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Posts posted by boarderboy

  1. 3-speed automatic - slowest - most boring car I've ever driven.

    250 mi. round trip through hilly Possum Pouch western piedmont, 80% hiway, 20% stop/go. 44 mpg on low-sulfur Diesel.

    Adjust. Adapt.

    Cheap petro fix is not a birthright. And the "cheap" price doesn't include the $$ Billions we have/will spend keeping the Straits of Hormuz & Suez Canal "friendly" and open. And we're notoriously reluctant to pay the taxes necessary to sustain those misadventures.

    P.S. Did you know Signore Diesel was Italian?


  2. do keep SKES going!!

    I won't make it because I'm still looking for a suitable inflatable hot tub. What with the new "full body scans" and all, I wouldn't want Homeland Security to get the right idea.

    And please find someone to manage the King into the future. As mentioned before, my one experience in Jackson Hole came after 4 days @ Grand Foggy. It was a package deal, and the last 3 days had to be spent at The Hole.

    The smart members of our group took a lay day to go snowmobiling in Yellowstone. Two of us opted for the mountain. And to say Jackson beat Hades out of my exhausted corpus that day, not to mention the next two, would be a gross understatement. Were it not for the Mangy Moose, where I licked my wounds and salved my ego, JH would have been a total loss. And, no, I didn't go anywhere close to Corbett's (sp?)

    So keep Snow King open! I like small, local hills, and though I know most of the trails there are narrow and steep, Old Man Flats sounds like it's close to my current speed.

    I hope to find out.

    Cheers, and I know SKES2 will be just as successful as the inaugural event!! :biggthump:biggthump


  3. Several years since I looked into this and don't know if latitude difference is a factor in heat pump efficiency/practicality. Here in Possum Pouch, summer cooling performance is greater concern than winter heating costs.

    Depending on practicality of retrofit, you might want to take a look at the very efficient high velocity heat pumps. Up to last 13 feet (?) of "ductwork' is just 3" diameter. If memory serves, these system use a relatively smaller HP unit that runs more constantly and efficiently than a "normal" setup. Supposed to be very effective at maintaining ideal humidity, too.

    Saw the innards of a couple, big, brick early 20th century college dorms that had been converted. Very impressive and very comfortable.



  4. molded footbeds yes:biggthump

    orthotics maybe not so much.

    Good to hear from you. Hope your season goes well.

    Cold in Possum Pouch. We've even had some real snow, and - on occasion - our "packed powder" snow reports have been at least somewhat based in reality.

    I suspect easy-walking, lightweight, foot-bedded AT boots will remain this old boarder's HB solution for the duration.


    BB :biggthump

  5. I'm a total newb also, I have a set of the Landyachtz slide gloves. Super comfy and look very well made. I can't say much else at the moment, as I haven't actually used them yet for sliding.

    Please get in touch with me at youngmrtbury at att dot net

    As you probably know, I'm in Raleigh.



  6. I'm a total newb also, I have a set of the Landyachtz slide gloves. Super comfy and look very well made. I can't say much else at the moment, as I haven't actually used them yet for sliding.

    Please get in touch with me at youngmrtbury at att dot net

    As you probably know, I'm in Raleigh.



  7. 23 cm width to accommodate my 30.5 AT boots & 215 lb. weight.

    More and more, I like simplicity and predictability/familiarity in my toys.

    Thus, the "one board to do it all" concept is very attractive to me. I chose the AMT instead of 4WD or Axxess because I admire B.V.'s business model and Mr. V. sounds like one of perhaps a handful of North American builders who'll take the time to listen to "what you think you need/want" and who even has the skills/production process to fine tune your ride as he builds it. Also, he's very familiar with riding & designing for our highly variable Ice Coast conditions. Well worth the long wait, it seems to me.

    Chose Titanal because (1) I think that's the only way he builds the board now, and (2) based on expansive BOL discussion last few years, sounds like Titanal construction can lessen fatigue for the occasional rider and "up your game" immediately at any given skill level.

    Would really like to learn Euro and if able to get back into the game sufficiently, would go for a used ride for that purpose. Also will give the "plate thing" a couple years to evolve before trying that.



  8. I swear by my Rx orthotics for everyday use, as well as all athletics - and most especially for hardbooting.

    This counter conventional wisdom article is interesting, though.


    I suspect hardboot snowboarding lies at the extreme end of the continuum as being an "unnatural" act for lower half of the torso. However, at the very least, the points made about footbed-induced muscle atrophy make me wonder about at least a couple hours a day wearing the "five toes" Vibram thingies. (as previously discussed on BOL)

    Due to long-term, extensive ligament damage of right foot, my left/right feet & ankles are quite different. Left foot bones and muscles, including calves, are much better developed than right now.

    So like I said, I can't imagine not using some kind of Rx of off-the-shelf support most of the time - except possibly moldable-bed sandals in summer.

    Any thoughts?


  9. We're just now "replacing" a '99 Honda CR-V automatic at 190,000 mi. Great car. Very few problems - all routine. I think most you'll find, esp in northeast and mountain west will be AWD, though 2WD is available.

    Honda Element a more utilitarian CR-V. Both can give you hiway mileage in the mid '20's.

    If you can find a Ridgeline (the CR-V "truck") in your price range, I'd buy it in a "New York Minute." Should haul 5 people and gear very comfortably. Not the best mpg, though.

    Good luck!


  10. for the opinions, advice and observations.

    According to the CarFax, the only owner has been the dealer (who took it out of their inventory & put it in their loaner "fleet") Transaction price is within a couple hundred dollars of the suggested average.

    Don't see how it could have been part of the spring flooding. Substantial portion of manufacturer's comprehensive warranty remains. And to top it off BOL's own Alli is a happy owner of the same model hatchback!

    Going up tomorrow to test drive - taking our 1999 CR-V, probably the best car we've ever owned, and the one we'll replace if we buy. Really like the CR-V's and Elements - good reputation as "used" car buys - but in this day and age their mileage is disappointing. Wish the Ridgeline was available as a diesel or hybrid. Maybe someday... ??

    Cheers and happy motoring


  11. are featured in a book I recently saw titled something like, The xx# Most Dangerous Airplanes in History.

    Was scanning the book in a Barnes & Noble, and looked up that "engine with wings" especially. I've forgotten whether it was designed for racing or aerobatics (racing, I think?), but several great pilots died in the thing over the years.

    It was apparently best known for the nearly "blind" landings (take-offs?) that were required. Because of the many miscues and spectacular results, the plane was a great crowd pleaser; less so, probably, with the very brave pilots.

    I seriously doubt there have been similar problems with the Schtubby, but you'd have to ask B.V. to be sure...

    BB :ices_ange:ices_ange

  12. even ponder trying to learn EC as he returns from several years of 1-2 days per season of freecarving to hopefully 2-3 weeks on-slope per year.

    I've always thought the technique looks truly awesome, but if increased body weight & old knees/ankles are issues, is Euro truly as stressful on the body as it looks?

    Is it also true that you can get away with lower-cuff, flexier boots in this technique?


    BB (OF)

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