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Everything posted by skiracerx

  1. Spring Conditions: (I know we all try to get the last runs in the season) -the dirt / black gunk on bases. Combination of: Oils, slope and lift equipment. Other waxes, Tree twigs, bark falling from winds then groomed, Pollen (that stuff is nasty and sticky ), mud from thins, mud from boots, maybe even cosmic dust (pixey). Organisms natural. combo to say the least. On white bases it really shows. Black bases it's there just does not show as much. I figure just clean it good and re wax. The wax at that point has dirt anyway built up. I usually remove with Zardoz Super Z base cleaner, then do the NOTwax felix - base clean, Notwax, fluoro, notwax. I have used all the name brand hot wax, T,S,H,N, 1ball and others over 10 years with zardoz notwax . The notwax overlay will also help keep the gunk from bonding. Graphite will absorb water. I like Boron Nitride. It really is hard to tell avg use. I mean some ride hard all day, some ride a bit, chill a bit etc. Competition tend to hang more than actually ride. so ymmv You can get all my test results on http://www.skidome.org tomorrow I will be doing on slope demos for the public in the rain, that will be the best test. March 6 2011 Liberty Mtn PA. can't get any wetter. What we have found (50% of the boards/skis we apply the notwax to), have not seen wax in years, some have rust, some core shots, ptex hairs or worse with big hangnails. Riding switch ???. Sometimes it is not the dirt or wax , only lack of maintenance. I spend 1 hr a week maint. But have something just in case, no iron out on the mountain. Lack of glide is a fatigue factor. Lack of glide is a timing factor. (park pipe) Both can be a safety factor. Happy and safe riding e
  2. Hi, I ski southern PA. It can go from 20 and shade to 45 sunny in the same 4 hrs. I have used notwax for years. The rub on works but when you hot wax a layer of notwax first, then hot wax top off after structure, X cross hatch works in the spring. Your trying to break the suction effect of the extra water. Also try and hotwax, and prep with Super Z or other cleaner. gets rid of gunk, pollen, dirt etc for the last week or two of the season. now Zardoz has their own Flouro+ wax. you can rub and buff on, or hot wax. It has Notwax in it and select flouro. here is a link to my test reports. http://mysite.verizon.net/vzeqi4ur/Zardoz_Fluoro_testing_Draft1ZR.pdf If your older and do not like the back breaking chore of scraping off wax, Zardoz Fluoro+ comes off easy. I typically wax one once a week for 10 to 12 weeks. A group of us tested it over a yr. from 10 degrees F to 50 Degrees F , 40 to 80% humidity. Snow is mostly man made. abrasive.
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