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Posts posted by cafercr35

  1. Bryan,

    Hope the leg is feeling better. I am interested in the RT you mentioned above.

    Email Sent.

    These are the boards I mentioned in my other post.

    135 Burton FP

    138 Fake

    144 Liquid Arc

    148 Generics Peak

    154 Burton R17 (I actually rip around on this when teaching my son on the 135)

    156 Rossi Vas

    I think I could get rid of a few of those mid boards with the RT in the quiver.


    I would be interested in whatever it is you would like to pass along. Keep me posted.

    Thanks Joe

  2. I really enjoyed today and wanted to thank you guys for helping me out. Good fun.

    David - glad to hear you got to ride with the Blue mt boys....those guys kickass.....I will be there tomorrow morning....u gonna make it.

    Greg and Jesse - u guys gonna be there tomorrow? what time does it open?

  3. shred - ur a funny fellow!!!!!

    Thanks for the replys - some very good info here

    We need to start the youngins early - bring up a generation of carvers!

    My nephew 15 yrs old....on skis for 5 yrs.....saw me carve...said "I wanna do that" - I put him on a 157 oxygen with some race plates with my Burton Reactors. To my amazement - his third run he was linking turns and getting up on edge. By end of day we were runing greens without stopping. He has a background of surfin and skateboardin.

    Said he will never go back to skis!!!!!!!

  4. Thank for all your comments....you guys are just pumping me up for the ride of my life....:D

    Chubz - when I see you on Sunday - we can chat on the plates...I do still want them...we can measure them up and then you can make them at your leisure. Thanks

  5. As far as the POGO's , that will all be dependent on how many longboard skate decks I build and sell this summer. I have about 6 pre-orders. If I dont earn enough extra cash, then some of the whole quiver will go.

    I have never tried longboard....but on a nice day couple weeks back I was driving home from work on a country road(slightly sloping down)....and in front of me was this guy just carvin out the road...I follow behind in my truck about 1/2 mile.....he stop at a mini cooper at the bottom. He had a longboard and his girl would drive him around, find a nice slope and meet him at the bottom..

    I need to try this. How expensive is a startin deck....do you have anything available to give a try.

    I usually scratch the carving the itch with my crotchrocket - i would like to give this longboard thing a shot too


  6. If I'm not mistaken this board started with my RC 180, I asked bruce to build a 180 RC metal last year, he decided on round tail modification to reduce the effictive lenght and give stiffness to the tail since I was a tall and skinny dude. I wanted a super Turny board for the narrow runs on the ice coast that could hold the some serious ice.

    you'll love it... that thing can turn , buckle up, it will surprise you. As soon as you angle the board a little it goes !


    Thanks E for the use of you template - also thanks for the assurance that Bruce actually knows what he's doing ;-)

    I will let u know how it goes

  7. hey there, I highly suggest getting the catek d3 elastomers to go under those OS 2s, they make the binding feel softer on metal boards. Softer is better when it comes to metal for most people.

    yes - good lookin out - they are on order - due in a couple days - Thanks!

  8. Cafer

    Sweet!!!! I am in process with bruce right now for a build.

    Any taper on it?

    You still gonna take it out in the rain this weekend?

    I should be out as long as it isnt cats and dogs.

    I was out for lunch today. It was good to above average, fast!!!

    Do you still wanta set of my plates, I see you have a set? If you do Do you want them that shape or more square? Need width of board at you binding placement.

    Bruce is a great guy - I rode with him at the 06 SES.....good luck with your order.....are you selling any of the Pogos, or just adding to the quiver?

    As for the plates - I found a thin pc of plexi I am going to try replace the rubber with - let's hold off and see how it works.

    I plan on doing Blue on Sunday -forecast is for sun and clouds but no rain. It would be really hard to leave it home. Is there any bare spots? that would defintely change my mind.

    Can't wait for Sunday!!!!

  9. Just got my new Metal Coiler:

    It the best one!!!!

    "It is actually a custom template done for the metal construction as the rounded tail gives the boards a bit more lateral stiffness across the tail. It is based on a 180 Racecarve but had the contact length shortened to 159cms from 162. So it really is a 180 metal racecarve

    180 x 18.8 x 11.5m x 159 contact. Quite turny as I will soon find out"

    --------------------Quoted from Bruce himself -----------------------------Can't wait to test it out this weekend!!!:ices_ange




  10. I'll be out Sat and Sun both, this is my last weekend to ride at Blue because their closing date is next Saturday. Sunday looks like it might be the better of the two weather wise.

    Cafercr35, would you like a glass version of 180RCII to go with your metal? I have the inside line on one coming up for sale soon. :D Oh the things metal will make you do.


    i think we are pushing towards sunday -

    I can wait to get where you guys are!!!! seems to me metal is going to change my life:ices_ange

  11. Cafer

    Which Coiler metal did you get. I got to demo a few at ECESand fell in love with metal period. I tried a RC180 which was out of this world and I am in process with Bruce for a custom build. did you get to ride it yet? If not you will hoefully be tickled pink, JBS and I couldnt shut up about them.

    Mine is a Custom metal template - 180 metal racecarve measurements

    180 length x 18.8 waist x 11.5m sidecut x 159 contact. It also have a rounded tail for smoother transitions.....the only metal board I ever rode was my Volant....and I know the coiler is an enitirely diffferent level.

    Bruce is awesome....he is a man of his word and absolutely knows his ****.

    I bought material for your plates, just have not had a chance to get to them and I am currently having a joint inflamation episode, which limits my tool working abilities but I will get to them ASAP.

    I am open most any day, except next week.


    No rush on the plates - I have a set of cateks to hold me over....but I like your idea of the solid insert....not really favored towards the rubber cateks has in the center.

    I saw some pics of ya in ECES - way to rip - hopefully I can get out there next year.

  12. keep the butt down - staying low makes the carve come naturally.....DO NOT HUNCH OVER.......bring the butt down keeping your upper body perpendicular to the surface.

    look through avatars on this site.....study them.....notice the position.....and take some notes on what you see.

    larger view of my avatar.


  13. I've been feeling really bad for you poor saps out on the Ice Coast so I stayed up all night last night in a caffeine fueled trance praying to gods of snow and dancing for their pleasure that they might smile and bestow upon you their favor. Did it work?

    You may need to use something stronger than caffeine to to the east coast gods......it started out nice and fluffy 6-8" by mid afternoon the rain god piss all over and the fluffly turned to heavy piles of cement.....I just walked my dogs and the top layer is freezing over and the driveway is a solid sheet of ice.

    Lookin forward to doing some carving tomorrow....lol.....

    Thanks for all you dancing - I'm not complaining - you may have added a couple weekends for use....back up to 46 tomorrow. Hopefully the groomers will work their magic and we can get some fresh powdered cord for the morning.

  14. back in my ski days - I came up to the side of a lift pole (which had a protective pad attached to it) - there was a nice kicker so I was setting up for a helicopter...I went for a pole plant to help get me off the ground....I misjudged and the pole stuck the pad instead of the kicker and the handle of the pole shot me directly in the center of the forehead......stopped me in my tracks and straight to my back - wow was i flattened - didn't even know what hit me until I looked up to find the ski pole still stuck perpendicular in pad.....luckily my only injury was the bump on my forehead and a big dent in my pride......I wish I had the view from the peeps on the lift.

  15. hey due date is when ever you get to it....I'm in no rush....i'm missing the ECES thats same time I'll be in Daytona.

    When I get back and you get back we get in touch and work it out.

    No worries - "at your convenience" works for me

    Enjoy ECES - those guys are great - take complete advantage of the demo booth.....its fun to ride all the different decks.

  16. it was pretty sweet on the edges today...pretty empty too.

    I was riding the softies today.


    I will be there tomorrow - riding the FC- 185, looking forward to fresh groomed powder with sunshine. I'll be there first chair.

    Bright green pants and long carving board:D

  17. Yes - put em together - the 3 plates sounds good to me.

    Let me know when you got em completed - I'll meet you at Blue, deliver the

    6-pack....and take this coiler for a spin....

    I'll be in Daytona for Bikeweek from Feb 28- March 8th. Just putting the finishing touches on my 2.5 year chopper build project....super stoked!

    What flavor 6-pack you like?

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