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Everything posted by rugger

  1. Maciek: Hope these help! Nidecker SL 153 158 162 contact length 1340 1380 1460 radius 7900 8600 8900 waist 191 196 198 Can't make a table but you clearly understand. Call other authorized dealers for more info as ECES is in full session.
  2. Fin and Jack: Is it true that Randy S is banned. Rumour has it that it is due to guilt by association. That is not fair. Having Randy S on this board makes for two-way conversation. Banning him makes it a one-way access and no conversation. It's amazing what you can get out of a half-baked smarty. Just a thought for you to consider. Rugger
  3. Make an appointment with one of the best boot fitters in the business 303-402-6733. You will be in good company of US Ski team members while being fitted. Larry's is less than an hour from Denver International and while there check out All Boards Sports.
  4. Is British unit causing trouble again? Oh well!
  5. Rob: You need to race and your local shop should support you. I think Bomber has the Stratos Pro in stock. So, when you land in Colorado visit your now local alpine digs , just pick them up at the Racers' party. You can also check with the folks at All Boards Sports. Remember that Larry is round the corner to fit the boots for you too. I will call this necessity buying. Support those that support you. Rugger
  6. Check with Sean Martin, he had some protective sheets made for the TD1. Better yet, call Fin and get the TD2.
  7. Holly Cow! ENRON (California energy blackout and financial mess); Lockeed Martin (million dollar toilet seats); MERCK as in Vioox; HALLIBURTON (Dick Cheney's company in Iraq and now in New Orleans); The list goes on. Wouldn't even talk about anti-trust and price fixing. Let's hear it for the do good corporations.
  8. Remember the ski company entrance into snowboarding. Salomon's boards were breaking and delaminating left and right but they threw more breaking/delaminating boards at the customer, no questions asked, until the problems got fixed. I wonder what Atomic will do to Salomon now that Adidas got rid of it for Reebok. Strange business arrangement. Seriously, look into Nidecker, Prior, Donek, Rome, Never Summer, Steepwater, Venture or LibTech for decks. Seriously look at the Made in Colorado decks.
  9. The MLY Signature is a good board (make sure it is new), broke one after a season, but the Cross is better. Don't mean to question how you narrowed your selection down to those 2 boards; you definitely need to give the Volkl Cross another look.
  10. The nose looks like a DuPraz concept. Quite obvious me think. I hope Sigi pays Serge royalty. OT: The Lions have been tamed, defanged and declawed.
  11. Be nice! Lest I tell Shawn to come and Kick your xxs. Shawn still rock, he was seen recently terrorizing the extreme terrains of Europe.
  12. Planned obsolescense, great marketing, incredible cult following from a mega corporation. Why change a winning money-making formula?
  13. Jack; You are 100% correct. As for the X-Bones there is no need for the alignment holes to be perpendicular. Boot adjustment should be centered on the center screw by carefully placing the toe and heel blocks. The binding height and leverage also makes heel and toe drag moot. Actually, the wide heel base of the x-bone may pose some heel drag problem on narrow boards and at shallow angles. As for the three hole crap, I think the x-bone has a special disk that is aligned parallel with the board just as Jack has described.
  14. OK Luke! Can you jab into that postal freak that called me a salesman please?
  15. Son of Obiwan, a friend of mine 245 pounds 5 foot tall played linebacker for the Cleveland Browns. He is by no means fat. Get the picture. Fat is blobber hanging of guts or shaking around biceps. Don't confuse with muscular, strong, big boned and sinewed. Chauvinists think weight = fat on women.
  16. I don't think so. I think he is saying that US news is so censored and and a big propaganda that he is conditioned to censorship. As such, he is for censorship.
  17. She is a saleswoman, Mr. I live on BOL. You need to get out and ride more. Phil, sorry about my ranting. I really mean that. I am sensitive to male chauvinists calling women fat. So boys watch your language around here, now that we officially and judiciously censor posts. Keep up the good work Fin.
  18. You must be new to carving. I recommend you take the time to visit with the folks at All Boards Sports in Boulder. I am sure they will help you with your setup and dial you in. It will be time well spent, give them a call and set up an appointment.
  19. WTF! You being sexist now! Listen up, I guess you are the only one whose opinion counts. I'll tell you what, 100kg, 1.53m, that is one ripped lady that would out carve you any day, any time. Just don't fall in her trench mofo.
  20. Visit/call your local store in Boulder. www.allboardssports.com
  21. Uhmmm! Fin playing the judge and the jury, after being prodded by the puppet masters. This is a slippery slope. Granted that COILERS are GREAT SNOWBOARDS, it is possible that someone had a very bad experience on it. You cannot discount that. You have no way of knowing if the lightweight was riding an heavy weight board. You have no way of knowing if he picked up a used Coiler that had been internally damaged. If the reviews are honest as you guys feel, then they should be left on the post. The law of statistics will prevail. All you Coiler lovers, post your reviews and the fluke review will become an outlier in statistical terms. In my opinion, this is a wrong sensorship message being sent here. The hidden messages are: (i) if you don't conform you don't belong; and (ii) we the elite carving few knows the best equipment and you cannot question our authority. I hope I have not hit any raw nerves here. Just trying to keep you guys honest. Seriously, if the review system has worked all this years why the change in policy because of a few nonconforming reviews on Coiler decks? I hope Fin will reconsider this change in policy. It is not necessary.
  22. Time to upgrade to the Dakine Concourse Double. It used to be 200 cm but I think it will be 195 cm next season. A few world cup racers I know use this bag. It holds up well and allows more stuffing than you get with hard case.
  23. Seen on a bumper sticker, my son is a honor carver at the Bragging Mountain Resort. While we are all bragging on this site, my daughter rips insane arcs on race stock 184 BS board.:D
  24. Last season for the 4807. Kaput.
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