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Posts posted by boarderboy

  1. Completes I presume? That seems VERY generous. I thought the mark up was really tight on decks?

    Very good cause and you are obviously a generous dog lover!!! Kudos!

    Out of respect for Fin and Zsa Zsa, I'm gonna move this to Off Topic. Will reply tomorrow.

    Dogs are the most loving and devoted companions, and the most trusting "dependents" you can ever have. I suspect most people can never forget them - no matter how much time may pass.

    Peace to all


  2. and obviously quite the personality. He' lucky to have lived in your incredible high country.

    So sorry for your loss.

    We currently have two rescue mutts - Wilbur, the mixed lab who hates getting wet (?!), and Daisy, who bounced out in front of our car (and then into our lives) on the Fourth. She's a mixed terrier pup, who we're trying to find a good home. The laid-back sweetie can reduce a baseball to shavings and a tangle of string in nothing flat.

    Sadly, Wilbur is very aggressive and territorial (no hint of that when he was a pup), so Daisy can't stay.

    I'm trying to set up my skateboard business so that for every deck sold, $10 goes directly to an accredited shelter (of the buyer's choice, if possible) or to planting and maintaining at least one tree during its critical first year. (How many dogs will love us for that!!)

    Kudos to all you canine lovers and keepers out there!


  3. http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/07/05/the-fires-this-time/

    Here'bouts we're officially back in drought status after multiple 100 F+ days with hit-or-miss thunderstorms that mostly missed.

    Andy of Mayberry passed during one of the scorchers (if you want to see a scary, brilliant, almost unrecognizable "Sheriff", see Andy in Elia Kazan's A Face in the Crowd,) ca 1950's, I think.

    Meanwhile, the State Legislature passed a slightly amended statute that essentially says you can't use "science based" projections of sea level rise that exceed the past century's historical rate for coastal land-use planning purposes - at least for three more years while they "study on it" some more. And any regulations you might then propose have to consider the "economic impact" of their enforcement.

    Me? Over the years, I chased a lot of nor'easters and hurricanes to film/tape em. Loved em all! But then, I'd never drawn a million dollar line in the sand, snug in the knowledge that US-backed flood insurance - that's us, as in you and me - would bail my sodden bum out if Ma Nature should throw an extra-historic hissy fit some day.

    Hope all of you escaped the infernos unscathed. Also hoping the tinder-dry leaf mold round our wood house doesn't erupt any time soon.


    (p.s. The four C 130 crewmen who died dousing a South Dakota fire were N.C. Air National Guardsmen, I think. The five, fire fighting C-130's initially grounded after the crash have been returned to duty, making 19 currently available throughout the southwest. They can lay down a swath of H20 or fire retardant 100 ft wide X 1/4 mile long in nothing flat.)

  4. My very inexpert reaction is yes, "arch sizing" makes a lot of sense. As a user of Rx orthotics for nearly 20 years - first in sneaks and then in hardshells - I've found I can still get good support and comfort in running shoes by arch-matching Sole "modable" footbeds and then selecting a low-cost runner that works with that footbed.

    I'm no authority on the ever-analyzed and esoteric topic of hardboot fiitting. But I've always believed, "if it hurts after day or so of break-in, you're in the wrong boot/liner/orthotic combination." Change something out. Experiment! Riding in pain is senseless and counterproductive.

    Simplicity, minimalism, light weight, walkability, gentle & responsive support = glisse bliss.

    A great boot fitter, and time to explore don't hurt either!

    BB :biggthump

  5. Pacific Coast Highway


    Never got to the "true" PCH referenced above, but as a late '60's sailorboy the coast route between LA and Santa Barbara blew my mind.

    Badlands National Monument (soon to be turned over to the Lakota Sioux of Pine Ridge Reservation, hopefully!) Jump off point, little place called Scenic, South Dakota. Moonscapes, vari-colored, mind-boggling, elevated canyon vistas. On a full moon, you can easily read a book in the dead of night. Dry heat, so very bearable. Deadwood, S.D., probably the funnest, most soulful "tourist trap" I've ever been in. Sturgis, of Harley gathering fame not too far distant. Black Hills and "World Famous Wall Drug" (free coffee for missile crews & newlyweds!)

    The drive from Tucson "high desert" floor (el. 2,400 ft.) to the summit of Mount Lemmon, 9,000 ft. +. Plant community succession breathtaking. See it soon; the eco-unique "sky islands" aren't happy in elevating temps.

    Wherever you go, have a great adventure!!


  6. This might explain why that little bit of Ortho ant killer

    doesn't wipe out the entire colony.

    How 'bout a tank truck, or two!!

    Very hardy shovelers there, or those aren't fire ants! (Wife had an employee who was asked to "take care of" a fire ant hill in a Possum Pouch playground. Guy was very conscientious and "green." Decided not to use the provided spray, and attacked the colony .... with a weedeater!!)

    Had considered using SIPS, foam sandwich wall panels, for a house addition, but we have loads of very-beneficial carpenter ants on our acre. And they love SIPS!!


  7. indeed :freak3::freak3:

    That second wave of the video is almost impossible to believe. (Slater?) must've been worked 4-5 seconds in that collapsing foam vortex, and still he came out smiling!!

    Hard to imagine how they're going to take tube riding much farther.

    Also, guys are now paddling into 40-50 ft+ deep-water reef monsters that would have been considered strictly tow-in a very few years ago.

    The outer edge of athleticism and guts!!

    Cheers :biggthump


  8. ... it ran well, gas was still under a buck a gallon in louisiana at the time, and I could lay fully across the back seat and sleep it off if I hit the quarter too hard. It still ran when I let the city of New Orleans keep it a few years later. (I wasn't paying the towing fee that was more than i paid for the car, lol.

    Subject displayed early symptoms of softbooter syndrome, later confirmed in "various West Virginia parking lots."

    Suggested Rx:

    Mid-season hardbooting sesh on Shay's Revenge using an F2 GS stick with tight-fitting UPZ's and original Bomber plates.

    If treatment unsuccessful, prognosis cloudy ...

    BB :cool:

  9. We obviously have similar tastes in cars. I like the Abarth, but I'd much rather have a classic Abarth

    and the Fiat lineage is full of 'em. (Rumor also has it that Fiat had more than passing influence on the design of a car we know well, the Suzi SX-4! The '13 Dodge Dart is supposed to have a little Fiat/Alfa DNA, too, but probably not enough to make it truly interesting...)

    My Abarth crush will likely remain just that - certainly until there are some specimens that have been around the block a few times!

    To my eye, the ultimate fly-weight street fighter was the (late 60's, early 70's) Lotus Europa, a car as impractical and unreliable as the worst tease you could ever pursue. But, man those lines! That bantam weight! That, that ... OMG!

    BB ;)

  10. After my stepson wreck the F-150 we bought him for the second time, I found him a '91 Volvo 740 station wagon with a 4 cylinder engine. That is my suggestion for your son.....

    Skatha, that's a recommendation very similar to the ones given by NPR's, Tappet Brothers, Click & Clack. (They love fielding questions about teens and cars!) Will keep it in mind.

    "Keep an eye out for an early Rabbit Diesel 4spd. If you use the tire spec for the petrol Rabbit, the slight gearing mismatch will keep his right hand and both feet busy."

    Tks, Beckman. Since I drive an 02 Beetle TDI, I could really see that solution. And it would be poetic justice! (My son loathes that Beetle. "Dad there's a school bus passing us!!)

    That must be quite a queue you've got.


  11. Just turned 16 yesterday. Great guy! Very smart guy!! Very ADHD guy!! Very, very OCD guy!!!

    After nearly 9 months away from us - six in a remedial, wilderness-based center - he's back now and doing great in school. But he has the attention span of a flea on a hot rock. Also, occasionally, the disposition of a badger. Foresee driving anything not powered by his legs no time soon.

    And when we finally have no choice (18, or later) it'll be in an underpowered brick of a dinosaur with straight drive. (Stick is supposed to help wander-minded stay engaged and alert.)

    Is he happy? Hell no!! Do I care much? Nope! We had a knock-down drag out about it last night. But we care too much about his safety, the safety of others, and the health of our liability insurance.

    Teenhood for many is, at best, a bitch. Trying to adjust meds a bit to help him through it. And climbing. Lots of rock climbing.

    My first ride? '65 Chevy Malibu - 327 automatic. Mom got it when I went off to the Navy. I got a 170 foot, wood-hulled minesweep. Top speed? 12 knots, and that with a tail wind, a following sea, and two healthy diesels (seldom the case.) When I finally returned, spent several happy decades with mo-cys & straight drives, myself.

    Current object of lust is Fiat 500 Abarth (or at least the signorina in the ads...)

    Have fun in the Beemer!

    BB :biggthump

  12. Good times and Bad times economically would be the first place to look.... whether skiing or boarding, a family vacation to the mountains with Transportation, Equipment, Clothing Housing, Food and lift tickets is now squarely out of the price range for 95% of american households...

    Don't know about the percentage, but your premise is dead-on, and has certainly been the case for our family during "the recent unpleasantness." Hoping, for the second year in a row, that we'll be able to afford a few regional trips next season.

    But here's the big question - even if/as the economy does improve, the likelihood is that fuel prices/travel cost will continue to rise, families will continue to pay increasing costs for healthcare & education, and (questionable but my belief) weather/snow cover will likely be less consistent - can resorts, equipment manufacturers, etc. adapt and survive?

    I don't, for a moment, dispute the value of custom boards and low-production-volume boots & bindings for our niche sport. But snowboarders, let alone hardbooters, will likely never sustain sprawling mega resorts. (Though maybe a few spartan, Mad River Glens in the heart of snow country?)

    But, on a larger scale, can slimmed-down, non-luxury slope operations be designed for, and survive in, this new "climate." (Oboy, here we go...) Can resorts favor narrower, north facing runs that benefit from trail-side shade and concentrated snowmaking/grooming - some, perhaps, served by Pomas or rope tows? Can luxury condo's be augmented with pocket-friendly ski dorms & hostels, etc? Can alternative energy sources - wind, solar, geothernal, micro-hydro power & heating contain long-term costs in some areas?

    My hope/belief is that, yes, less opulent, highly energy efficient resorts could, and are (?) beginning to, evolve, but (1) there has to be industry vision and desire, (2) mass market ski/board manufacturers must respond to "lesser expectations," and (3) there, of course, has to be a willing and enabled user base & market. On the latter question I don't pretend to know the likelihood or answer.

    For me, I suspect nothing will ever replace the "rush" of free-carving a winding, tree-lined, mountain trail. But, for the moment at least, day trips to the shore, with a duffer and budget-friendly foam board strapped to the Beetle, are much more attainable, and, sadly, more likely.


    BB :biggthump

  13. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/10/fashion/skateboarding-past-a-midlife-crisis.html?partner=rss&emc=rss

    OK, so the New York Times does a piece on mid life crisis skateboarding. Cowabunga, methinks. And then I read it. Most of these "mid lifers", aging Gen X'ers really, could easily be my sons.

    Anyhow, I think my skating began in 1964 - barely post 2 X 4 with metal wheels - history. I remember that year well. I was often very sore. I lost a lot of skin. Helmet, wrist guards, elbow & knee pads?? - you gotta be kidding.

    So, though I do feel silly and get plenty of stares on the NCSU brickyard, I've just bought a Skupboard KingSting (a bargain at REI Outlet) and am now happily poling my way to Nirvana.

    I hope the 'endless summer' truly is.

    And, oh yeah, the Beach Boys are now touring - with a very savvy and very skillful and much younger backup band.

    Roll on, Roll on, Roll on...

    You're up, Softboot! ;) :biggthump

  14. Me, too, but then I started worrying about our Kiwi and Aussie friends falling off, unless, of course, our northo-centric chauvinism is wrong and we are the ones upside down...

    I share your concerns, but SunSurfer's recent response gives evidence that, at least a week ago, those "down under" had not yet been flung asunder on the day of anti-Copernican reckoning. And back in Right Side Up Land, based on yesterday's Constitutional Amendment vote, nearly 40% of the Possum Pouch electorate still have their feet planted, at least tenuously, on the ground.

    Let there be Enlightenment ...

    BB :cool:

  15. http://techshop.ws/ts_detroit.html

    Wife, son, and I are members of Tech Shop Raleigh-Durham. Basically a 17,000+ sq. ft. playland of wood, metal, plastics, computer/robotics, & fabric tools including a BIG Shop Bot, two Epilog laser cutters, plasma cutter, most welding tools known to man, etc.. Courses offered, ideas exchanged, niche-group meetings, etc.

    Everything you could want to fabricate binding parts (hell, entire bindings!), highly sculpted skateboards, and, yes even vacuum-bagged or pressed snowboards if you so desire. Offices, private shop space available, and right next door is the Roth micro-brewery. Talk about heaven!

    Son and I are taking laser cutting classes this pm.

    If you're within road trip distance of Dearborn, the new shop should be quite a resource.


    BB :biggthump

  16. yeah... :o

    Warmest winter on record in the Ice Coast's Southernmost Carve Outpost. A light, flaky skim one night with a fast-moving Alberta Clipper. That was it for our little corner of Possum Pouch.

    Still, that's no excuse, and I'm really jonesing for snow, supremely quiet lift rides through the trees, and still, peaceful descents through easy glades...

    On the bright side, just ordered a "land yacht", gondolier style skateboard to start conditioning for next season while my son works out on the local rock club walls. And looking forward to a summer of riding little peelers on the coast.

    Hope, like snow, springs eternal


    BB :biggthump

  17. It's 19 degrees and snowing at Mammoth, CA right now. They're expecting about a foot and a half of new snow by the end of tomorrow! It ain't over yet in CA

    are the Valley farmers.

    That summer snowmelt is pure gold downslope! Just finished a heaping helping of lightly salted San Joaquin pistachios ...

    BB :biggthump

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