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Posts posted by CaRtharsis

  1. I was riding with Jack last winter at Sugarloaf and having quite a bit of frustration. I've been riding for a long time but just couldn't seem to progress.

    He gave the the task of lifting my inside shoulder and bringing the outside arm across my body. I may be over simplifying it so please correct me Jack. It effectively forced me to not break at the waist by exaggerating the motion which kept the shoulders parallel to the slope.

    Consciously lifting the inside arm prevented me from reaching for the snow, and being a fat guy prevented me from being able to reach across the body and touch the snow. Win Win!! LOL

  2. :1luvu: Love you too, man. I'm not having your babies though. You've got to draw the line somewhere.

    You're too tall and deficient in certain areas I deem mandatory for a breeding partner. Even if it is just for practice/recreational purposes. The whole you being a dude issue would be the first insurmountable hurdle.

  3. Since the last of the snow has long since departed and I'm getting sick of reading threads about people still getting carving in I though it appropriate to start a thread to celebrate the summer and our two wheeled adventures.

    So if you're heading out for a ride, know of a good place to ride or can provide feedback on conditions of trails in your area feel free to post it up and you may just have some company.

  4. Yes it absolutely did change the flex of the board. I received the board shortly before ECES last year and had only two days on it before the session. Before we left I received the spacers and installed them. First day at Stratton was very soft and not at all what I normally ride here in Ontario so I could not make apples to apples comparison. I rode the rest of the week and the board felt different but I assumed it was just because of the different conditions. I rode the remainder of the season on that setup (OS2's and spacers).

    This season I ditched the Cateks and moved to TD3's. First run the change was immediately apparent. The VSR was built for my weight (fat) so it was stiff, but I didn't realize how much I had been fighting it last season. Without the spacers it was a completely different beast and much more compliant. It turned when I told it to and bent when asked to. The while experience was much more enjoyable. Upon closer inspection of the top sheet you could see extra wear at the fore and aft ends of the front and rear spacers respectively as the were competing with the flex of the board.

  5. Skiez pour 1$...

    ...Oui, vous lisez bien. Pour seulement 1$, vous pouvez skier toute la journée jeudi, le 24 mars au Mont Ste-Marie. Nous célébrons une excellente saison de ski et invitons tous de venir bénéficier de ce spécial jamais vu. Dite-le à vos amis et venez skier Mont Ste-Marie ce jeudi, 24 mars pour le meilleur ski de printemps à seulement 1$ !

    Thinking of heading to MSM on Thursday to enjoy the $1 skiing. THis is not on their site but in an email recieved by a colleague.


  6. Is it really that important to you to prove how small yours is?

    It's a realistic discussion about what we do have. Mine is in fact smaller than yours. But it is at least equally as satisfying as yours. The real question is whether or not you are able to accept it. ;-)

    PS. Some people love that they can go up and down mine way faster than they could yours.

  7. This is based on the graph in the link I posted above. They compare base elevation and summit elevation of the 5 "local" hills. They have an ultimate summit elevation of 1250' but their base is depicted at 500' giving me their 750' vertical. If they have more true vertical then they should have indicated it on the graph where they are promoting themselves as being higher than everyone else!

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