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Ear dragger

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Posts posted by Ear dragger

  1. I have dalbello silver liners, and they were done by a great boot fitter. the golds are good too, but I went with the silver's because the liner is really tall, it sticks 3+ inches out of the top of my shell. I have always had really bad shin bang and these fixed 90% of the prob, going to the rc10's gave me 100% comfort!

    Go get the liners done by a pro, not at home. get dalbello's (250)or the blown in kind (400) numbers are totally ball park:D

  2. looking uphill when riding is ok once in a while in my mind. It just makes it sort of unsafe for me to choose my line at speed. I totally agree that being aware of you're surroudings is very important, which is exactly why I don't ride with head phones in.

    Some times i can hear someone come up on my, sometimes not. I've been hit once very hard on the widest possible trail. I looked uphill before I started to carve, and looked up occasionally in the toe side. but all of a sudden, wham! It's just a matter of luck sometimes.

    Looking uphill every other turn or what ever is just another way of riding unsafe. Riding is all about everything around you. It just happens that people just can't judge our turns, and or don't want to and think they can slide by.

    squash the pissing match, it's painful to read all the bs

  3. the boots are made very well. i do know that they are kind of soft as far as a ski boot standpoint, but they are fantastic for carving. now that i've ridden some on them, they perform better for me than my older upz's. I have always had a custom liner in there and I highly suggest going that route. the best thing i can report is that now i have no shin bang whatsoever! the grey tongues were just too rough on my shins.

  4. ill be riding with alex j on sat and sun, with steph on sun. and prob 2 other people, so join in and ride with us! If you are an early bird meet us at the gondola line at 830, otherwise you can call me, I keep my phone on me during the day .631-748-7882

  5. I may have missed it but no one has adressed burton mission bindings which have the toe cap. I read alot of talk regarding heel lift ,and mobility issues. I have a set of burtons, actually don'y like them anymore but, I can say they lock you're heel in place very well, and as far as carving with them, they did their job well ( in conjuction with burton hail boots). I found the boot quite stiff, and for me they seemed to cut off some circulation on my toes. Buit as far as a softie carving setup, I think it was pretty damn good. Bottom line for me is that hard boots are waaay more comfy for me, so I'm gonna sell my brand new softie setup.

    I don't know where this thread went but I thought it had something to do with boot overhang and beginning to carve. so,to me set up the binding with boot in it and turn up the angle until you get no overhang. ride that way for a couple of runs, if it is too strange and you just hate it, back the angles off a little bit then try again. Give it a fair chance though.

    Seems to me that in the end, if you are trying to carve turns, you might as well ditch the softies and spend the money on hard boots (sitff or soft) and of course expensive liners. then go for a binding that will suit you're needs, maybe stiff as hell or soft. I think it's pretty funny seeing the retro day 3 strap pics some people are posting, and actually still riding on them!!

  6. you need to see a good boot fitter!! And I would suggest dallbello liners or get the blown in foam style. Do that before replacing the shell. You're liners are more than likely the problem. One thing i can say is skiing with the buckles loose makes it worse. I battled shin bang for a long time. Spend the money on you're feet . And definately see a good boot fitter.

  7. I rock a ride timeless 164 with snopro's in the trees. Its a sweet board for all around. I used to ride my old factory prime on everything. but the freestyle, all mountain, or of course phish boards are the poop in powder.

    It's just alot to deal with when you are swingin around a 170 sized board in trees. toolin around in powder is alot of fun, and totally different than carving. I think when u do both in the same day, it is pretty fulfilling:)

  8. Im in huntington, and to be honest I see Sean at Equipe sport at stratton. He does my boards for me. But If you want to have a local do it, Glen at Helisport in huntington village on 110 just north of 25A, He's a pretty good guy and knows his stuff. As far as anyone on the island, he would be my first go to.

  9. setup is important, and if you can, add toe and heel lift. stay away from canting. you will lose energy that you should be putting into the board. I think that the higher angles are akward at first. like other people are saying, it takes time to get used to it.

    My advice is set up the board at 62-65 range (front), then minus a couple of degrees for the back (3-5). maybe start with 3 heel lift and 3 toe. You will probably like the toe lift and may add more. I ride with 6 toe and 3 heel. It seems to make the legs feel under you're body, add some comfort, and increase control.

    riding is different, my best advice would be treat you're legs as shocks (athletic position), and let the rest of you're body do the turning. Its kind of a rotation of the hips and the shoulders to make a turn. Don't forget the body will follow where you are looking. I'm no race coach, but I hope my:barf: helps a little.

  10. Well, this is quite a thread. I had no idea it could get so many responses! Frank is building me a new board! Tantalus evolution 175, in beatiful Black!! The tantalus has to be the perfect shape for me. I really like the sidecut, and waist width. It was truly amazing what the edge would hold on.

    As far as the break, I think it was either the board made it's last turn and gave out, due to use. Or that board was made for a much lighter person, and I took that thing over it's limit. I was sad to break it, but look at the stink I created!!!!

    Nobody needs to get upset over this. I am kind of a heavy dude. 215, plus I do try to get low and pressure those edges. The more I think about it, the more I think the board was made for a lighter person. We can only speculate:freak3:

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