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Posts posted by griff

  1. For the record I did ask if we could get a night--I'll show you the tire marks..I took one for ya Steve.. I was told everynight there is a group so if something frees up I think we would just have to pick a night and lay down some trenches which could make up for the tire marks. I would say Wed night best with the two for one than again with such a small hill hey anyone for moving gates!!!!

  2. So if your basic stance is shoulders are facing the front of the board in a standard carving position (square to the front of the board) the additional rotation is it safe to say another 30 degrees (more or less) at the start of the turn? That would go for both heel and toe side..Here is my confusion: I was taught your shoulders should be in line with your hips and both are square to your bindings not to the front of the board...or as I am learning it just doesn't mater either can work if you develp the feel for the carve.

  3. Zone thanks for the advise!! I know why fool around when the real deal for EC is there.. soft springs you say--I can see that in the soft stuff.. I wonder on hard pack to ice having the soft springs would work with the Sword in those changing condictions. Wait what I'm I thinking if the condictions suck that bad I'm in the bar bending my elbow!!!

  4. sounds good its always more fun when there are others to laugh with..Hey do you know dingbat? He's been out to Ward to run gates last year a few times as well as making some turns at Stratton at last years carving gathering. The main run at the beast would be the perfect run to try it out on that is when its not a sheet of ice. Wawa would be good in spots but too many people to work on it unless first runs or last runs. what do you ride most of the time?

  5. As for my age lets just say the mind is willing and most of the time the body catches up...my coiler is about 6 years old with >10R something like a 9.something I bought it off a friend..

    I get the sword thing which funny is that web site after looking at the video's they have I was hooked but doing it was another thing. That was a few years ago and started to run gates with the local nastar and the guys I ride with are all speed freaks which I try to keep up but as last night proved diving my nose into a turn hit soft snow and the next thing I remember was looking up at the sky!!! So that deep carve back and forth is looking really good, plus its so cool to see and pull off when you can. Again what do you guys feel about an all rounder that is really built as an EC deck?

  6. Great input-here is another question to throw our there is, I get all that has been said, at what point does snow condictions play into it? I know the ideal, is fresh packed powder but here in the northeast you can go from packed to ice all in the same run. So when on hard packed I would still believe you can still put down some pretty close EC carves but on ice.. how are EC boards? The issue with this sport is there is really no where to demo such boards. My two main boards is a Volkl 163 SL (great on ice) and a 170 AM Coiler (great all rounder). Going through the process of what is my next board going to be, does it make sense to get an EC carver for the thrill of EC carves that will perform on ice and be used as an AM carver could be the ticket if the feed back goes that way without doing a demo I rely on other riders to run it past for feed back. But being able to lay down a EC has to be a rush (coiler is pretty good for it but I know I am missing a few parts to really pull it off). So thats the short of why I started this thread.

  7. Looking for feed back from carvers who once got down the basic carve going from a cross thru style that played around to the extreme carve style. My understanding is more upper body rotation with a focus on the push pull movement. That the extreme carving is more techique than equipment.

    Again throwing it out there for what others have found.

  8. Welcome and I will be seeing you on Monday nights there. There are about 6 or 7 of us that race on Monday and would love to lay down a few turns with you. Keep an eye out starting on 1/3 and intoduce your self.

    Looking forward to some great riding.


  9. Since this is a riding message board lets carrie it to summer bike ride. You guys know who I'm talking to!!

    Get back and tell me what looks like a good night to meet somewhere and get a weekly ride in. I think I am good most nights and weekends how about the rest of you. More is always better..

    How does a Wed night look say we meet at 6..issue is some of you live in Webster others in Berlin,,it looks like Grafton is about midway. We could meet in the center of town and maybe head down 122S there are a bunch of directions we can go with few cars (I hope) but many back roads in case there are too many cars.

    Let me know what sounds good on my first thougt out there.

    Hope we can pull this off.


  10. During the work week ward opens at 11, I live right around the block so when I see a window to go anwhere from 11 to 1 I'll go. During this time frame nobody is there so you have the place to your self. So if you want to catch ward during the week let me know.

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