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Posts posted by Zone

  1. 100% of men Olympic PGS finalists were wearing Northwaves, riding Kesslers with funky bindings, buying the same underwears, ate the same Super Swiss Muesli in the morning and were from the same set of parents... :lol:

  2. It was also observed that one of the Schoch brothers closing his binding with one had before the start of the race and then popped it open with two fingers after the finish. So “tight” bindings may not be the norm for racing? …..”

    Nothing to do with how loose the bindings were. Just Supermen doing up tight bindings... :eplus2:

  3. Here in Ontario, the lifties will actually stop the whole lift if they catch you with the bar down. So if you want to ride up, you don't have a choice.

    Years ago I had a cheap pair of slippery snow pants, putting the bar down quickly became a reflex. Nowadays, it's riding up with my kids. Speaking of which, even though I love Tahoe/Kirwood, there is no way I'm going there with my kids and risking them falling off those big towers...

  4. vaccinations do cause autism, one vaccination in particular usually with in two weeks of the shot.

    Holly crap Dr D :eek: , that's old news that is now long disapproved. What about continuing education for yourself and relying on web sites that are reliable ( I could put up a site with a new cure for vaccine side-effect, with DrZone, M.D. behind it, does it make it true??)?

    Of course any treatments have side-effects. You may not have patients that have polio but I still have some that can't walk properly because of it. Can't think of any one that are disabled from the vaccine however.

    Granted, for example, nobody died of tetanus in the last 50 years in Canada, but I rather have a few minor side effect than being that first case of tetanus. All about risk and benefits, you've got to do the math for yourself. Same as heading down that black diamond.

    I say this to many regarding vaccine: if you are well informed and don't get the vaccine, and you get the disease, that's your choice and I'm actually OK with it. However, if you infect someone else (and that's typically someone close to you) because of that choice, can you live with yourself? I wonder if there was a vaccine for that bird flu, and bird flu became more prevalent, whether you would hold the same statements.

    Prevention as a general rule works so much better than treatment. Of course, we see more minor side effects and the rare serious ones, in North America than the actual disease because of vaccines reducing the incidence of those diseases to almost inexistant. However, you just need to step out of North America to see the seriousness of the diseases, and that vaccine do work.

    I was ready to let go of the whole arguments about risk/benefits thing, until you threw in the autism crap.


    PS: not the right forum for this anyway, so I'll stop venting here, haha. :argue: Riding is so much more dangerous and fun than the whole vaccine thing, so that's what I should stick with.

  5. Poor guy, condoleances to the family.

    That reminds me of an autopsy where a biker hit a car. No sign of trauma on the outside, however, he dislocated his vertebrae, cut the aorta in half (scissor like movement, the aorta sitting right against the vertebral column). He was literally hanging by his skin....

  6. The Southern Ontario Session, while a great success, with its great organisation, sunny weather, nice snow and great camaraderie, has also suffered a tragedy of far reaching consequences.

    This man, Mr "Coiler" himself, was testing his new creations during the SOS. However bad luck struck when the brand new AllMountain he was testing found an unexpected deep soft shoulder. He went spectacularly over the handle bar, badly injuring his ankle (final diagnosis still pending).

    The Canadian carving community is now mourning the temporary loss of its greatest shaper.

    So if you are waiting for your new Coiler, stop whinning!! Jasey Jay excepted of course.

    Bruce putting on a brave face


    Sir, could you stop riding please...


    Aren't you Bruce Varsava?


    Ooh yeah nice and snug


    Now THIS is carving


    So why is this man with a smashed ankle smiling?


    because he works so hard, even a forced vacation is welcome.

    Wishing you a fast and good recovery.

  7. Thank you Chris again for a great session.

    My apologies to the old lady in the green jacket I almost gave a heart attack to, cutting her off her gate and al.

    I saw some amazing carving today in Coiler country.

    Here are some pics.

    Note that these are compressed. If anyone want the original picture(s) let me know.

    While everyone is still fresh



    And now for some fresh beer



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