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Posts posted by Gecko

  1. Originally posted by D-Sub

    actually, no...916 is NorCal, most definitely. Its the area code around Tahoe I believe...or somewhere in that area

    they made good gear. My jacket is 15 years old and still works. Just curious

    thanks for the response tho

    OK that makes a little sense however 916 clothing was all over the Big Bear area...I always thought that 916 was the backwards thought of 619 (SD area code) anyway good luck

  2. Originally posted by D-Sub

    hey gecko believe it or not Im friends with TCM...curious what you think about "Legion of Boom"?

    me...I like both...music AND the sounds. On icy days I find I ride better if I cant hear the ice:)

    Im lookin at an MP3 player too...that Creative Nomad looks gool. I could fit my entire CD collection on that thing!

    anyway..headphones...I think its SHURE that makes some high quality in-ears. I had this talk a while back and I forgot the model. I want to check them out tho.

    TCM...Legion of Boom...hummm when I first got it, early from their website, I wasn't so happy with it but it has grown on me...to the point that where it's in high rotation in my IPOD...It's different from Tweekend...

    BTW I have all my CD collection on my IPOD...so far 22GB at 128bit

    Headphones...last season I did the in ear thing...it worked but my ears hurt at the end of the day...I'm planing on installing a set of headphones speakers in my helmet...I listened to music in a Giro Helmet...that's for me

  3. Originally posted by kiwanoron

    They are Both Great Places But if you Go make the trip to Targhee...It is WORTH IT!!! I lived in Cody Wy. for 4 years and went to both places every winter...Don't bother with Alpine Gear. If you can wait till the end of Jan. or Feb. to go...It is Awesome...

    If you go, Targee is the only place you can really use an Alpine Deck, they groom every day and have good steeps...they have one slope that's over 50degrees....with alot over 45degrees...fast, steep and cord....yeah lots of fun

  4. Originally posted by slopetool

    hi guys - back up a little further in the conversation someone asked what board Farmer used to ride in the Critical Condition video. It was a 200cm Summit.

    I've looked for one for years. Has anyone seen a one of these before. Maybe they're made in Summit County? rare

    after CC Farmer had a bunch of boards made by Thruster (the wakeboard company) with huge (for the time) sidecuts I think the smallest one I saw was a 170 with a 13m sidecut and they went up in 5-10cm/1m increments from there there was a 205cm with a 18m sidecut if I remember right...the f---ing thing was huge and a freeride board at that...only his legs

  5. I stopped in a local snowboard shop to get a stomp pad (trying to find one not a burton) when one of the salesmen shows me a new board that they have called Infinity snowboards (made in Japan) that has stripes in the sidewall from the rubber sheets in between the ABS...along with a nice demo thingamadoodle showing the flexiblity in the edge as it flexes away from the base...the salesman explained in his best engrish that its for riding rails and such...thankfully most japanese snow is well groomed because I can't imagine trying to keep an edge on one of these in poor conditions.

    On a seperate note I didn't find a single board made in Japan that had a cap topsheet/sidewall unlike every import (read american companies)...interesting that though exactly what that says for the big snowboard industry I don't know other than money beasts a good product I guess

  6. Originally posted by D-Sub

    Ive tried a few helmets on, and always felt like an idiot. I think I already have a large head and helmets make it look even bigger

    funny how giro has that biker lookin helmet:)

    the nine.9 with the audio flaps...thats a badass idea!

    Hey that Biker looking helmet the " Bad Lieutenant" is an awesome helmet...I tried one on a week ago and other than my Boeri (which seems to be a different shape from other new Boeri's) it the only helmet I've been comfortable in. I want one bad but my wife (the ultimate arbiter) said NO!!! sigh maybe next year

  7. Originally posted by NateW

    Does anyone ride in motocycle clothing? I know there's a bunch of crotch-rocketeers around here... I was in a bike shop this summer and spied a pretty nice jacket/pant set. the outer layer was way more robust than anything made for snow sports, and I figure biking in the rain can't be less wet the snowboarding in the rain. Plus the knees were stitched with some angle in them, which seemed smart for boarding too.

    Other question - does anyone have a recommendation for a packet/pant set that zips together? I've been wearing rompers for years (stop laughing!) because I got tired of getting snow up my back in falls. Plus they look super cool (stop laughing, dammit!).

    My wife ski's in her "Motorcycle Jacket"...it's a Joe Rocket Meteor and keeps hep warm and dry...of course removing the armor makes it a bit more comfortable, I've got the same Jacket but have so far refrained from boarding in it

  8. I have a NF Mountain Light, nice jacket that I like a lot however I spend most of my winter in a US Army GoreTex...I've sewn a pocket into it for my IPOD that includes the remote sewn into the collar. This is by far the best jacket I have owned and I even excuse the camoflage since it keeps me warm and dry even when is warm and or wet. If I was hunting for a civilian looking replacement I'd look at Mountain Hardware...they are the most durable looking jackets I've seen other than my GoreTex

  9. Originally posted by lonerider

    Well $12 socks compared to $200 boots + $100 liners + $100 insoles... all of which you can only use while snowboarding (ok... maybe you can use you insoles in your sneakers/shoes)

    Yep, I use the above socks for snowboarding (and jogging, hiking rollerblading, skateboarding, ice hockey and everyday use). I slowly got addicted to them after just buying a pair or two for the weekends (maybe that should be a warning).

    Again, if you are near an REI, just buy a pair and try them out... if you don't think they are worth it... return them for a full refund, after the season is over :D

    Yea I got addicted to the Smartwool socks as well I own 4-5 pairs for hiking, inline skating, snowboarding and such...My cats have taken a likeing to one pair and have ruined them...nothing so funny as a bobtailed taby dragging a sock all over the house so I haven't the heart to get mad (as long as they stay with just that pair).

  10. Originally posted by skategoat

    1) You guys have way too many boards.

    2) You have extremely understanding wives or you are all single if you can store boards in the living room or office.

    My living room is storage for 2 snowboards, 1 pair ski's, 4 skateboards, 2 pairs of inline skates, a Trikke (look it up) 2 pairs of snowboard boots, 1 pair ski boots and a Bicycle Maintenance though the bulk of it's mines enough is my wife's that she doesn't complain

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