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Posts posted by ibrussell

  1. I ride both 168 UP, 169 Alp. The UP has a 20cm waist/ Alp 21.5

    UP is a little stiffer but holds ice better. I use it in powder up to 1'.

    Alp has softer tip floats better . I'm 5'6" 180 and have to watch the pressure on the tip on the softer groom so I don't fold the nose. The 169 would hold speed better, but 162 better for narrower trails quicker turns. I get high speed wobble on that short of board, but I ride wider longer runs. since you only get out 3-4 times I'd go with the UP162 work on turns and push it to it's limit .:eplus2:

  2. Scrapster It handle everthing else great. I ran Burton Race plates on it. It held great on hard to icy groom and would blow though the cut up and crud. When I got it in 1.5/2 ft it made me work more than my other boards. You would be 2nd in line if you wanted it. Charlie

  3. I have a 164 Oxygen supercross that has about ten days on it. I got it for powder but is too stiff, Holds an edge on anything. Works great with hard or soft boots

    164cm progressive sidecut of 9.5/8.5

    tip 28.9 waist 24 tail 28.9. It is cap constrution with a powerwing system for torsional stiffness. I'm looking for $180 plus shipping. ibrussell at yahoo dot com Thanks Charlie



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