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Posts posted by Gecko

  1. I remember a week at Stowe while I was in Collage when the Temp didn't rise above -20F and it was blowing hard 20-30MPH they only had the main mountain open and only 2-3 lifts at that ...still the 100-200 people that were there enjoyed perfect snow between warming in the lodge

  2. Part of the TW problem is that they are based in SoCal...where every brat thinks he can be a Pro Skate/Snow Boarder a'la Shaun White...The odd thing is that RideBMX (I have raced and street-riden a 24"BMX cruiser since I abandoned MTB's to the technology race) hasn't been as effected by the TW effect as other sports. This could be because the "Core" BMX audience is spread out accross the US and SoCal doesn't have as much to exert it influence on...

    As for the Future of Alpine and the Olympics...Remember BX is set to hit the next 5 ring circus next time , lets hope the Course design doesn't end up like something out of the Xgames downhill BMX(So dangerous that Pro's were getting very hurt)...I personally would like to see a (Paired maybe) (super) Super G replace Slalom but that's just because I have never really liked Slalom and I have always had dreams of Blazing down a mountain on a BIG BIG (+200CM) raceboard

  3. Originally posted by pike

    I am totally onboard... black, long&short, blocky white print... carve line on arm?






    I've worn worse, post 911...Benchmade, Glock, Peerless, some EOD shirts a buddy gave me which were all about things that go BOOM, Suck Squeeze Bang Blow, Death by Camera, Killer Typewritters

  4. Originally posted by jeffnstefanie


    save $11.80 off the cover price

    For that money you get four (4) Issues

    I hope its great

    I think I will wait and pick it up an issue at a time

    I picked up a couple of Mags from the great white north that I think were called "Snowboard Canada" that were pretty good.

    The Magazine shop in my parents hometown (Newport RI; also home of CATEK...I had no idea) had Snowboard Canada (along with a couple of other rather good rags) and I bought 2 issues while home last year...canadians seem to be smarter about their boarding (or at least what they aspire too and publish) than those south of them...I have also seen a bunch on carving here in Japan though it is still out numbered by the whole rail thing

  5. Originally posted by dragonfly jones

    Transworld has done the same to surfing, motox, underwater basket weaving, tiddlywinks and I heard they are coming strong with a new chutes and ladders rag that will rival all of these in ladder slides and sickening chute wrecks. When will the carnage stop....

    There is wisdom in sarcasm somewhere.

    Dragonfly Jones

    Maybe it's Transworld who's to blame for sucking the soul out of my favorite sports...I know I never even glance at TransWorld Surfing...no soul all flash...Surfer and Surfing at least have a bit LongBoard magazines, both Skating and Surfing seem to be very good probably due to the passion and likely age of the participants.

  6. Originally posted by Coldrider

    This looks promising.


    Promising enough that I subscribed just on the cover alone...that is the kind of powder turn I miss seeing in the mags (I just broke out some of my old vids (snowboarders in exile, TB 1/2/3) to get a fix. Anyone look atthe Fawcett preview? I learned to ride resorts on a Flight that looked just like that Sims...wish I still had it

  7. the truely sad thing is that there isn't really anything better...at least TransWorld Skateboarding (TW Sk8) shows more Skateboarding (wheels on pavement) than TW Snow shows Snow though not by much...I am somewhat sad that the disciplines I practice (alpine riding and ramp pool skating) get so little coverage...then again maybe not as it just means I get the slopes/ramps/pools to share with a smaller number of people

  8. Originally posted by hadoken

    Some of us are grateful boarders no longer have to be certified to ride a mountain or need to check the Burton catalog to see where boarding is allowed.

    OT You know I still keep my 87/88 Certification card from Stowe in my wallet and I have a few of those Burton "resort lists" These days I look at the few mountains that don't allow Snowboarrding and wonder if they have anything that I want...Stoked to see Aspen open; Taos is still closed right??? there are what 5-6 resorts left in the USA that don't allow boards...

    Back ON Topic I take back what I said (well maybe not all of it) I still hate leashes but I forgot how useful they are in DEEP POWDER pull the binding off and tow the board as youcrawl to a place you can head back downhill

  9. Originally posted by Baka Dasai

    Maybe with toilets, but little else. Japan is either monstrously behind the west in terms of fashion/trends, or simply on another planet.

    Except for one area - one-piece snowboarding suits. I've been naively assuming that these were as popular outside Japan as they are here, but sources tell me that it aint so - that all you merkins and EUers are still laughing about the previous wave of one-pieces favoured by ugly skiers with too much money, rather than getting on board the new baggy, cargo-style one-piece wave.

    So, feast your eyes on the <a href="http://www.doco.net/one-piece/">new one-piece style</a> (popular with both park monkeys and fag eurocarvers in ski boots).

    There is nothing that compared to taking a seat on the thrown at a japanese resort and having the seat be heated...OK now I feel like a prissy dweeb:o :o :o

    Japanese fashion is at best 2-3 years behind the USA and probably 2 more behind europe where the US gets it's fashion...of course there is also the retro fashion thing in Japan. What I don't understand is the Day Glow thing...mostly though not entirely a Skier thing, I though the whole friends don't let friends do day glow was universial...The girls in Sailor Moon getup on the mountain are a trip to watch...Mom and Pop in their 40-50's busting fat though the moguls on hardbooted 150something Ogasawa's is something I aspire to...

    I've seen a lot of those 1 piece suits...they look cool and certainly are an advantage on powder days (says he who spent too much time with snow up my back and down my pants from powder digs on saturday

  10. Originally posted by Mark Jeangerard

    Nope, it's a carver with soft boots issue.

    I love that quote. Somewhere in the recesses of my memory I know that. I remember it fondly, but know not from whence it came. ?

    yes well we all have our vices...my case I'm too poor for the hard boots and bindings I want

    as for the Quote it was originally taken from JRR Tolkien and it read

    "Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger"

    Somewhere along the line I'm sure a gamer developed the catsup part...I stole it fair and square from a motorcycle buddy:D

  11. Damn lonerider a bit longwinded and defensive...the term "park monkey" is in itself a stereotype...just like Eurocarver describes the hardbooter

    I worked for Flite Snowboards and built freestyle, all mountain and a small number of raceboards (though by todays standards they are more like carving/all mountain boards). My opinion on boards for what it's worth it that the camber should at least hold the weight of the board off a flat surface...

    BTW yes I saw more than one (actually more than 20 in like 5 minutes) 24 inch stance on a japanese parkrider, while I may be a bit condecending to say that they were 5'2" they were at least 6-8" shorter than my 6'1" as I said this may have been a japan thing where it is very comon to see walking caricatures

    No I don't hate parks they keep Jibbers off the rest of the mountain:D something I am very thankful for and I respect what they do I just don't particularly care to do it...what I do dislike is that skateboarding has taken the snow out of snowboarding. just like skateboarding used to be about rolling and is now about rails/stairs snowboarding used to be about snow and now all that gets publicity are rails and stairs (I excluded ramp skating because rampskaters are to skateboarding what hardbooters are to snowboarding) The thing is, at least at the resorts I've seen here in Japan, the typical snowboarder is an all mountain rider and his equipment while for the most part is soft, he/she can carve. This may not be the case stateside and I'm sure it's not the case in Socal and likely a large portion of NorCal.

  12. OK too serious and it was still meant as a joke...I figure I watched a few thousand park monkeys between carving runs...hell I even made a few runs through the park just to hit the impecable jumps...Maybe it's just the Japan Thing where Image often is the Stereotype (I bet you've never seen a grown man in his forties carrying a Pink Hello Kitty backpack with pride) .

    As for the wide stance thing I have skated halfpipe and pools for years I run the same stance width on my skateboard as I do on my snowboard just a more forward angulation, I don't buy the idea that a 5'2" guy needs a 24" stance, the duckfooted thing I understand my knees just can't do it...

    FYI I have been snowboarding since 83-84 I built snowboards for a few years and I have never seen so many boards with what basicly amounts to negative camber in the park/pipe boards that are sold these days. I know I know that they are as purpose built as our carving boards I just see more noodle boards on the hill these days than functional ones...I have seen trends come and go thankfully lunchtrays and snowjeans are gone but the jibbers still annoy me, too much street skateboarding has made it's way onto the mountain...hell even the video/DVD's/magazines are full of it...gone are the shots of deep powder turns most of what you see are shots of stairs just like skateboard magazines...

    OK RANT over

  13. other ways to recognize your typical park monkey...

    24" duck-footed stances (I thought these went away with lunch-tray boards

    snowpants with the crotch at knee level

    biker wallets with chains at shin level (remember the crotch is at knee level.

    speaking about snowboarding in a language that you a fellow snowboarder would better understand if it were japanese (insert your completely un-understandable language)

    board covered in stickers

    board hasn't been tuned since date of purchase

    can often be heard complaining of too much snow (always happens on powder days

    can be seen attempting presses while on the way to the park


    Btw These aren't sterotypes as far as I have seen over the last week at two seperate resorts...I rode lifts over the halfpipes and the terrain parks for a week now and this is all from memory

  14. Originally posted by Baka Dasai

    I've heard other people say this too, but I just don't get it. I need those highbacks to lean on in order to get some edge angle on heelsides. In fact, I need those highbacks to have a whole whack of forward lean or I just can't get the board up high enough to carve a decent turn.

    Yeah I gotta agree here I rode yesterday morning with no highbacks in powder but by lunch and the crude came in I was off to the locker and the ten minutes it took to add support. I would judge this akin to y'all riding in walk mode. Highbacks for safety might be a jibber issue but for the cruising crowd with softer boots highbacks are a performance issue

  15. Originally posted by Stan

    Some more ideas.

    Last point to remember - when you WIPE OUT riding an alpine board (and you will, we all do) - DO NOT try to use it as a break right away. It behaves QUITE differently from a regular board. Your best bet (at least initially) is to get the board IN THE AIR as soon as you can after you fall . . . Slow down with your hands, ass, face - THEN use the board . . .


    HO HO that's no joke and my shoulder tells me about it daily...since saturday

  16. Originally posted by Marilyn Cambers

    Love it all, but I've gotta agree with Jack, country for more than 2.5 seconds makes me want to hurl! I really dig anything alternative with great lyrics ... speaking of has anyone heard the song "Snowboarding" by a group called Bif Naked? Here's the lyrics:

    This phallic snowboard beckons my sensuality

    The silence of the snowfall is playing with my concentration

    These blasted goggles hinder the shaking of this god forsaken run

    Whipper snappers whipping by

    Shredding by

    Carving through my heart

    They flow as if on water

    Gorgeous, delicious airs

    My heart stops as the cartwheels commence

    I soar

    My eyes close

    I taste the mountain

    This glorious creation of heaven

    My body is taut and ripe

    I give myself wholly and completely to the earth and snow and ice

    It takes me

    Harder than my favorite lover

    And the mountain eats me alive

    Marilyn ;)

    Being a Canadian she probably is a snowboarder...I know she did the voiceovers for one of the characters in the snowboard game SSX both in Tricky and #3. BTW that "song" as you call it is actually a spoken word reading she did back in 1997...it was just released though

  17. originally I had a 1 degree base and 2 degrees on the side...at this point the base is about .5-.75. This is mostly because the base was hand ground to start and has only a machine grinds on it.

    well I tuned up my board today and measured the base...I still have about a 1 degree base bevel...As for why a beveled base is important many might argue but unless you are on groomed, and fresh at that, a flat base is an invitation to edge catching...the bevel gives the board a bit of a roll from edge to edge...mind you this isn't as important when your waist is 18cm but it still applies...I rode a flat grind once and I was never so happy to get back on my own board...As for the side??? I'll guess that a bevel on the side seems to make up reducedangle from the base thereby giving you the rider about 90 degrees

  18. Originally posted by Neil Gendzwill

    Yeah, you can do it but you're using the wrong tool for the job. If your idea of freeriding is looking for every hit you can find, hardboots are probably not for you. If your idea of freeriding is going fast and turning hard, and you enjoy the mountain itself, not the artificial terrain added to it, then I think hardboots and an all-mountain board are for you. You can still air it out, too - but if you want to land switch, it's harder.

    No...my Idea of snowboarding is cruising at high speed and airing only when something pops up in front of me...I just like to air stylishly when I do so...my only stylish air is a nose boned Indy (frontside & occasionally b-side) I also have an ugly Crail (Backside) I cruise terrain parks only if they are empty (more so here in Japan than anyplace else I've ever seen or heard of) and then only to make a hit of two and leave but they are good for practice

  19. Originally posted by Neil Gendzwill

    The only terrain that really suffers is park/pipe. If those don't matter to you, get yourself some hard boots and an Axis or 4X4 and let 'er rip.

    Funny thing is I saw a lot of hard booters nailing the doubles/kickers in the terrain park, most just grabing Indy or Method but a few were pulling 360's, grabbed and straight

  20. Originally posted by gkanai

    Unrelated to this, I took your advice and prowled the myriad of snowboard shops near Jimbocho and Shin-Ochanomizu. My god that is a lot of stores! It was like some kind of snowboard retailing nirvana (aside from the high prices.)

    I found a helmet in XXL (after a LOT of searching) and only one decent race board shop- selling mostly F2s and Raichle/Deeluxe. No Cateks or Bombers yet.

    Yeah I cruised the Snowboard Sales Mecca of Japan on Xmas day I found a very nice pair of Mistral pants for the enormous price of 4300yen for that price I had to buy wax and a few other goodies just to make the creditcard purchase worthwhile...what I really want to do is head up there at the end of the season but alas I'll be at sea...hopeflly my wife will go for a set of ski boot's for herself.

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