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From the FIS website:

April 26th, 2006 - This season's Speed Skiing calendar had a new look: it consisted of two races at Sun Peaks (CAN), one each at Orsa (SWE) and Hundfjallet (SWE), and the fifth and final race in Verbier (SUI) - the most impressive race of the series. In addition, most competitors also participated in the Pro Mondial races in Les Arcs and Verbier. For the first time in years, there were no Austrian races and Leysin (SUI) was unable to participate as well. The penultimate event, planned for Cervinia (ITA), unfortunately had to be cancelled due to unseasonable warming.

In the men’s World Cup competition, Simone Origone (ITA) proved to be invincible, winning all five World Cup events to earn a ‘perfect’ 500 points. The competition for the next six places remained open right to the last race, with only 5 points between Philippe May (SUI) and Roger Wickman (SWE), which is the way they remained to the end, albeit with some last minute challenges from John (Mad Cow) Hemble (USA) and Jonathon Moret (SUI).

For the ladies, the reigning champion – Tracie Max Sachs (USA) – gained and retained an early lead, before rivals Kati Metsäpelto (FIN), Elena Banfo (ITA) and Sanna Tidstrand (SWE) in this order. Sanna’s performance was all the more remarkable because she only competed in two World Cup races, getting podium places in both.

Origone and Tidstrand can also be proud of the season for their world speed records set in Les Arcs (FRA) on 19 April 2006: 251.40 kph and 242.59 kph, respectively. In the same race, Michael Milton (AUS) broke not only the Australian speed record, but – as he has only one leg – the record for the fastest disabled skier, with a speed of 213.65 kph. GBR also had something to celebrate when Kevin Alderton – a blind ex-soldier – set a new record of 100.94 miles per hour (~162 kph)!

The year was a success for junior skiers as well as in the Production category, where especially the renewed support of France must be recognized. Finland and Austria also had active junior programs. The FIS Speed Skiing Committee is again growing, with new representatives from Switzerland, France and Sweden during the year. Finally, there is the prospect of World Championships in both Verbier (2007) and Les Arcs (2009), so we can look forward to another dynamic season with new junior racers emerging to challenge the ‘Speed Gods’.


I'd love to find results from the psychopaths who do this on a snowboard...still looking

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I'd heard about the blind skier...I say again, I don't even feel comfortable going 100 mph in my 3 ton Expedition with 20/20(contact corrected) vision, let alone in just a speedsuit on 2 planks of wood with a little P-Tex on the bottom......

I heard on a Warren M. film, the snowboard record was 125 mph....this was several years ago....plus the rider was bombing-I prefer being curvy

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I was there to see the Sun Peaks Speed Skiing, it was amasing how fast they picked up speed and how fast they need to slow down to turn at the bottom.

Justin Garey (a Sun Peaks ski and snow board instructor who helps out with the Snow Performance carve camp), set a personal best by breaking 100mph.

He then went to Europe and now holds the Canadian Ski speed record.

- greg

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Sun Peaks doesn't allow snowboarders to compete. I've asked.

Greg Marsden, did it appear to you that it would be too difficult for a snowbaorder to handle the runout and/or stop in time? They say its not safe enough for snowboarders, but for some reason its OK for skiers.

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