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Posts posted by davekempmeister

  1. Hi Barry.  I have the pass and I take the insurance that is offered.  I have no experience making any claims but I do know that bullet point #7 regarding job related relocation looks like the closest thing that might apply to you, provided your pass is insured.

    I am NOT a lawyer but I think that normally one is better positioned if they are attempting to recover monies paid than if they are attempting to absolve a debt that is contractually owed and past due.

    I hope it works out for you.  Good season to you.  

  2. 20 hours ago, SunSurfer said:


    "What’s your poison, people sometimes ask, but Gabor Maté doesn’t want to ask what my poison is, he wants to ask how it makes me feel. Whatever it is I’m addicted to, or ever have been addicted to, it’s not what it is but what it does – to me, to you, to anyone. He believes that anything we’ve ever craved helped us escape emotional pain. It gave us peace of mind, a sense of control and a feeling of happiness..."

    "...One of the best things that ever happens to him, he says, is when a parent whose child has died of an overdose comes up to him and tells him that, through his book, they can understand why it happened. And when readers tell him – sometimes accusingly, sometimes gratefully – that his work humanises addicts, he can only answer: addicts are human. The only question for him is, why has it taken us so long to realise that?"

    Excellent and most worthwhile post, Sunsurfer.  Thanks



  3. On 11/8/2018 at 11:57 AM, Allee said:

    I've got a Burton Wheelie Gig 185, and it's huge. I can fit two boards with bindings on, and half of my clothes as well.

    I have a few of these and they are awesome.  on a few occasions, I have even put a Sportube inside of the Burton 185 Wheelie bag so that when I met my family out West, I had two carriers for the return trip and the extra gear I picked up on the way (Sherpa my kids newly purchased skis, etc.).

    The Burton 185 bag is actually able to handle a 190.  I used to move Tanker 187 and Rossi WC 190 (at the same time) in those bags.

    The skate wheels are hard to replace, though.


  4. 20 minutes ago, Eboot said:

    here's to your quick recovery

    I totally 2nd the above.

    My heart really goes out to You, Rob.

    My Dad was hit with this (both eyes, 2 different episodes) in the 80's.  It was at the advent of some laser techniques that allowed him to avoid some of the medieval surgery and recovery practices that preceded.  He came through it and I am wishing the best and better for You.


    • Like 1
  5. I use a 31.5 (I am a true US size 15) and have always worn Head Stratos Pro 31.5.  Thankfully, they are as close to perfect fitting for me as I need them to be.  I hope I have enough of them to outlast me.

    "Phil", in PA (used to ride at RoundTop) is a size similar to mine and I think he used UPZ.  I never tried them but I seem to recall that he indicated they had more  volume in the toebox than the Heads.

    I have searched for other options and I have never seen anything snowboard specific that is larger.  There are larger soft boots and ski boots (a few pair of which I bought for my nephew, years ago).

    Good luck.  I can relate.


    sort of a left hand drive car.   

    i just watched the on board video of one of these setting a lap record at Nurburgring and it's just nuts.  I couldn't get it to link but it's easy to find.  The VW that wins Pikes Peak by a lot is fascinating too.  


  7. 5 hours ago, Corey said:

    Neat GTI!  I haven't been in one of those for a few years.  Light is right.

    This past weekend we hosted an 'experience' autocross day in conjunction with a track day.  Come out, do some laps on the road course and also the autocross.  As one could imagine, the road course was busier than the autocross, so we weren't very busy.  I drove a Suzuki Swift GTI and a right-hand-drive JDM Subaru Legacy B4.  The Swift was pretty mushy, but I confirmed that I really don't connect with RHD cars!  I can drive on the left, or center, but my brain goes to mush when sitting on the right side.  I suspect it would get better with practice, but I really struggled!  

    I drove a RHD rental MBenz SUV in Australia last summer (2017).  Driving out of the airport in Brisbane, I was scared.   Borderline terrified.

    It turned out to be a great experience but I was relieved to return the car two weeks later and in the same condition.  The only time that I nearly entered the roadway incorrectly was when I saw a teenager on a bike riding on the wrong side of a divided street (which would be the correct side in North America) and I nearly lapsed.  Thankfully it was a low speed residential area at about 0630 a.m. and there were no other cars.  

    oh, and it had paddle shifters.  that helped too.  a lot.


    This is the ride that is driving me crazy, crazy, crazy. Looks absolutely  amazing.  If I had $18K to burn I would be writing this while driving (I mean while at a rest stop, of course)  down I-95 ("the 95", for those of you in California).

  9. 4 hours ago, JohnE said:

    How does one establish the value of an 8 year old alpine snowboard? What it was worth 2 years ago may have no bearing on what it is worth today. There is no "blue book" for this gear (that I am aware of). It depends a great deal on who is in the market at the time, the time of year, condition, age, etc, etc. 

    If I think that my board is worth $400 and it just sits there week after week, what good does that do anyone? Of course I want to maximize my profit from the sale but that doesn't mean I'm taking advantage of the buyer.  

    If people have had bad experiences with ebay, they should be wary of the seller's rating. I have sold a lot of stuff on ebay. I am very protective of my rating. If a buyer thinks that I have overstated the value of an item, I will make it right with them. 

    I sold a bike from Colorado to someone in Buenos Aires, Argentina for $1500. The buyer was thrilled about the condition. 

    don't worry about the sentiments of one or a few that have nothing to do with the actual rules governing the site.  the rules are clear, i think.  and since anything resembling an auction is verboten, the onus is on the seller to come up with a price that is as close to the mark as possible.  if it is too high, it'll shake out.

    you are correct, btw.  a board is worth what any ONE person will pay for it.  you can only sell it to ONE person anyway, right?  i get so baffled by the lowballer deal seeker who is bested on willingness to pay and perceives it as anything other than a simple outcome of the free market and it's many variables.

    like your comment about the bike sale, i have bought boards on ebay and been overjoyed with the outcome.  most recently a Rad Air Tanker, just last year.  perfect condition, $230 shipped and exactly as described.  seller's rating taken into account, etc.   conversely, i have made deals on this site that i ended up being less pleased with.  maybe because i was hasty, did not ask the right questions or because there was a subjective difference in what constitutes "good condition", or whatever.  notice that i did not state that i was burned or ripped off.

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