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Posts posted by Rob-CanCarve

  1. I guess I am joining the heel pain club.

    This is my first season with SI's and I am finding pain as well.

    Mine seem to occur right at the bottom of my heel, where the cable comes into the boot.

    It is the only place that you cannot change the cable path, due to the entry point.

    I had pain up higher on the ankle, but re-routed the cable and seemed to solve this.

    Any suggestions to dealing with the cable at the point of entry would be great appreciated.



  2. Henry:

    Thanks for getting some video - didn't even know you were taking it.

    Let's try to get ourselves oreganized, so we can pick which day on the weekend to ride.

    It was great to see everyone - nice core group of 5-6 of us on Saturday, and I know there are at least 5-6 more.

    Arthur, Ray and Paul - are you still out there????? Dave Morgan too

    I suggest that we post on thursday, which day everyone plans to go, depending on weather. It is great to ride with all of you guys - gets everyone pushing it.

    Henry, what bindings are you riding - I am Cateks, so if you want to take the Madd for a spin - just ask.

    All the best,


  3. Hey Guys:

    Finally got out on my Madd 170 on Saturday - interesting ride.

    Comparing it to my Coiler 184 PR it is a very different board, still absolutely love the Coiler, but it felt like a freight train running down the hill compared to the Madd.

    Because I was unable to make it to the States for Gilmore's set-up session, I was wondering what stance, angles and lift everyone is running on theirs.

    Found my toe sides really strong, but was washing out my heel sides.

    Any advice, recommendations and/or insight would be greatly appreciated.

    All the best,


  4. I cannot take credit for this suggestion, Dave Morgan (YYZCanuck) recommended taking a diamond stone and rounding off all of the sharp edges of the pins. Concentrate your efforts on where the pins contact the receiver - bottom of the pins.

    I have done this and it seems to reduce the amount of wear on my Catek Olympic receivers.

    This combined with greasing the pins and receiver will reduce wear greatly.

    Hope it helps


  5. Skategoat:

    Usually ride Promanade on Moonstone side.

    Will be riding a new Madd 170 - first voyage on the hills with this.

    Colours - Red/Black/White jacket and Giro Flint Helmet.

    How old are your kids - mine is 2 1/2 and I am hoping to get him on skis this year.

    Hopefully we will hook up.


  6. Hey Guys:

    I am looking for everyone's opinion on which resort and/or area in Quebec would be the best for a 3 day vacation.

    Plan is to ride Friday, Saturday and Sunday (i know can't get weekday time off) in mid-late February

    Which resort/area would be the best for carving??

    All insight, advice and opinions welcome.



  7. Hey Guys:

    Received my Madd 170 and when I opened up the box - there is glue on and all around the carbon fibre wing. The glue seems to have been from attaching the wing to the top sheet and is in lumps and bumps.

    Did anyone else experience this on their Madd 170's or 158's???

    Thanks for your input.


  8. Hey Everyone and Merry Christmas

    I was getting psyched about getting out riding soon and was checking out my equipment only to find the the heel in my rear boot, where the bail is in contact is completely cracked.

    The crack runs from the outside edge of the heel to almost halfway around the heel. Has anyone else experienced this problem?? Is there anyway to repair it??

    Also what is the chance that someone out there has an old set of Raichle 325's/425's in a 26.5 Mondo that wants to sell me their shells. I have thermo liners, so only need the shells. In reality - I only need the lower shells.

    I have a new Madd hopefully arriving this week and wanted to ride it - now this.

    I am willing to take almost any Raichle shell in a 26.5 Mondo.

    A note to everyone, check your shells for I am glad I found this in my basement and not when cranking a turn at speed.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks and Merry Christmas


  9. Hey Everyone:

    I was getting psyched about getting out riding soon and was checking out my equipment only to find the the heel in my rear boot, where the bail is in contact is completely cracked.

    The crack runs from the outside edge of the heel to almost halfway around the heel. Has anyone else experienced this problem?? Is there anyway to repair it??

    Also what is the chance that someone out there has an old set of Raichle 325's in a 26.5 Mondo that wants to sell me their shells. I have thermo liners, so only need the shells.

    I have a new Madd hopefully arriving this week and wanted to ride it - now this.

    I am willing to take almost any Raichle shell in a 26.5 Mondo.

    A note to everyone, check your shells for I am glad I found this in my basement and not when cranking a turn at speed.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks and Merry Christmas


  10. I attempted to get a set of Burton Reactors to fit my wide feet - tired thermo's, stretching the shells, othotics, etc - never did work.

    My recommendation is try to pack them out in the first couple of days out - if they are still to tight - buy other boots (Raichle or Head) and sell your Burtons to someone with thin feet.

    It is not worth going through a season of pain, to realize it is not going to work for you in the spring. I did this 3 seasons ago - pain so bad I couldn't walk after a session. Bought a set of Raichles (one size smaller) and they have the fit of bedroom slippers since day one.

    Just my 2 cents

    All the best,


  11. John:

    Being in Canada - I would really appreciate it if someone could video your session and make it available to poor suckers like me.

    I know it will not be the same as being there and having your personal expertise, but what will be said and done would be really useful to watch and learn from.

    If this is possible - it does not need to be fancy - just your knowledge and expertise.



  12. Andrew:

    There is actually a great crew of Toronto and area based carvers.

    I myself usually go up to Mt. St. Louis - on average there can be 2-10 people riding alpine boards - it is a great group and we are always looking for more to join.

    Feel free to contact me and I would be happy to get you involved.

    All the best,


  13. Personally - I like the Classic graphics on the new boards, even the Twisted Girl is starting to grow on me.

    I think Mike/Shaggy/Cheri/John stayed true to the orginal Madd's by using a similar graphic, but updating it in a new color - new but always known.

    Madd's are unique boards and either of these graphics will stand out and be considered different to much of the market.

    The reality is poeple bought these boards to ride, not hang up as art pieces - so their performance will be what we will all be talking about.

    I would like to know what size screws I will need to install Catek Olympics and WCC on this board, so I will be ready when it arrives.

    Now all we have to do is get snow on the ground!!!!!!!!!!!!

    All the best,


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