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Steve Dold

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Posts posted by Steve Dold

  1. Even though expensive stuff doesn't make much of a difference in performance (it is the motor after all), good equipment is more fun to ride. You don't need to be an expert to tell the difference. This goes for snowboards and bicycles. I'm having way more fun riding my new carbon fiber bike than my old steel bikes. I feel like commuting to work now where I didn't ever feel much like doing it before. I'm not much faster (if at all) but the ride is smoother, everything shifts and works better, and it's more comfortable. Plus it's way easier to get on the roof rack. All these things make me want to ride a lot more. I think it's that way in any equipment-oriented sport.

  2. This is how a customer should be treated when he has a problem with a product. I think it's an interesting contrast. For anyone bothering to read it, "Hanssc" is one of the owners of the company. Not saying that Prior or anyone else should lurk the forums and pounce on every problem they see, but it shows what a difference CS attitude makes, some people are afraid that these frames might have problems but are still buying them based on Customer Service alone.
  3. He's only 120 pounds, are you sure a 160 is too small? I started out on what looks like a similar board (Burton Coil) 165, but I weigh 180. It wasn't a bad size to start carving on. The shorter boards seem to force me to use good technique (which I've since lost after moving to longer boards).

    Hey Fluxgame, funny coincidence, I was reading your posts today about the B-17N over on bikeforums. Is it still working out OK?

  4. Is anyone racing on piezoelectric boards?

    Pebu: Yeah, it's the stress in the material that creates a voltage. I don't know if you can get much current though. And if you apply a voltage across the material you induce a stress in the material, so it works both ways.

    Their description is what is goofy. They talk about the piezo effect controlling circuits and "microchips" and doing all kinds of things. How are they running these IC's? Are there storage capacitors built into the board, or a battery embedded into the structure? Where is the power to dampen the board coming from? Another set of piezoelectric elements? So one set of elements generates the power through bending action, and another set dampens the vibrations, and in-between there is voltage rectification and regulation, some active control circuitry, and even a light? The piezoelectric effect is real and useful but the way they are describing the system sounds really gimmicky, like those shoes with the lights on the heels. If one set of elements was hard-wired to another set of elements with no crap in between, I could believe it, maybe.

    Couldn't you do the same thing with pockets of shot embedded into the board, like a dead-blow hammer? Someone ought to try that. EDIT: I know it's note really the same thing, but it would be fun to try it.

  5. I think it sounds really interesting and I'd like to try it, at least on a freeride board. I think it's pretty cool when companies try new things, whether they work or not. At least it has some practical science behind it, unlike those stupid piezoelectric boards.

  6. I didn't know special carving gear existed until I did a web search for "carving" and found this site. After that, just about everyone I ride with I met as a result of this site. Boots and Bindings I definitely buy after reading about them on this site, boards not so much, the boards I like the most don't always coincide with what most people like so I find my own thing there.

  7. I don't know why, but I like the "Laying tracks" railroad pic. It's kind of a funny ad for a snowboard. The old way vs. the new way.

    The ads are pretty cool regardless. It's great to see an ad with the board on the snow. Imagine that, a snowboard on the snow :biggthump

  8. Finally, a magazine that speaks our language :rolleyes:

    "Snow defines the premier alpine experience. It speaks with the voice of a seasoned, skilled, and well-traveled snowsports enthusiast, who also happens to be well-educated, socially active, and fashion-forward. Our readers aren't afraid to drop a couple grand on an '82 Chateau Margaux. They know that the softer the linens tonight, the harder they can hit the mountain tomorrow."

    The last line could be read a couple of ways.

  9. Hey Art, have you tried selling any on ebay? I've had amazingly good luck selling a product I've been building for airplanes (Control locks). It's a good way to get an idea of what people are willing to pay. A detailed ad with lots of good pictures is the key. BTW I got your email, the prices aren't bad at all.

  10. Those look great, Art.

    My favorite board bags have been flat cheap ski bags, where you just slide the board in and fold the flap over and connect a buckle. I like it a lot better than having to run a zipper all the way around the bag. Bindings (binders, whatever you want to call them) fit no problem. This looks like the same idea, but better at protecting the board. I like it.

    How much are they going to cost, have you figured that out yet?

  11. Pebu, that quad deal sounds pretty good. I wish we had a deal like that around here.

    Hey Hugh, right-on on the promotion. I just got a raise, but no promotion. I bought the same KW weekday pass as you and Jim, but if you guys decide to do Rose or something else too, I might be in. I can't do too many weekends but I'll take some weekdays off. That's what you do when you're core like us :biggthump

  12. Strider: You win. This is the worst video I have ever seen. Ever.

    Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

    Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!


    All right!

    We're doin' great in college!

    Made president at our jobs!

    Long as we've one leaf on we're doin' fine!

    Japan's got crises [sic]


    Tomorrow's wonderful

    Even if somebody's mean to us

    We just go to bed and

    Snore! Snore! Snore!

    BorderYUL: My work network won't let me access that one. Must be good. heh

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