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Off The Grid:new Warren Miller Movie


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In my defence, you have to admit that the whole segment with you guys was a little "camp". I don't know if you intended it to be that way or that was just the way it came across in the film - all the neon one pieces and stuff ...

I'd ride happily with you too, except you'd kick my butt. :) And you do have my admiration for being able to ride one of those things ... one of my favourite memories is of a friend who was a spectacular skier, spending the day on a mono and getting his a$$ kicked all over the hill by it. I've rarely laughed so hard.

But anyway, the point of the post wasn't to sling off at you ... it was, actually, to ask, how the hell do you get the WM people to come to a carving event? I know that there's been a few attempts from BOL to have them come to sessions, never any luck. How did you pull it off??

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From what I understand "We" were contacted by Warren Miller Entertainment.

They came out to Utah during our annual "MonoPalooza" and spent two days filming. Tom Day and his sound man shot approx 2 hours of film that was condensed into the two or three segment in the movie. As Bryan noted I was in the right place at the right time. Cool for me :D

As Time-Warner now owns the rights to Warren Miller Entertainment things may change some. As some have noted the format has already changed. Hopefully that is a good thing. I personnely would like to see all of the "other" snow sports be represented in every movie. BUT it will be up to someone who takes the initiative to pursue the movie makers. For us it's Scott Gordon, the "Mono Guru". He has fought for recognition, for those of us who choose to ride "the other board", for years. As you Alpiner's know, if it's not "normal" it doesn't exist in the Corporate ski industry.

Scott Gordon has been thinking of proposing an annual get together for ALL of the "alternative riders" as in the Monoski, teleboard, Alpine board, Skwaler's, Snow bikes, etc...

Oh and the ONLY one Piece suit was worn by WME's talent Jamie Piere


Feed the addiction...

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Good job guys! Don has about as strong a "Snow Spirit" as you can find. He has been on my short list of those that live and breath sliding on snow for well over a decade. Like it or not, there are similarities that we share. I admire that they ride their choosen tool because it is a blast and it works. Reqardless of who approves. Regardless of whether it is popular. Sound familar?

Limited access to equipment. (even shared builders)

Looked on by the masses as odd.

Passionate about their choosen snow tool.

Works really well on powder or groomers.

Single Plank

Seen once to often in a day-glow one piece. :o

etc, etc.

Stay open to all snow tools, they may one day change your life. Snowboarding has for over twenty years of mine. Yours too I suspect.

Exit Soap Box ESB(or is that taken?)

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I'd ride happily with you too, except you'd kick my butt. :) And you do have my admiration for being able to ride one of those things ... one of my favourite memories is of a friend who was a spectacular skier, spending the day on a mono and getting his a$$ kicked all over the hill by it. I've rarely laughed so hard.

But anyway, the point of the post wasn't to sling off at you ... it was, actually, to ask, how the hell do you get the WM people to come to a carving event? I know that there's been a few attempts from BOL to have them come to sessions, never any luck. How did you pull it off??

Good girl Allee, spoken like a true Canadian Snow Slider!

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