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Posts posted by terekhov

  1. sometime in 2007 after email exchange with JoelP I've ordered and bought the same think - coiler 196 pure race superg superboard. it's definitely not for the faintest hearts, but it is VERY easy to ride, superboards eats beaten up snow for breakfest, and in case of emergency you can straightline downhill without hesitations. 80km/h feels like 30km/h on that caddi. definitely recommended.

    superboard construction - it is about replacing some wood stringers with rubber, so this board is UBER-SUPER-damp. who've rode DH skis - you know what I mean

    PS and seems like no radial sidecut here - ~17m on the nose and straight tail. carves like a breeze, straitlines like a breeze

  2. But it ain't reversible, i guess?

    Looks like it really worth trying the Boosters.

    there's no limitation to reverse that, but I can't see any need to. looking into some 10+ fellow riders ride mediums - from 50kg to 100kg weight - I can state that mediums will fit all, not counting most aggressive _skiers_. and yes - there's gold-colored buckle on WC.... )))

  3. Just a reminder, they should go around the liner and not the boot shell. :)

    both options - around liner or around shell - is worth considering, for different feel. I ran it over the shell' tongue (head stratos pro boots).

    2TLN: yes, sure, booster is BEST low-cost update to boots bar none. you can take WC - and then modify it down to medium if considered too hard, there's easy way to do just that

  4. BTW, has anyone heard os this: http://www.furbergsnowboards.com/

    173 x 27 x 20M (!!!) SCR.

    People say it's very fun and nice to ride.

    I've rode one last season (backcountry + one day on lifts in sochi). mixed feelings

    0) shines in pow, almost like libtech hammock! very recommended for backcountry in softies (but see 1 - so not recommended in anything but soft conditions)

    1) sucks on almost all bulletproof due to rocker & very low torsional rigidity (very "hot" almost death experience in icy coloir on polar ural' backcountry)

    2) hard to ride in beaten wet snow (rocker + low longit. rigidity sucks the big time)

    3) definitely not to be ridden with hardboots (feels "cheap" in hands, built to ~$300 MSRP board's standard)

    PS from the POV of experienced 90kg rider and 173 furberg

    PPS you can possibly test it in sheregesh

  5. - DO NOT ship UPS or FedEx (especially UPS). They charge huge handling fees to the receiver. It could be more then a low priced item!

    or DHL. it's huge truth for Russia. it's reasonable to not to bother trying to receive shippings, coz receiver's fees simply could go out of window with $500+

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