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Posts posted by AcousticBoarder

  1. I went out today, snow conditions were pretty bad. The mountain was supposed to get snow last night but ended up just getting rain. Soft and slushy all day... But, I was actually able to make more progress than ever before. 

    Pushing the knees to the edge helped a lot... It felt like pushing my inside knee helped more in the morning on hard boots, and when i switched to soft later in the day pushing the outside helped more. I also just got new liners and ankle wraps for my old boots, and it has helped out tremendously. I did take some video, I will try and post it tomorrow, although I don't think it came out very well.


    I was able to keep going on hard boots until there was just too much crud on the run. As it was so soft, when I tried down-weighting into the turns, I went over the nose a couple times haha. When I did switch to soft boots, I found that I was having issues again keeping in the carve. Moving stance around a little helped, but my back foot doesn't seem to follow my front, it always slides out.


    In all, it was a successful day I think. I had fun despite the conditions. I didn't have to worry about getting hit as much because there were not many people on the slopes, and having someone to ride with always makes it more enjoyable.

  2. Went with a friend, the mountain got more rain than snow :(


    I did however, improve a lot on my carving. Boot fitting helped tremendously, I think I made more progress today than everything previous. Hoping for some snow next month to be able to ride more

  3. Found the eBay pics. Looks like a fantastic deal to me. Sending pm

    The liner are not heat moldable but........ I have the same UPZ and i develop a simple technic to help for mold the original liner.

    To the person who bay it i send you a pics if you want.

    They are great boots. I lové mine.

    Do you have a link or anything? I also just got a cheap pair of moldable liners for my old boots that may work if I need to use them instead.
  4. Anyone local have a pair of m25 or 25.5 Deeluxe 325s or UPZ RC10s that I might be able to put my foot in? Possibly looking at buying boots, but don't want to spend 300+ without first giving them a try. I don't think there is anywhere local to buy...

  5. Hi all, I have a trip planned for about a month and a half from now, wondering if there is any place around that might have gear to try or buy. I am specifically looking at boots, UPZ and Deeluxe, even if just to put on and walk around. Thanks!!

  6. Not to hijack the thread, but I am also looking for help with basics :)


    Went up to the local mountain yesterday (Snow Summit) and practiced on my soft boots and Donek Incline as my hard boots have been giving me foot pain and I was having them fitted later that day. I was loosely following the video here and a similar video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLc6zmiG8wY also keeping in mind articals that have been linked here and Corey's clinic videos

    FYI, This is not my first attempt, I have been going through the learning process a couple seasons now, but usually only a couple times a season.

    I am fairly certain I have my bindings set accordingly, roughly 35 in the front and 32 in the back, setback and stance I think are adequate. Little to no boot overhang. Stiff boots and bindings for a soft setup.

    I started out with the skidding by rotation (all good), and moved on to trying turning by rotation (the Norm). It then started getting crowded, expected for a Saturday peak weekend, so I ended up trying to work on form in different combinations on push and pull, hand to knee as in Corey's video, no shoulder dip/reaching for snow, and some down-weighting when there were gaps in people.


    I faced the same problem I always seem to face: I have difficulty setting an edge especially on heel side, Norm or otherwise, and when I do, I often blow out. If not, I let the carve stop itself. Thinking back, my thoughts are that I may not be initiating the turn early enough - probably closer to the fall line than across, and that I don't have enough angulation. Any trenches I could see from the lift (very few with trail vs lift paths and number of people) started showing up at the fall line. Feels like I am in a loop of not trusting the edge, because it wont catch or I wash out.


    Side note, when I get sloppy throughout the day or there are too many people and I skid, I seem to counter rotate or stay with my stance more than keeping the form. Maybe I need to take a day to just focus on that? Or I am expecting too much of myself with little practice and in soft boots? Long shot, but perhaps any drills to do off the mountain in between visits that I can possibly gain muscle memory?

  7. I went up on Saturday, very crowded as expected with it being a Saturday on a peak weekend. Got boot-fitted after being on the slopes so I was in soft boots on my Donek Incline, trying to work on form. Feel like I made a little progress, but it became very difficult with the crowds there to give myself enough space. Definitely did not get the revelation I was hoping for this time around. I am still having a difficult time getting the edge to catch, especially on heel side. I also tend to blow out when I do get in a carve. Maybe I am not initiating early enough and not enough angulation?

  8. Idea: You know those orange/yellow vests that vision- or hearing- impaired skiers don to warn uphill skiers and riders?  Would be nice to have some of those for us that say on the back something like " This rider makes wide turns", or "If you can read this, I have right of way".  ;-)

    Anyone do something like this? Wearing like a safety vest or something?

  9. Raichle 323s for sale, m24. They ended up being to small for me. They are in pretty decent shape, got them used here. They still have original liners, not heat moldable. Shell size is 22-24.5


    Asking $100 +Shipping from 91350 OBO. 





  10. Wax: Wax Whizard, the coldest/hardest wax I can find for the 2" close to the edges, and something appropriate for the day's temps for the middle of the board.

    Edges: I've finally got proper side (SVST) and base edge (Beast) angle guides. Wish I'd done this earlier! Add a file and a coarse/medium/fine diamond stone set. Set the angle once with each board with the file, then progressively work finer with the stones. For maintenance there's no need for the file. All are from Tognar.

    Stepping up through the diamond stones progressively gives you a razor-sharp edge. I fumbled with files alone for years, diamond stones are where it's at!

    My process is to wet the coarse stone with water, put it in the appropriate base guide and run it on the edge. Keep it wet. Then clean the edge/board/tool and repeat on the side edge with the side-angle guide. Repeat with finer and finer finishes until you're happy and/or scared of your edges. The longer you spend on each step the finer the edge, but you're taking away edge life the longer you spend. I spend 10 minutes per board, if that, a couple times a season.

    Read stuff on how to sharpen knives. Those who obsess about it spend a lot of effort stepping through progressively finer stones/polishes.

    I've been meaning to try using a piece of glass and various grades of sandpaper instead of stones, but haven't gone beyond thinking about it. That's supposedly the real deal for knives.

    What angles do you use on your edges? I am trying to figure out what kind of equipment and angles to use. I am a bit obsessive about knife sharpening, so I am definitely looking to make sure my edges are sharp :) 

    Do you use anything for side-walls? One of my boards will need something soon. Planer and panzar or cutter?

  11. For me, I ride casually, most of my equipment is pretty casual too. 

    I just have a simple iron, no controls. I use Swix CH line of waxes. I will usually hotwax at the beginning and end of the season, and whenever I have the time to before a trip just using the drip method; scrape and brush with steel, brass, and nylon. Otherwise when I do not have the time I will use the wax whizard. I try and wax before each trip, especially because I am unable to go very often.

    For edges, I only have the wax whizard / Ray's Way side edge beveler. I generally use it 75% of the time before a trip, especially if I see my edges need some touch-up. 

    At the end of the season I will hotwax with warm wax and just leave it on over summer to help protect the base. Warm it up and hot-scrape it off at the start of the next season.

  12. I am hoping to open up a casual general discussion for board care and maintenance. Everyone seems to have a slightly different way of waxing, tuning, and repairing, I would like to know what people do to take care of their boards. :lurk:

    A couple sample questions to get things started:

    What tools/ equipment do you use?

    How often do you wax? What kinds of wax?

    What processes do you go through? Any special techniques or tips you have figured out?

    Hotwax? Wax Whizard? Scrape? What brushes? Base cleaner? P-tex repair?

    How often do you do your base edges? Side edges?

    Topsheet? Anything with Boots and bindings? Off season storage?


    Post and let us know!

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  13. I don't see many boots in my size for sale, and I don't think I can justify buying brand new at this time. Wish I could try on new Deeluxe and UPZ to see if it is a fit issue.

    Tognar has a boot fitting foam ankle wrap that I am going to try to see if it helps, I am thinking the pain is more from a fit issue around my ankle than the cant. Going to also look for a boot-fitter later this month and see if I can find any luck there.

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