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Posts posted by griff

  1. hows the back??

    the boots with the liners are tight so i put a pair of liners that i had and fit wise better but i think they are softer than my 324's (maybe) their pretty close..

    I will pass, thanks for the try..let me know when your at wawa and i will bring them..i plan on being there tomorrow am for first chair.

  2. Angie, the kid that took me out on Tuesday as well left his mark, I was pissed that both times it was me down and not the kid, next time I won't back off (just saying that cause still pissed about it).:AR15firin

    Have fun at the loaf they are getting 18 inches-i have a daughter that teaches skiiing up there and is there now after classes to get the fresh stuff.

    do you know of a guy named erik beckman? he is the alpine man there..

    have fun with the fresh stuff...

    hope to catch ya at wawa at some point.

  3. yes-i remember those days chasing them like that..

    i was at wawa last night the conditions were great. last night was the second time i was hit by someone. its tough to lay down turns with so many kids flying down straight..so the early morning is the smartest way to go..tomorrow will be soft and wet i may bring my soft board it will be interesting condictions.

    catch ya tomorrow..i got to try on a pair of the UTZ boots! what a difference from my 324's mine are like a well worn in pair of slippers compaired to utz even in the walk mode..so i hear what you said about being stiff..

    catch you tomorrow..


  4. i saw after i hit send-you got it anyway.

    i don't know anything else for riding i would love to try the madd 158 with such a tight side cut it sounds like it would be a ton of fun..

    as well as i would love to get on a gs style for the larger area's..

    what do most people use for powder (not that we get a lot of it in the east) although this year I have hit it twice and both times i used my softy..

    i would at some point use hard boots all the time..

    think snow

  5. yes its me..same here..

    i plan on being at wawa tonight if you or anyone can make it see you all there..

    what is the best way of trying out boards as well as boots???

    its not like skis where a demo van shows up..i would love to feel what other boards have to offer..

    what do you do for powder?? do you switch to a softy??

  6. there was no attachment (that I could see). i looked at ward hills events and there was nothing setup for the 27th.. if there isn't anything going on i will be at wawa my daughter is on the race team and i will drive her over and ride as she runs gates.. my kids are getting older and now i have time to devote to my passions--one being carving which at some point i would like to try my hand at running gates..

    this past week i was at sugarloaf and spent time with erik bleckman (not sure of his last name) but fleck said he is the man when it comes to riding (he was right) he is so far the most informed regarding alpine riding and can teach the technique indepth that i have met..

    if there are gates to run i would love to do it if not i will be riding at wawa..

  7. My board only has 12 holes (::: :::} this is where things are not matching up at all. What I did is took the center of the board my stance is 48cm moved the center of my stance at 24 and moved it back 3cm as my set up. This should work Y/N?

  8. I guess I am not seeing what you guys are telling me. here is what I have.

    contact length is 147.5 cm

    center is 73.75

    front first holes are 16cm

    rear first holes are 24cm

    Please tell me where I am missing how to set up my bindings?

    Thanks again

    very confused.

  9. I should forget the center of the running length and make sure that mounting that I use the same balance point set up on the board just make sure that I am using the forward or rear hole pattern with my stance which is about that 19.5 ish. Y/N What is thowing me off is what I read about that center of the running lenght and going center or 1" back. does that make sense that volkl has the pattern 3" back from the center of the running length? If this is confusing it is to me.

  10. I read how to set up your bindings and discoved that my board (Volkl RT SL 163) that the mounting patter is 3" back from center. Can this be right? My understanding is center to 1" back is the correct set up. Y/N? Also is 19.5 for 5'10" a good stance? I was thinking of going a little narrower. Any insite would be helpful.

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