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Posts posted by RDY_2_Carve

  1. I plan on attending as many days as I possibly can. I'd say minimum would be Thurs-Sat.

    Myself of course

    Brother-in-law (Maybe-Those MP 28.0's got some use last season as I got him into hardboots on the last day of the season and he loved it...was damn good for his first time I might add)

    Best Friend (Maybe-never got him into hardboots as none of my boots fit him)

    Mark Jeangerard (bad spelling-Maybe-I heard he was possibly instructing this year at resorts west of Denver, haven't talked to him since the end of last season)

    This will be my first SES, 3rd season on snow, and 2nd season in Hardboots. So looking forward to this!

    All coming from Albuquerque, New Mexico....

    Plan on bringing my 3CCD Camcorder and my Canon Digi-SLR. Gotta get that 18-200mm lens before February!

    Did I mention I can't wait for this!!!

  2. Fin,

    I hate to say this but no demo's pretty much means a no-go for me. I'm mainly going for that and to get a good custom boot-fit.

    All of the clinics and such are just icing on the cake for me. I guess you could factor in meeting everybody as well for another reason to go...

    Hopefully other people don't feel the same as me about demo-ing. I'd hate to see it kill the SES this year.

  3. What's up BOL. Long time no speak! My mind has drifted back to snowboarding as the temps fall and football season starts up. The new 1000RR has done a wonderful job of keeping me busy during the offseason ;)

    Anyways, can anybody give me any information on pricing for the SES 05-06 event? I'm looking for a ballpark figure on what I can expect to spend for the entire week (lifts, lodging, demo pricing, etc.). Not worried about transportation issues since I will be driving from New Mexico. I noticed the SES page has some info on lodging but nothing on lifts, etc.

    Can those of you that went last year give me an idea of what you spent overall? I'd be looking at budget lodging (hopefully with roomies), beer, lifts, demo costs, and anything else you can think of. Something along the lines of: "I spent $1500 last year at SES not counting airfare and transportation". It would be MUCH appreciated!

    P.S. If anybody is in my area and wants to ride with me let me know.



  4. Yeah I just noticed the tail was flat after you replied. I'm going to measure out my Burton Speed 158W and see if the stats are close. I'm thinking they are going to be very similar so I'll prob pass on it, but I'll check. Good deal though....Brand new! Was hoping for the twin tip version.

    What's BOBSI?

    Anybody have an idea what year they did the twin rounded tips and when they fixed the topsheet problems?


  5. Snatch!

    Make sure you watch it twice so you can decipher Bradd Pitt's gypsy talk!

    The Usual Suspects and Goodfellas are up there on my all time favorites....

    I recently watched Saw and it was pretty good but I didn't think it was as scary as everybody made it out to be. Great ending! Snuggle up with your significant other and watch this one. :D

    I use Blockbuster Online and it's been good so far. I'd recommend it if your looking at the "mail in" video rental service. Plus they give you two free local rentals a month so you can rent those Xbox games you've been dying to play!

  6. If you want to drive 7+ hours you can come down to Santa Fe this weekend! :)

    Mark Jeangerard has a Madd 180 and I'm sure he'd let you give it a whirl.

    I'm SURE you can find one in your area though to demo...


  7. Originally posted by jdgang

    i just fall

    I was waiting for that response! :)

    I use the same technique as on my freestyle board. Works better if you have a stomp pad (which I don't), but just hang 1/2 of your rear foot off the board and 1/2 on the board. If you want to do a toeside turn then drag your toe, heelside drag your heel. If you want to go straight don't drag anything. Easy as pie.

    They should have lift training at Sandia Peak here in Albuquerque, New Mexico. They have the hardest lifts I've ever been on for sure. Old school two person chairs that don't slow down at all, and then they dump you on like a 35 deg hill. I've seen some serious carnage there! Fortunately it was never me! Now when I get on these high speed detachable things I have zero problems.

    Got a great video of three coworkers in a row getting their a$$ kicked by the same lift. It was classic. It's like 4MB if I can find a place to host it I'll post a link!


  8. Sorry to hear that, but it only gets better!:D Don't loose hope; this was my first season hardbooting and my first couple days were pretty bad. Definately my worst wrecks of the year, but luckily nothing too major.

    I personally had one of my best carving days of the season this past Saturday at Telluride. Had two hardbooter sightings but never ran into them on the slopes. Saw a nice Coiler with TD2's...looked like a blast. And no D-Sub, it wasn't blue/tribal, it was Red and I noticed no graphics...

    Now I'm faced with deciding to end the season on such a high note or heading to Santa Fe one last time next Saturday.

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