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Ear dragger

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Posts posted by Ear dragger

  1. go for the td3's or cateks. if you find them stiff, loosen up the flex on yur boots. I think the bindings should be a beefy part of your'e set up. let the boots flex more or less. and when you buy the bindings get the softer ring for the td3 or with catek make sure you get the d3 elastomer. F2 bindings might be what you are looking for though, if you don't want to mess with your'e boots.

  2. I see there's quite a number of people looking to hook up and ride together. Nice to see there's more hard booters!! It's been a while since I've looked on the thread, but I will be primarily riding at stratton, but would go on day trips or whatever to other places. Im in huntington, and try to ride every chance i get. So anyone wanting to share a ride, Im down. The season is getting close!! maybe less than one month till that wonderful white stuff arrives :1luvu:

  3. the one post is good. go with the binding angles steep enough to get no overhang from the bindings or boot. click yur boot in to the binding when checking over hang and imagine leaning the board into the snow(mimic the carve). boot overhang is no fun. you catch that thing in a carve and there you go, on yur butt!

    another thing I do when setting up the boots to the bindings is try to center the boot in relation to the center of the board. (might be hard to understand,sorry) mount the boot into binding. take a look at the center of the boot where you're leg would be coming out. I try to center the boot with regards to adjusting binding so the leg ends up being as close center as possible. I'm just eying the equipment from the nose or tail. this might seem strange but it works for me. also good idea with centering on the inserts.

    first of all is stance width: wider is better! 19 1/2 inches (center of binding to center) is a good number or there abouts. It might feel wierd but try to stay wide. If you have the ability to put toe and heel lift in, do it. It will help make the stance more comfy. I would stay away form canting (personally). try a little toe/heel lift, then see if you can get away with more stance width. even short people can ride a wide stance, they just tend to dial in some more toe/heel lift (not eveyone). I love the nice wide stance, works great for everyone:). so, stance width, binding angle, heel/toe lift, then center everyting as best as you can. hope my mouthful was helpful:barf:!!

  4. I use the stuff, thanks to him. It does awesome for holding my mittens together, including the cuffs of my jacket! I'm due for new mittens this year, and i think i need a gauntlet cuff, cause i don't wanna tear up the cuffs of my jacket any more. So I was hoping for the answer (form of mitten). I'm a mitten guy thru and thru.

  5. I like the one glove material that was posted, but those heli mitts just don't look that durable to me. I tear my mittens up pretty fast and tool dip them back together (thanks to good ideas from freinds:)). that works, but i would love to solve the problem with a mitten made out of kevlar or some super durable material:confused:

  6. bob you have some kind of vendetta for people posting thier opinions!!:flamethro as for you and dave, it's a shame you are giving him such a hard time. I've ridden with him and he's a nice fella with a fair amount of knowledge. don't think bashing on his equipment is neccesary. You like what you like and so does he. I would love to see you ride sometime!! you seem to have a great knowledge of snowboarding.

    As far as the beginning of this thread, I would say either stick with you're current equipment and turn up the angles for the carving, then back down for pipe/ other events. Personally i used to race gs and a real carving snowboard will give you the ability to rail very hard, especially if you're good on softies. I think the boy would pick up a carving setup easily! I think thats awesome that he does so well on softies. I remember some people killin it on softies back in the day of my racing. If you all can afford to get a setup, I strongly reccomend hard boots:eplus2:

  7. but not for me!! mittens are easy on and off when riding the chair or doing some fumbling in the pockets while out on the mountain. cause fingers get cold in a hurry, slip on the mitt and presto! I like the glove link. the material looks pretty awesome but still no mitten!!!! :smashfrea

  8. So gloves/mittens are a big problem with carving, due to obvious reasons! who has found a mitten that has some serious material on the palm/fingers area. I would love to make it thru the season on one pair of mittens. the mighty tool dip is wonderous, but I was hoping someone might have found the answer to the problem!!:eek:

  9. the boots are the key to the shin bang. I used to have really bad "bang", and after spending the money on the good molded liners, i have been foot loose and fancy free!! so i say get you're stance back out in the 19s and break out you're wallet on some nice liners, and go see a good boot fitter.

  10. this is good!! i don't know what anyone is thinking calling stratton a yawn. It is quite challenging and the grooming is outragous! there are enough different trails to keep me happy every time i ride there. i would love to see a carve off with anyone!! never seen that other guy ride, but i cant turn as hard as steph can, no doubt!!

    the beast was a great little mountain. for the money and the hominess of the place, it has good trails! as far as okemo and killington, they are not for a carver in my mind. If you plan on driving further north, go for it. hit up stowe, it's nice and steep. sugarbush is cool too. and if you can deal with the long haul head on up to sugarloaf:lol:

  11. I think jump on the alpine with the lowest angles you can achieve with out draggin boot, run a nice wide stance 19 1/2 inches or so, and give it a go!! it will be soo different at first. it feels like all they want to do is go straight!! if you have ever skiied it may help. One thing i will say is when on a freestyle, all mtn, or whatever, you ride with one shoulder back, on an alpine both shoulders are facing downhill, like a skiier, that is helpful to controlling the board. If you try to ride with a shoulder back you will find it difficult to manipulate the board. You''l figure it out im sure, Have fun!!:lol:

  12. Great picture! that board looks like a handful to deal with in a dicey situation! I've never been on one of those things, but based on you're riding i think you'll make any board you ride look good, I think you should consider length of board, side cut, and stiffness. then pick a board. Give the coiler a go in my opinion, and if you like the width of a swoard, then get a pure race. they have some width on them, and I feel that coilers have some pretty awesome edge hold, as long as you get something in you' weight range, you can probably get a stiffer board, I don' think you have a problem pressuring you're edge!! now I know other people will tell you get a different board and I'm all for other boards, you're pretty much gonna be happy with whatever you get, and after you spend some dough buying and selling different boards, you'll probably get a quiver of rides you really like! So don't be afraid of buying some used boards on this site. In my opinion, stay awat from nidecker, and volkl. They are just not gonna do what you want in my opinion. coiler, prior, donek, they are all great and wont break the bank, If you'ver got dough, then buy 2 different boards, you can be sure that they will sell if you don't like them. hope that helps, sorry for the novel:)

  13. good stuff!! It's the life doing what you want! glad to hear you landed a cool job and getting to ride as much as you can. I'm sure you will become addicted to the hero snow and may never enjoy the east coast hard pan again! It took me a couple of years after i moved back east to ride here, but now I'm a happy camper!! Great riding with you the few times, and keep rockin that onesy!:biggthump

  14. it's good to see quite a few other guys that live in the area. the weather has changed so fast, it's got me thinkin about the snow!! almost time to break out the tuning kit. I'll be happy to share a ride with anyone. I usually buy a season pass at stratton, but i might not this year. in which case i'll be down to ride other places.

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