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Everything posted by stevo

  1. bob gnarley recommends fireball flavor on leg day
  2. lol tough old graybeard hey KIDS don’ fight old MEN they’re tougher than you they're men you’re boys they listen to rock and roll you listen to pop they drink whiskey and bourbon you drink light fruit beer they have bushes you're manscaped metrosexuals everything they do is infinitely more masculine than what you do i don’t care how big you are or how gray his beard is, don’t F with them you will get your face stomped every time.
  3. old man strength is off the charts....the main ingredient of nightmares right here
  4. Old. Man. Strength. For anyone who doesn’t believe it (which at this point is kind of like not believing in gravity) there’s all the proof you need. That old ass dude can barely walk, but when danger strikes he turns into The Hulk. Catching chairs like they were air, snapping brooms with his finger tips, fighting off crazy chicks. He was a monster. But that’s what living on this here earth for 50+ years does to a person, it turns you into stone.
  5. thta koolaid prob costs some poor young naive slob 3 bills a month.....
  6. there is a phenomenon called old man strength- please see the previous true story from christian gilmour thiadoedoe
  7. f=ma reminds me of a recent christian-gilmour-thidoedoo story I first deadlifted 500 pounds on Christmas Eve of my 17th year. It happened in my bedroom of my parent's house. My family and relatives were downstairs celebrating the holidays, but I preferred iron to the company of people. With nothing but the murmur of voices coming from downstairs to psyche me up, I pulled 500. I was super proud of myself, so I left the loaded bar on the floor as a testament to my accomplishment. Moments later, one of my uncles came up to my room to fetch me to open presents. He saw the barbell on the floor and asked how heavy it was. I proudly told him but he didn't even raise an eyebrow. "Can I try it?" he said. Mind you this was a 50-year-old man that I didn't exactly figure to be a world-class athlete. "Sure," I said, "but don't you want to warm-up first?" "Nah, I'll just try it like that," he answered. And without any warm-up, knowledge of technique, or effort (or so it seemed), he picked up the barbell. He held it up and said, "So that's what you kids do to have fun?" He put it down gently and went back downstairs. HAHAHAHAHAAHAAA
  8. good luck scott, hope you can relieve the ache one way or the other
  9. nice trench softbellysailbarney butt i thought u wer a janitor lol
  10. i'm ready to go <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/6uB-AY_I7XM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
  11. ^I love that exercise this GUY wears gloves on leg day
  12. just gettin a short walk in at lunch....
  13. lol...no nothing that exciting, just a boring uhv chamber that's still 2/3 full of aluminum
  14. holy chit guy look at those aams is that even plugged in????
  15. 7000lb billet of alpase M1 about to get massacred to 485lbs
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