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Steve Dold

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Posts posted by Steve Dold

  1. I'm with Jack, intuitively it seems strange to lube threads because you'd think the threads would slip. But thread friction prevents this. If you don't lose preload, you don't lose friction, and the bolt doesn't loosen. I always use the T-wrench.

    I read somewhere that most people tighten small bolts/nuts too much and large ones not enough. I don't know if it applies here but I thought it was interesting.

  2. It's not the frequency, it's the crappy radios. FRS radios are cheaply made and have horrible audio amplifiers and speakers. You might get an improvement going from NICADs or NIMH batteries to alkalines, because the lower the battery voltage, the more distortion there is. Sometimes an extrernal speaker sounds better. Turning the volume down usually reduces the distortion.

    If you really want decent radios, get ham licenses and use those, you will be a lot happier :biggthump

    A radio that takes AA only can still be used with rechargable AA batteries and an external charger, just get generic NIMH AA batteries and a charger. I use rechargables in all of my stuff that was made for AA alkalines only.

  3. Cool Joel. Hey, I'll email you when I get back home, I can receive mail from here (work) but can't reply until I get home. Anyone here familiar with postfix and relay configuration?

  4. Hi Joel. If you live in RC I would go to Kirkwood. I live in Antelope (Near Roseville, North Sac) and I go to Kirkwood because of the good snow, good grooming, good beginner/intermediate runs and short walks to the lift lines. Also, compared to Northstar and Sierra, which are full of people, it's less crowded. They are starting to piss me off with increased fees and some jackass things they are doing to the mountain, but I'm there for now. The people that run the place are very nice.

    It takes me at least 1/2 hour to drive from the north side of Sac to the South side of Sac, even more if there is weekday commute traffic. I should be going to something on the North Shore, but with the exception of Rose I'm always disappointed with the grooming and crowds.

    After my experiences with the crowds at Northstar and Sierra, I will never, ever buy the double whammy pass. The Kirkwood pass is a very good value, even after the price increase this year.

    If you aren't interested in black runs, check out the First Adventure Pass for "beginners" ;-)

    I've almost never had a problem on 88. You should be able to make it there in 1-1/2 hours or so.

  5. Heh...nothing that fancy, it's just 4130 steel aircraft tubing, .035 wall thickness. I'm not sure about the engineering aspect, but according to my friend who designed the frame, good double-butted tubing is great for single frames because they see mostly bending loads, but tandems see mostly twisting loads so straight gauge is better. These same frames were sold in the late 80's to early 90's under the name "Ibis". They are well respected for handling, but not known for being light :o

    Most people I talk to don't seem to think tandem weight is a big deal. I think this thing will weigh in at 40-45 pounds. About like a Schwinn Varsity with a rack full of textbooks :eek:

    What is a 29'er? I've heard the term but can't figure out what it is.

  6. Since the thread has slowed a bit, here's my progress so far on my tandem if anyone is interested. It'll look more like a bike after this weekend when hopefully I'll have the top tube brazed on and get started on the rear triangle. My girlfriend and I want to ride it in the Davis (CA) Foxy Fall century on October 15th, so I have a month and a half to finish it. No problem, right? :lol:



  7. I drive a lot for work on fire roads through the mountains, these roads are unmarked, crappy, awful roads. Although I probably don't use the built-in mapping much, it's sure handy to draw the route beforehand in USAPhotomaps using the topo and aerial photos, then transfer it to the GPS and follow it while I drive. It's so cool to see a turn coming up on the GPS before I see it on the road. Sometimes it's hard to even recognize it in real life, if it's covered with brush and weeds.

  8. Can you transfer detailed map info to the Garmin? I thought that stuff was proprietary.
    Not with USAPhotomaps, I just transfer routes, tracks and waypoints back and forth. I was thinking of transferring topo map info from the Garmin Topo USA to the GPS, but if it looks anything like what it looks like on the computer screen, I don't think I will because the info isn't anywhere as detailed as USGS Topo maps, and I carry those with me anyway.

    I forgot to mention that the Etrex Legend is pretty darn accurate with elevations, it seems to always be within 20 feet or less if there is good satellite reception.

  9. I use the Etrex Legend, it's Not color, but it's easy to see and has great battery life (20 hours), and I use it for cycling and hiking and it works just fine. The receiver is not as sensitive as others but it's OK for me and I'd probably buy another one unless something better has replaced it. It's not good under trees (RX sens). It also has WAAS which gives a little more accuracy (it says).

    I bought the Garmin TOPO USA software and never use it, I find it too much effort to learn and the topo representation is really crude. I use USAPhotomaps (free) to transfer routes and tracks to/from the GPS, and it has real USGS maps and crappy B/W photos too and is much easier to use.

    One big reason I don't like color devices is that I find it harder to see the screens in the sun. I haven't studied the color GPS units much, but when I broke my old Palm Pilot and bought a color one to replace it, I soon wished I hadn't. I never needed color for anything and the horrible battery life, hard-to-see-in-the-sun screen and the fact that it ran the battery dead if sitting unused for three weeks made me really miss my old unit. Newer is usually better, but not always :( Same with my new color cell phone. I can't even see the stupid screen unless I press the power button momentarily to turn on the backlight.

  10. Hey Derf, check out frameforum.net, and Suzy Jackson's page for a lot of good info, it might be easier to start out than you think. I'm building my first tandem frame right now using pieces from a frame that was never finished. I'm having to re-size it by lowering the top tube, and add the stays, it's a ton of work, but it's good practice and it keeps my mind off of waiting for winter.

  11. i think that some men are intimidated by women who are smarter than they are... what do you think about that?
    It's happening to me right now! :lol: Just kidding, I don't know about that. It might be true, but it's not something my friends or I have ever talked about. I think smart is pretty attractive.
  12. Guys typically set their standards about three or four points higher than they should. I did it too, and it was the reason I stayed single for a long time, and didn't have a lot of luck in clubs. Most of my friends had the same problem, and it never occured to us that the answer was simply lowering our standards. I don't know what this has to do with anything, but guys eventually come to terms with the fact that a 5 is not likely to land a 10. [Edit: unless he has big money, or is the instructor in her scuba/skydiving/snowboarding/whatever class]

  13. I think some people are afraid of a big change, like buying a house.

    Also, often a guy would rather look like he's afraid of commitment when the reality is he is only using the woman for sex and temporary companionship, but doesn't see her as marriage material at the time because he thinks he can do better.

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