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Posts posted by FTA2R

  1. 1. props to my fellow DC area carvers - whitetail's email (i'm on their list) said they're testing their guns....it was 29 here tonight, not bad.

    2. Germantown - i used to work out there (so far!)

    3. Rich, not sure how you uploaded teh video, but you should be able to use Windows movie maker (comes with xp) to change the orientation than save it as .wmv or whatever file format

    4. i've also tried some carpet exercises, though much different from yours.

    5. i have an "ijoy" board, which you may like. with some creativity, it may be good training for bumps. they retail for quite a bit, at least $200, i'll sell it for much less if you're interested. i really don't use it and would prefer it be with someone who would use it. google it you can probably find video of it somewhere.

    6. John A is in MD (was right around the Bethesda area as of a year or so ago anyhow)

  2. let's not take offense, it's not worth it.

    hey, at least we got some publicity , right?

    clearly the author is writing to a certain audience/demographic in mind....

    sounds like the author respects carving/hardbooters - at least deep down inside (if not openly)

    but agreed, the speedsuit was unecessary, sounds like he just wore it so he could be 100 certain of attention. oh well. i'm happy we were mentioned.

  3. So today i was notified, to my total surprise (seriously, in my wildest dreams I wouldn't have thought of this) that a local resort used a pic of me (that's the first funny thing, my riding is not worthy of this) in their ski school brochure....as if that wasn't funny enough, the ad is for "freestyle" - yet it's fairly clear I'm on a race board, lol. guess they dig the outfit? :biggthump

    regardless, i'm pretty stoked..just wish my form was better....


  4. bumping, price lowered by $25 and I"ll ship now, too. would much rather see this being ridden.

    DC/MD/VA area a plus.

    Model: Burton Alp 157 (I think it was made in '98)

    Price: $75

    Condition: Good. Base is fine, 1 or 2 minor little dents (fixable), edges are fairly sharp (rideable), I think it still has decent life, definitely enough for a beginner or just a 2nd ride.

    Waist width: 200mm

    Manufacturer's Suggested weight range: 110 -170 pounds

    Perfect for beginners or as an extra, more-forgiving board. Was purchased several years ago (via eBay) and only ridden a few times for 1-2 seasons. Has not been ridden in several seasons, no reason why someone else can't be riding it.

    Other: Sticker-free top deck. Has the "butterfy / bat - shaped" stomp pad at an unusual angle - I think this could probably be removed.


  5. i love the semantics here.

    yeah, maybe it's not the root problem - i'll give you that...but that FACT that it is an enabler- yeah, then it can logically be thought of as a PART of the problem.

    "Its one thing to feel passionately about something based solely on hearsay and/or a negative experience. Its quite another thing to research and view all the facts and then make a reasoned decision about something.

    I don't buy a lot of these arguments. Of course my argument cannot be logically proved (guessed at, yes) but if you had 0 guns in the world, i think it's Generally agreed upon common sense that there would be fewer muders. Yes, sure, there would be still homocides...but just look at European countries - they don't have 20K homocides, not even close.

    but i digress, wouldn't want Big John to have only 20 pieces instead of 30.....

  6. disclaimer: i haven't read most of this thread.

    i can tell you that DC does NOT need more handguns. You stand a pretty good chance of encountering violence (of all types) in at least 2/4 city districts (SE and NE), depending on where and when you're there. There are a lot of murders here and a while back it was dubbed "murder capital." As usual, 3/4 of the guns are in the wrong hands to begin with. I'm unable to recollect any cases of DC area residents successfully protecting themselves b/c they were armed...anyone with half a brain knows it's much more like the residents are killing each other!

    G*d forbid you don't have a handgun - may have to actually exercise common sense and not go into the gheTTo - or be forced to protect yourself using other methods! (sling shot, water gun, butter knife =) )

    even if i had a gun in Anacostia, I"d still be nervous just walking around there..random shootings, car jackings.....the new Ball Stadium (headed to the Nats game tonight) is right down there and is actually helping to clean out the human and non-human trash. We need development - it creates jobs ,shops, brings life back to previously "untouchable" areas.

    ps aside from the violence (which can be much less probable by simply exercising good judgement), DC is a great city!

  7. bob, the fact you posted what you did after my last post clearly says a lot about you.

    swingers, wow. I don't know whether to laugh or feel bad for you....I have absolutely 0 interest in your homemade sex (or any of your other) video....i'll stick with my "yuppie" career (i'd love to hear your definition of "yuppie," especially since you clearly know me; last time i checked, educated and successful was a good thing) and lifestyle ANY f'n day in one of the best cities to be single.....

    let's just agree to disagree - you have your lifestyle, i have mine...and they sound totally different. you enjoy your lifestyle, and i enjoy mine.

  8. i did not exercise the best judgement and i admit that, though i suspect this is also about people having an issue with me (and not just me commenting on d-sub), regardless of whether or not they want to admit it- and of course this was a good time to jump on me.

    if d-sub is going through tough times, then i hope things get better for him. yes, i found him annoying on BOL (as did many others) and i expressed that feeling - i have not wished misfortune to him or his family. i do believe life has a funny way of coming full circle. so if his small but passionate group of supporters could get off my back, and just drop it, then that would be a pleasant surprise - a BOL flame war that extinguished itself.

    contrary to what Bob accuses me of, i am man enough enough to admit wrongdoing...whether via 'net or in real person.

    and much , much more importantly than what anyone here thinks (sorry, but it's true), numerous people in my life will vouch for my character...this i am 100% positive of.

  9. I'm not the one that takes a shot when I know the guy can't reply. You are one of the people that pretends to be above it but loves to talk **** any chance you get.

    yes, i hit the guy when he was down. i guarantee i wasn't the first (especially on BOL) and won't be the last. i did also mention that i don't have a daily knowledge of "BOL politics" and recalled that he's on, he's off, whatever - so i didn't know if he was really on or off.

    take your you know what out of his mouth already. it's pathetic.

    "I'm a friggin' farmer, dickhead."

    that's great. have fun milking the cows.

    D-Sub more than anything called people on their bull**** and you hated that, because you spew it too just like me,

    what the? i have no clue what you're talking about...refresh my memory, please. NO, i don't offer my opinion on every single f'n subject in teh world. i actually had several civil responses to him, as I found some of his posts interesting. :biggthump

    you think yours does not stink.

    right. again, no clue what you're talking about. when did you meet me? oh that's right, we haven't met (thankfully). maybe i'll go over and sign up on slashdot's forums and have fun over there!:D

    "As a IT professional for the past 10+ years I really don't appreciate being generalized like this...

    You are joking, right? if you're not, seriously, grow some thicker skin. I'm in IT, too, you moron!

    "So I'm going to assume you're a DC-living smog producing non-hov lane driving wanna-be-polititian bag of douche. "

    yup, never even had a gov't job - though i would like to run for BOL Policeman (or is that a self-appointed position?) just as soon as Bob steps down from the position.

    Talk about no life for D-Sub? How bout the time you invested in that thesis reply of yours?

    thesis reply?

    riiiight. actually, I tried to have my network engineer post for me, but he couldn't figure out how to =)...

    I read this post so obviously I have no life-no need to point that out.

    yeah, that you putting words into my mouth. said nothing of the sort.

    i need to come to SES or the one up north just to meet you asswipes - funny, b/c everyone else I've met on BOL has been very nice and friendly - you are no better than what you accuse me of with your ridiculous behavior.

    i expressed myself and didn't sugar coat anything - f'n crucify me.....drop it , pursue something more noble, please.

    ps Bob, i'll send you a postcard from SoCal - since that's the closest you'll get to some tail....

    pps Ensiwaya, post exactly what you think - do not be intiimidated by these guys b/c they have lots of posts and staunchly defend / desparately cling to their "unofficial" moderator status...

  10. i agree in that it's ridiculsou my response is soliciting such passion. i'm simply calling it like i saw...it's not like i posted "d-sub is a ****ty rider" lol....

    no, i don't know the guy, i'm simply going by what i noticed (i have been on the site for a few years) and also some private emails b/w him and I....i never claim to "know" the dude...so get off my back. you reap what you sew and he pissed off a lot of people and generally was troublesome and i simply went into detail about his personality and you pathetic followers are up in arms...get a life, let it go, who cares. d-sub is probably happy doing whatever he's doing now.

    Bob calls me a tool. i never even mentioned you, Bob- though you are essentially d-sub's "protege," if you will....fine accomplishment, son....now get back to work on building your own kernel! it's funny....a UNIX/LINUX geek calls someone a tool. i love it! i've worked with many a sysadmin - i know you guys generally have serious social challenges....i'll be glad to help if you're ever in DC, Bob. =)

    love it...

  11. wow, calling it like i see it has apparently angered some of d-subs online buddies.

    first things first, i'm hardly a BOL regular these days, so i honestly didn't even know the guy was banned (especially b/c one minute he's here the next he's not) until i saw the title of that thread. i log on maybe a few times a week, skim the threads that are of interest to me, then see if there's anything in there. i would have checked out the thread regardless of who got banned, just like i usually check out threads of people that pass.

    before i get into my actual response, let me preface it by saying i read a few responses to my post but haven't even read all of them (I have don't really have time or care that much), so...i'll respond to the first one i can right now

    I've been lurking on this board for a while under a different screen name. I forgot my password and don't even use the email I registered with so I created a new screen name.

    OK??? ironic, b/c D-Sub would have crucified you for being a lurker. so, what was your previous screenname?

    I've seen the flareups this guy caused, and I've also seen quite a few people kick him when he was "down." There's a fair amount of quite childish behavior on this site, and the above post is a prime example. The guy is banned. Can't respond or "defend" himself and yet Barry here feels the need to spout off about how much of a prick D-Sub is/was?

    as i mentioned previously, hasn't he been banned and then been back a few times? i'm not really a regular anymore, it didn't occur to me that he's actually banned for real this time....irony #2- all the argument and general trouble he caused, yet you're going off on me for calling it like it is. hypocritical in my opinion. and, it seems like he can still have a voice here if he wants - some of the other puppets are on his strings.

    How old are you, Barry?

    wth? how old are you? irrelevant quesiton.

    I rememeber how pissed you got at D-Sub when he had a friend enter a design for the donek board. Probably ate at you that he ended up winning, huh?

    wow, mr. anonymous, you have a good memory - much better than mine actually. i had completely forgot about that until you brought it up. do you really think i care? JFC, man, it was some contest a year or so ago...I have my own Donek that I designed my own graphics for and love it. it's comical that you actually remembered this and I didn't - i have many more important things in my life....

    The things you wrote above made zero sense really. Big fish, small pond? Uh...how is that?

    i said it simply b/c he posted a lot and everyone know who he was...and apparently he's has a crowd of followers, like yourself. so yes, in that sense, he's a big fish.

    Also...how do you have any idea what his life consisted of?

    well, let's see...he had like 3k posts in a period of a few months or something like that? how about the fact that he constantly posted and responded instantly to emails and other peole were like "give me a day or so to respond." i'm just using my common sense, genius.

    Do you have a man crush on the guy? Do you follow him around? He hasn't posted here in weeks or even months and yet...the instant his name gets mentioned you somehow think it's necessary to chime in and talk trash?

    man crush? never even heard that term before...yeah, i follow him around. like i said, jackass, i honestly didn't know when the last time he posted was. look at you, you registered a new name simply to come on and defend him...hell, you could be d-sub.

    Again I ask, how old are you?

    no relevance. i'm a young professional with everythign going for me.

    "You don't come out squeaky clean here, my friend. How you can consider yourself somehow "above the fray" and then do what you just did is beyond comprehension. Do you feel powerful? Avenged? Vindicated? Nah...you should feel small and stupid, really.

    nice work!"

    again, who are you? no one. i'd love to meet you in person. oh yes, i feel so incredibly powerful and avenged....yes, i did it too feel almighty. so what's your connection to d-sub?

    have we met? i don't think so...but then again, i don't know b/c i have no clue (nor do i really care) who you are....

    as for squeaky clean...i've had several very smooth transactions with other members and i know a lot of guys in the mid-atlantic. i have a great career, a hot girlfriend, great friends, and a nice house - so i must be doing something right.....

  12. "For you newer members, he (D-sub) asked to be removed from the message board a few years ago. At that time, he had over a few thousand posts with the old screen name. He was absent for awhile and then reincarnated as D-Sub, I don't remember what his previous name was. "

    let me revise this and put it bluntly:

    d-sub is the official BOL Tool - a guy whose life consisted largely of posting to bomberonline. he is one of these people who has an opinion about any and absolutely f'n everything and will talk (post in this case) to anyone who cares to listen. he's a big fish in a very very small pond.

    maybe he's cool in person, but he's a dip**** on bol

  13. didn't realize the question would spark so much debate....

    i would characterize myself as a young professional and it seems like every dude out here has 3 piercings (I had one in college, but quickly outgrew that phase), tats everywhere, wears those trendy "affliction" t-shirts, and the ever-lame flat-billed ball cap off to the side- and has the fake mohawk (AKA faux-hawk) hair....That being said, I'm sure there are others like myself, who aren't trying so hard to be cool.

    gdby, i may take you up on that offer - as soon as I ever get a free moment. i'd wana take a lesson, especially as i'm not a particularly strong swimmer (yes, i can swim, i just don't do it very often) - and my shoulder is still not 100%.

    bob, is that you in your avatar?

  14. wasn't too fond of the beginning, but the tip and tail cams are awesome...how did you do that? i made "ride the edge" a few years back with windows movie maker and it took me forever. i'm sure you used something quite a bit more advanced, but no doubt that took a long time to make. probably the best actions cams i've seen yet. really interested to hear how you did it ...do you have any kind of cinematagraphy background?

  15. thx, guys for the responses.

    Bobdea, though there are certainly things not to like, one truly has to be rather miserable to NOT like the beatiful weather and the beatiful women...i'm totally not a beach guy and even I had a good time during my first trip to newport beach, on Friday.

    Nekdut, this is Barry. I met you at SnowPerf (at Mammoth) a few years back. I think GaryJ may have also been there?

    I actually rented a bike (haven't been on one in about 9 years!) and biked from Newport ==> Huntington the other day. really relaxing, we don't have this scenery (natural and "other") in the DC Metro area!

    headed home next weekend...

  16. hey all,

    anyone here in "the OC"? I live outside of DC but am in the Santa Ana / Irvine area / Tustin for work (I'm an IT consultant). I go back to DC every other weekend. I really don't know anyone in the area and would like to meet some locals.

    I'm 29 and single...member of the MAC (Mid Atlantic Carvers)...

    up for hitting bars, movies, eating out, hiking, whatever...not sure how long i'll be here for.

    if you have any recommendations, pls email me. thx

  17. I may be heading out to So Cal (specifically, Santa Ana) for work for about 3 months. I've been to LA once before.

    1. What is Santa Ana like?

    2. What are the closest major resorts and when are they open until?

  18. "i think money spent on snowboarding has less to do with income and more to with your life situation and priorities."

    I believe this is a very insightful statement. Let me add that looks can certainly be deceiving, and possession of material objects is no exception. I see it everywhere - guys driving cars they can't really afford, etc. It's darn near a fact the average American doesn't make good financial decisions - I believe I heard/read the average American is something like 7K in debt (on credit cards alone).

    Though I hate to assume, I think it's safe to assume that the range of income levels of BOL members is likely varied - from very low to very high. You may also want to reconsider the question to make it geographically based, perhaps by zip code.

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