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Posts posted by lowrider

  1. Hope you family guys are buying a great big insurance policy for your family. The probability of survival is low. Nice to leave them something they can remember you by. I simply do not trust the average driver enough to risk my life on their attention span . I also wish my son would sell his bike !


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  2. Local bump is now charging for 4 hr blocks of time. Is this the new normal . Have not purchased season pass and having skied at the 300 foot pimple for 60 years am totally pissed that their only effort is to open beginner runs and charge $40.00 dollars for one chair lift and a carpet. Thinking I will save my money and spend it in BC. Red Mt. Whitewater Fernie and Castle will put it to better use ! +12 here on Tuesday 16 inches 5 days ago in my yard and all gone today.

  3. On 10/4/2022 at 9:07 PM, SunSurfer said:

    Looking forward to being there and catching up with lots of people I haven't seen since the last Bomber SES/ATC!

    Well used to driving front wheel drive cars, and to the smooth driving technique needed on snowy/icy roads from my winter driving here in NZ.

    A gravel road is unfortunately NOT a sealed road and I have no wish to void any indemnity on a US hire car contract.

    The restrictions are based on their insurer. In my province I can buy coverage through my car policy that will cover many other conditions. You might check with your own insurance company for extended coverage for rentals. It is only the last mile up to the lodge that you really need to worry about and if you go off there it will be springtime before they get the car out and you will be long gone. 

  4. We did not beat them we froze them Saturday nite lows were around -15 C They played outside. Not exactly fair dinkum . Now Toronto wants to spend 20 million or so to host preliminary matches with finals going to other North American cities. Canadian team has heart we will see if they have more than that going forward.

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