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Everything posted by MR. JOHN DEERE !

  1. looking for a pair of size 27 orange deeluxe indy's. fairly new condition, or still in the box. "possible trade for 2 left boot, af700's and 1 left boot deluxe indy" all size 27 and in pretty good shape. :D lol
  2. yeah i friend of mine has one. its a 183, very stiff. let me know, i can call him for you.
  3. hey, i just saw that wicked pissa base bevel, that thing has more pitch than bretton woods,ova.
  4. nut fur nuthin guy but, the new hampsta token is no longa in action. all done, ova! anyways i was talking to my buddy, he got that holmenkol oney he will let you borrow for the loaf. pis on fod
  5. eh guy, ill take it my shi-tzu wants to leard how to carve, do you think this would be a good size for him. he's around 15lbs without his red bow?
  6. no stikkas guy, i could throw in a wicked pissa samon sweata that attracts wicked pissa lookin bar tendas! nice feet hey do you want to send that tommy to me to get it tuned? 10-4, OVA
  7. i can get you some pics next monday the bag is at my ski house. it still looks brand new.i only used it on a couple trips,can you wait till monday?
  8. 2003 200cm dakine padded board bag. Its very similar to the new dakine high roller bag "www.dakine.com" , but this one will hold the elephant gun . Great for traveling, it has hard rubber wheels for those long walks to the economy lots at the airports. It can fit 3-4 boards easily with bindings and i've had 8 boards stacked without bindings. used one season in 2003, has been in my closet for 2 winters now. navy blue with grey dakine lettering. $75+shipping.
  9. get me your phone number soi can call you.merry christmas. ova
  10. hey dukes,i'll be local january 4th thru the 9th. meet me at the purple martini wednesday for a quick spritza .then i will be in summit with reamus,the bum,walker and rusty. let me know, ova.
  11. its has 8.6 stiffness, its on the donek list. it figures that i got a custom board that still isn't just right . no, i used to were a size 25 boot, but as im getting older, comfort is a real key for me and the 27's Im wearing know wont let me be at the angles i wish to be at. let me know if that is stiff enoug for you, i weigh an agile 200lbs.
  12. hey mike are you looking for a donek? i have a 180/19 waist 14m sidecut. its a too norrow for my feet i need something wider, let me know. 781 858 0539.
  13. chuck its psycho , whats up? you still coaching up at eldora?
  14. The booster strap helps, but the best thing is to take 3-5 advils in the am, about a half hour before your on the snow. Then at lunch have a couple bud diets and 2 more advils and you should be all set. ova.
  15. is that what you had on the lake? those guys are making some really nice skiffs. the outerlimits factory is about ten minutes from my house. little overkill, but the cougers dig em, and thats what its all about,ova.
  16. enzo, i finally got a real power boat. it came down to a 42' outerlimits with 3 502 bravos and a 12' aluminum with a 15hp johnson. i went with the big boy the 12 aluminum.
  17. eh wavechasa, pissa suit guy! manchvegas mike and his buddy from loon wear one of those things all the time. chicks dig em.
  18. what size ar eyou looking for? i have a couple of extra pairs. j.d
  19. three ?'s about prercision tuning. whats the adress or what is it near, grew up in that dump and have never heard of it, what are there prices and who's the person i should see? love chopper i spent some time there and i miss it every day, did you do the super b lift and that pitch under the chair. thats a killer. jd
  20. yo enzo, im making a day trip up sat am. but ive got to make it back my in the pm. my grandfathers wake is on sundee kinda cant miss that, eh rights. can you give me some info on what the weather people are saying about the roads saturday night. also when was the last time that they shut down 93 due to tha wetha . ive been waiting for this sh!t all winta, we'll see what the prior's got in her. let me know tonight if you could,ill buy ya a pint at the bunny room,pis on fod! jd ova
  21. paul, thats great that you love it. tell your buddies i have one more left. its a 196, i had her out this weekend, its in the best shape out of the three its only been used 10 times. i miss em already, ive been borrowing boards from my buddies, and there not doing it for me. but im glad your happy with the 164. keep in touch joec
  22. i miss it already, ive been borrowing a buddies oxygen proton 178, good on icy days, but doesn't have that pop too it like a custom coiler. well have fun on her she has lots of life left in her. joec
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