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Posts posted by AcousticBoarder

  1. Ok, so to answer...


    Custom Footbeds: I am using Superfeet Blue footbeds. Not "true" custom, but much better than stock. They do work pretty well and I use them in my other boots too.

    Size: I wear US size 9, mens for everyday wear. Not to harp on it, but my soft boots are Mondo Point sized, and even more, are the same manufacturer. Both these and my hardboots are m26, (US Mens 8) In my Deeluxe Vicious soft boots, my toes do touch the end of the boot. (I almost returned thinking they may be too small.)

    Shell size/ room: The shells are m25-27.5. When I put my foot in, no liner, I can fit 2-3 finders from my heel to the back of the boot.

    Liner Size: The liner is an Intuition Dreamliner, M26. I do feel like it may be a bit big, my toes do not touch the front, about a finger of space. quite possibly/probably packed out.

    Cant: My Bad, I made a typo earlier. I have TD1 bindings, not TD2. My cants are setup like this: _____>____<_____. So slanted towards the middle of the board, 3 in the front, 6 in the rear. Not much in terms of adjustment for those.



    I also get the same pain on the outside of my foot, however I get it on the back foot. Linked with what Corey said it makes sense as I weight the outside of my feet preferentially when I walk or do anything.


    What I find helps is too tighten the boot in increments, start with allowing your feet a bit of play and slowly tighten through the morning.

    I also unbuckle as I get on each lift...


    I do actually tend to weight myself on the outside of my feet as well. After this last time, I feel like the pain is from my foot being too loose, I don't know how trying loose to start will work but it is something I can try.


    I have not been to a boot fitter (besides a quick heat molding at Sport Chalet), I don't really know of any nearby (southern California)

  2. The pain I am getting is similar to a muscle cramp. If I try making the boot tighter, it cuts off circulation and I start getting the tingling/ burning feeling, but my foot still feels "loose".

    I could re-create the pain later in the day when I was sitting with the back foot out, and pulling up on the tail of the board while pushing it down with my front foot/ leg if that makes sense...


    Should I try turning around the front cant? I don't have any flat plates for them, just one 3 and one 6 degree with the matching rubber parts.


    I cant say its too narrow, If Deeluxe manufactures their soft boots similarly, my soft boots of the same size (bought new) feel tighter and more narrow, but I do not have this issue. I actually tried putting in an extra foot bed from my everyday shoes to help fill the volume and I think it helped a little. 

  3. Hello all,


    I am pretty new to the hard boot setup, while I could say I "started" a few years back, I have only probably used my equipment for under 20 days. I went out in my hardboots for the first time this season, and going down the bottom outside of my front foot (opposite of the arch) started hurting the whole way, more so any time I stopped. This has been an issue in the past too to some extent. I ended up going to my carving soft setup. Anyone have any ideas? Here is my gear:


    Oxygen Proton 159

    Deeluxe Suzuka with Intuition Liners, m26

    TD1 bindings with a 3 degree cant in the front, 6 in the back. Angles are about 50 and 48


    My best guess after today is that I need new boots. I have Deeluxe Vicious m26 as my soft boot setup and have no issue with them. I am thinking my Suzukas are just packed out and my heel is lifting


    UPDATE: Figured out it has to do with Heel Lift, and possibly canting? UPZ boots helped dramatically with their smaller heel cup

  4. Conditions could have been better, snow was wet sugar consistency and peppered with small rocks and ect. a couple patches in some runs showing through. Going to wait until there is better snow before going again. I started in hard-boots but soon went to soft, I think I have a boot issue that I am going to post about in general and see if anyone has some ideas - the outside of my front foot always hurts.

  5. Looking for a Prior 4wd in good condition. Around 170 in length.


    Also interested in a pair of m25 Deeluxe Track 325s or UPZ RC10s, decent condition. Cheaper end of the spectrum for these if possible.

  6. This post is a little delayed, but it was good to meet up with you guys a couple weeks ago! (at Park City on the 12th). Thanks for the Tip on locations to ride, we found one spot that was not too crowded that I was able to learn and progress at. The day after we went over to solitude and met some other hardbooters too, one of them at-least was crazy good. I am now ruined compared to the "snow" I see here in California (especially this season) haha.

  7. So I have been spoiled... I got to go to Salt Lake City 2 weeks ago, and we went to Solitude for 2 of the 3 days... The first day they had a good amount of fresh stuff so I was in softies (and the trees) but the second day I as able to make more progress than I have in the last 2 years! Super nice conditions, and almost no-one on the mountain (even the green runs were empty). Even met up with some locals and a guy from Germany who makes the trip there because of the conditions and no crowds. Best carver I think I have ever seen!

    Anyway, I just wanted to share real quick. I really hope next season is better for us here in So Cal!

  8. I am looking to replace my softie boots and was curious what other people are using? I am newer to carving hard and on the crowded days I am unable to ride hard. What do people use for their soft setup to still get some carve practice in? Thanks!

  9. My question is, why don't you just use your old softboot board? Mine was (and still is) a mid-nineties vintage Burton Supermodel 159. An old school freeride cruiser like that shouldn't cost you more than $250.

    I am 21 now and got my old softie more than a couple years ago, so it is just a little small, and I don't exactly get to go up to the mountain every weekend, nor did I have a lot of money to spend on a board, we bought for practically nothing a used Burton Cruzer from a rental shop we are friends with. This was also before I was really introduced to hardbooting, so I was not looking for anything in specific, just something I could ride a few times a season.

    So I have grown a bit, have some more money (still a college student though >.>), and want something more geared towards carving now. Still going to keep my old one as a rock board though.

    Ha, and now I have a board available in your price range! :)

    Looks nice, BUT you are a little too late, I actually just purchased a Donek Incline earlier today :D

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