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Posts posted by arneburner

  1. On 5/16/2024 at 1:38 PM, big mario said:

    Front knee(right) 06/26

    Back knee(left) end of september. 

    Joining the bionic bodypart crowd. No Mtb this summer, I can only get about 300 degrees of pedal rotation before the left starts screaming.  Pumptrack on the dj is okay though

    Welcome to the bionic bodypart crowd. Not a fun crowd to join short term, but good long term. 

    • Like 1
  2. You didn't mention your foot shape which is critical in finding the right boot. Deluxe are wider in the heel and narrow in the fore foot. UPZ are narrow in the heel and wider in the fore foot. Mountain Slope boots are somewhere between the above. I just got Mountain Slope boots after having 3 pairs of UPZ boots. The UPZ  boots fit fine with a wrap liner. I am liking the MS boots more due to the ability to change springs that are inexpensive die springs. I also like the progressive flex of the MS boots. I have the standard 100 flex which can be made stiff or  soft depending on the springs.

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  3. 20 hours ago, yamifumi said:

    I am regular. I have stiffest spring on the rear boot. 
    i prefer the softer spring on rearward flex. It is not much of difference but my caf feels more comfy. It is nice when I use it for powder set up. It is more hassle to change those than forward flex so I just kept it as softer set up. 

    I am not sure which MS boots you have but I have 100 with World Cup tongue and the tongue makes a big difference. I love the lateral flex on 100.

    I also relocated the top buckle as I ride narrower birds (15.5cm and 16.5cm)

    I have the 100 with the stock tongue. Thanks for the info. Ordered some new springs to try out. So many adjustments to try.

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  4. On 1/13/2024 at 6:04 PM, yamifumi said:


    23-24’ season will be my 7th season riding this boot (I preordered it before it was even out in 2017) and there is no other boot that I like to ride/carve than MS .951

    - Flex is as consistent as the boots gonna get in different temperature

    - very easy to change the flex of tongue, springs

    - maintenance and fix is easy with parts which are available. It can also be swapped with some ski boots buckles with light modification

    - I just love it! Worth every penny



    are you regular or goofy? right boot has a much stiffer forward spring. You have softer springs than yellow on the rear SPRING. Did you find the yellow rear spring too stiff? trying to set up mine. The red seems too stiff on the front but the blue seems too soft for me. Have not messed with the rear yellow spring.



  5. On 11/27/2023 at 1:56 PM, JohnE said:

    Any reports on conditions: crowds, snow quality, runs available?

    Spillway and Richards are firm. Mambo is decent. That is all that is open. Not too crowded today.

    • Like 2
  6. 162 Kessler sl is 8-10-12 sidecut. great for early season with 2 many people on the run. It likes to  turn, well yes it is a sl board. Can ride the middle or tail to make medium radius turns. Fun, but it can be bit tiring.

  7. 44 minutes ago, JohnE said:

    Yesterday - final day of the season, final run of the day. Arne joined us (on skis). Good to see him out again after a long recovery from rotator cuff surgery. 

    Still a bit wintry up there. About 3" new in the parking lot. Maybe 5" - 8" in previous 24 hours. Snow conditions were good but a bit soft. Not cold, maybe 30 degrees in the lot on arrival. Visibility up top was OK to poor throughout the day (typical for us this season). Snow was getting beat up & tracked out which wore us out. We quit around noon. Some sections of great turns but not the best day. Spent most of the day on Ptarmigan and #6. Finding lesser tracked slopes took precedence over crowd avoidance.

    We figure that we got in about 17 days with an average of about 15 runs per day. Our mid-week passes were about $360 so each run cost about $1.50. What a bargain!  

    It was the end of a very good season for us despite meager snow cover. We had many "best days". We're getting caught between the rising slope of improved ability and the declining slope of age. It is fun to be able to get better at something at this age but eventually age will win.  

    Arne - heal up completely and we hope to see more of you next season.  


    Thanks John and Greg. Fun day!

    • Like 1
  8. I would like to think that I can carve on snowboards and skis, but for me the carve on a snowboard is much more addictive. Something about being on one edge instead of two. As one of our cat guides said: "Snowboarding is fun!" But I do get the back and forth motion. Something about the snowboard allows you to vary the turn shape more.

    • Like 1
  9. On 1/16/2022 at 9:11 PM, johnasmo said:

    I thought I got schooled in pain when I blew out my shoulder mountain biking.  Then I learned what real pain was from the surgery to rebuild it.  Best of luck.  Sleep in a chair for a while.  No matter how it feels, force a stop to opioids at 4 or 5 weeks.

    thanks, stopped percocet after 5 days. did not sleep well in chair. feeling good so far. aleve and cbd works for now. PT will be a different story.

  10. 1 hour ago, Ladia said:

    Arne, I just hope  for fast and decent recovery. Good luck and let us know about progress . I found moral support from this community is very helpful psychologically.



    thanks for your moral support. i know my injury is minor compared to what you went through, but these last few days after surgery have tested my threshold for pain. at least the dr. said the surgery went well. 6 weeks in the sling and 6 months of pt  will suck, but i will try to work thru it. 

    On 1/12/2022 at 6:03 PM, JRAZZ said:

    Damn Arne... Sorry to hear that! 

    Sending healthy vibes your way for a speedy recovery!


  11. Sorry to report that my season is over. Full thickness tear of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons (rotator cuff) with 4 cm of separation.  Surgery on Friday. Fell on hard snow in December. Heard someone behind me, looked back and caught my toe side edge and fell on left shoulder. This likely resulted in a partial tear which was not too bad. Second fall was in the lift line. Front foot attached to board slipped on ice and fell on same shoulder a week later. This completed the tear. Really sad to miss the rest of the season and pissed at Ikon for refusing to defer my unused pass until next season. 

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  12. On 10/9/2021 at 8:34 AM, FelixD said:

    Thanks so much for the reply, do you have any contact info for their training programs? Thanks again

    https://emsc.lertprograms.com/ is the link for Eldora. It is more oriented to the recreational racer as  opposed to Steamboat which is for the serious racer.

    On 10/9/2021 at 5:32 PM, Dave Winters said:

    +1 for the Steamboat program. Coach Thedo Remmelink has a world class program on Howelsen Hill, a world class facility. Contact the Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club for all the details.


    Am I biased? Well, yeah....

    Thanks coach!

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