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Posts posted by Bubba

  1. Otherwise... do kids still ride Forum's now-a-days? I thought their hey-day was about 10 years ago.

    I am a 40 yo "kid" and bought a new forum park board last season and have a stiff freeride board in the quiver also. The tech in the park board makes it a blast to ride and is a very versatile board. So yes, they are still out there and a great board to ride........and not just for "kids".

  2. I did my on hill on a Liquid 159 (I think) in Hardboots back in 1993. Great control and at that time it was good PR to have a patroller on a board. Still is good PR to have them on boards. Funny thing is that the skier evaluating me didn't really know how to grade what I was doing. I still passed though.

  3. BB,

    Don't think of it as going over to the darkside. I have coached freestyle for years and ride 20F & -17B on my soft setup. Makes for some fun times especially with my kids. IT IS POSSIBLE TO CARVE DUCK. I have done it for years. What makes it more fun is if you can ride regular and and do a switch 180 and keep the carve. Looks good from the lift and even more fun to ride. Am sure I am about to get flamed but who cares. My goal next year is a fakie carve on my raceboard.

    How can I get some more Evil Sports stickers?

  4. <table><th width="125"></th><tr><td>Date</td><td>3/8/09 </td></tr><tr><td>Temp </td><td>31F </td></tr><tr><td>Visibility</td><td>flat</td></tr><tr><td>Conditions </td><td>crappy</td></tr><tr><td>Hardbooters </td><td>2 (ben, joed)</td></tr></table>


    i rode softies. i didn't stay long -- about 45 minutes. feels strange to ride soft boots. i didn't feel comfortable with the binding angles. all i was doing was skidding. how fun can that be?!?

    Contrary to opinions on here try "duck" you can transition either on the snow or in the air and carve regular or switch. Impressive to see when done right. I ride these goofy angles on my freestyle and it is fun. :biggthump:eplus2:

  5. The house actually selling these in the womens outerwear section. When I used to ride at Mt. Frontenac there was a guy that showed up each Saturday wearing a solid pink "romper". He created his own light.

  6. OK, I'd go riding tomorrow if I had a job..................................... Ironic that now that I have the time, I don't have the money.:eek:


    Dave R.

    Just trying to have some fun with ya! :biggthump Have a good night!



  7. 15.7% of your population has no form of medical insurance. (This figure is taken from the US govt. census website). I honestly thought it was higher than that, so I stand corrected in that regard. In Canada, 0% of our population has no medical insurance.

    Charachterizing my statement as idiotic is at best a stretch of the truth. Your overreaction to my perceived criticism of your country is reinforcing the stereotypes that you are trying to dispell.

    If you think someone is criticizing the USA, call them idiotic. Works for me.


    Dave R.

    Socialized Medicine right???????????? No overreaction on my part, just trying to have some fun with your stereotypical statement about the USA. Why can't we all just get along and ride maaaaaaaannnnnnnnn?

  8. From the behaviour of the parents I'm going to assume that they're from the USA. The reason that I say this is because everyone here (in Canada) has so much insurance that one of his parents must have some kind of dental plan that would cover it.

    There is a point where an accident is just what the name implies. AN ACCIDENT. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that if they want to make a prosecution / claim of any kind it would be against the resort and their insurance, and not you as an individual.

    If you pay voluntarily, you are admitting liability / fault, and may be opening yourself up to further chit in the future.

    good luck,

    Dave R.

    Having lived in the USA for all 40 years of my life I can tell you that this is definately the case. None of us here have dental insurance. We don't, because we can't, because it is against the law. We don't even have dentists in this country. We start teaching our kids proper dental hygiene in grade school and continue through high school. By that time 99.973% of USA children at the age of 18 can complete the most complex dental surgery that you are accustomed to in Canada. In fact, 87.569% of all USA households have a sterile dental surgery suite in their garages or homes. Those who don't, rely on their neighbors for the standard root canal or braces. We graciously provide this to our less fortunate friends. I personally have 3 suites on my property (machine shed, garage, and corn silo when it is not drying corn). After work today, I did 2 root canal's, 3 sets of braces and 2 complete cleanings. 5 hours of work for a case of beer, some venison, and a date with the neighbors daughter.

    Mr. Roboteye, take a look at the idiocy of your statement about the USA and you will realize how idiotic this post of mine is.

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