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Posts posted by terekhov

  1. after I sprained my ankle and my attention turned to it - I can surely say that definitive hardboot riding DO weaken ankle and foot muscles a lot: I have a very hard time adapting to softboots after some tens of days in hardboots. so my hypothesis is that hardbooters have weaker feet than softbooters.... I mean seasons of 100 days or so, not 10-20 days of course

    but I love hardboots, so my solution is 100% vibram five fingers in the summer to rehab after winter ;) -- my only summer shoes is fivefingers (excl. bicycling)

  2. Wow. I can't even imagine what something that long would feel like in the bumps. I've always wanted to try a longer board in the moguls, though. I can see how a longer board might smooth things out a bit. What length (and stiffness) makes a good mogul ski?

    my goto mogul board is beaten-up donek axis 182 (now replaced with coiler 177am glass classic). longer board is easier to adjust balance when speeding through moguls + longer edge gives more freedom to scrub speed off. and yes - you need eye-track your line further to gain control on speed of longer stick

  3. this nose "snow plow" thing is such a problem that I don't understand why a board needs a nose at all

    nose removed from equation - cause of you already in mid-stance in control stage of carve on entry, and ride from 180degs further almost on the tail. if nose is in - you seriously loose much needed speed due to board decambering working to de-decamber. seems like that - you DEFINITELY cannot ride 360 with nose loaded in other than in first 90degs

  4. Does Vlad = solex?

    vlad is a 360-doing rider in vimeo video

    Riding a circle is not the same as carving a 360 FWIW.

    the starting ramp in Baikalsk where frozzen rode 360 in youtube video above is a cool place to practice - entry & exit angles matter, but seems like frozzen's try is one which is filmed. many of carvers succeeds in 360 at this place) during russian BrownianMotion carve-gathering

    and yes, I'm yet to see complete 360 carve. seems like impossible to me - two weekends ago I have empty & perfectly groomed slopes and try some ten times to complete 360 on pogo blitz with HUGE entry speed. almost all ten was finished 360 - but none of them was carves in a pure sense.

  5. Perhaps Russia has a secret weapon too?

    seems like "russian girls" weapon is world-wide-known?)

    too pity that our guys cannot made it, only Stanislav Detkov made thru to MOC waiting list -- he's sound, very beatiful old-school riding made him BestSnowboarder award for some 5 years (1999-2004) in russia, but it's not enough for current WC..... he was #12 though in Stoneham

    http://www.mustag.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=20599 - he's photo seq

  6. If there is no play in between the pins in an Intech heel and the holes in the receiver, you won't be able to clip in

    when you clip in - you have to push heel down reasonably strong (not too strong!) - but if you can clip-in your boot in with your one hand without reasonable force - your binding interface is too loose to use safely. it would be easy to engage by leg - but slightly difficult by hand.

    PS trying my best to describe the force in words))

  7. I'm also trying to figure out why the board wants to turn so easily... why it naturally wants to turn when you begin to inclinate the board.

    my eureka moment on understanding this phenomenon is while reading http://www.ronlemaster.com/presentations/RidingFromTheSnowUpVail02192002.pdf some years ago - before kessler yes. ski inside snow cup (page 9) was my bingo. the tip shovel make all the difference, and power platform (between bindings on board) do the hard work

  8. if you want thread-stuck problems - just use Ti. if you want to be ti-freak - as I am in my bike-alterego - just learn to TI PREP carefully and regularly. and - never use Ti-Ti threading if you clearly know what you are doing

    so: don't do it, it's for troublemakers only)

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