunch of movies, some laptops, and a few bucks...DUMBASSES. Good luck with the investigation, I hope they catch the guys and sentence them to public humiliation :biggthump:angryfire .

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Just be happy you were not there... everythihng can be replaced.

Dude! Is that white stuff what I think it is?!

Oh my god man; this is PURE SNOW, do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is!?

We're Rich!!

Hahaha..... Thats from booger... in better of dead... I have that on VHS..now if I had a vhs player.

The best line is.. something to the effect... "if something gets in your way... turn"

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you guys need a couple katanas in the house, that would take care of somebody with a sissy knife

naw, you just need to get a giant german shepard so you can sit bacvk and watch em run if they decide to come back. :AR15firin good thing they didnt get the boards. i also like the idea of an attack cock-- er i mean rooster.

i love it when i run into cops that have busted a party that i was in attendence, and i especially love the look you get as the cop rakes through his memory to try and place your face.

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gleb gleb gleb. The joys of living in Mission Hill. For those that don't know, Gleb's hood is pretty close to Roxbury and some gnarley projects and ghetto like hoods. I lived there years ago, we had a great view of the skyline. Then this went down 3 blocks from our 17th floor apartment http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=health&res=9C0CEFD81131F936A25752C0A966958260

we moved 5 miles up the road to beautiful Chestnut Hill a month later, then the real story came out.

Good thing "Homey don't ski" huh Gleb ? Scary stuff...knifepoint, damn!

Homey loves PS2 video games tho. ;)True Crime New York is Homey's favorite.


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They would get home invasion, since they poked one of my roomates with the knife (it was a 12 inch sword), armed robbery, assault and some other stuff. another guy had a large nut driver which could be used as a nasty baton.

The crazy thing is that if I left work when I was actually scheduled to leave, I wouldve walked in on the whole thing as it was happening.

Paappraiser, you bring up an interesting point because they were looking for money and drugs. They knew probably from someone else that all my roomates smoke alot and one deals a little bit.

They bumrushed the house so no chance to get weapons even if we did have them. If everything ursle said is true, then I think we'll invest in a nice cock to protect us. Makes sense.

A dog is out of the question because everytime I see a college kid with a dog, I feel horrible for the dog because for the most part, if you're in college, you don't have enough time to invest in a dog. There would be much less riding for me if I ever got one.

Willy, I remember you telling me that story. Crazy stuff. The Hill has gotten better in the past decade or so, but the crimes are starting to get more frequent now. defintly a good thing that homie doesn't ride. I could careless bout most of my games and dvds. Haven't had much time to play. Good thing they only took the cases for my Gran Theft Auto San Andreas:AR15firin

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Ugh, this reminds me of a few years back when I was living in the ghettos of Buffalo, NY. I came home to 3 guys robbing my house at gunpoint. Thank god they were idiots, as they only took my speakers, an antique potato chip tin with about 300 bucks worth of change in it, and a couple of my granfather's things. Oh, and they took all of my beer too.

Stupid Buffalo cops came and didn't do a damn thing about it. Lazy fat slobs they were.

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In New Mexico you can shoot somebody dead no questions asked if they enter your house without your permission. Hence the addition of my .45.

Now to get my wife to learn how to shoot it!

Same thing in NH, but it extends to your property if it's posted. Hence the addition of my .40. ;) I live about...45 miles from Gleb, but manwitched between us is one of the most unsavory areas in northern MA and southern NH, a few altercations in our immediate area have left my girlfriend and I somewhat uneasy which is why we're both picking up shooting. Too bad you law abiding Mass people have way too hard of a time getting a weapon and permit to make it worthwhile...

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I have a permit to own a gun but not to carry, you need to be 21 here. My dad has a class A license. The way the situation happend wouldnt give you an oppurtunity to get the gun out unless you carry it with you all the time. In Mass, you have to either keep the gun on you all the time, or have it locked in a secure place.

I know you New Hampshir-ites can buy guns at yard sales, which is kinda cool. I doubt next year I'll still get my class A (license to carry) but who knows. If we shoot a robber, we could actually get sued


how that makes sense to anyone, I'll never know.

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I have a permit to own a gun but not to carry, you need to be 21 here. My dad has a class A license. The way the situation happend wouldnt give you an oppurtunity to get the gun out unless you carry it with you all the time. In Mass, you have to either keep the gun on you all the time, or have it locked in a secure place.

I know you New Hampshir-ites can buy guns at yard sales, which is kinda cool. I doubt next year I'll still get my class A (license to carry) but who knows. If we shoot a robber, we could actually get sued


how that makes sense to anyone, I'll never know.

Thats why its called mASSachussetts.

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