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Posts posted by garybergmann

  1. Got a "good choice" in reference to my Silber and the rather crusty early morning conditions at Lake Louise this morning...

    Later I didn't get a chance to correct comments about my setup:

    "I didn't know they made bindings like that for snowboards (referring to my stepin's). Yeah, they're just used for slalom boards (I was riding a Coiler 172 AMT). They pretty much just go straight (hard boot riders in general)."

  2. Yeah, downtown and a lot of neighborhoods along the rivers (we have two) are a mess. They figure downtown will be closed until mid week to let transformers dry out. Gonna be a lot of cleanup to do. South of us is bad too, as is west.

    I'm in the deeep south, no where near the river and up high. It's funny...if it wasn't for internet and TV, and if I had stayed in the 'hood, I wouldn't have even known anything was amiss.

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