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Posts posted by b0ardski

  1. On 5/21/2024 at 11:39 AM, slopestar said:

    Maybe its time to go on the offensive and just start smoking people

    chinese down hill, full spiked armor, mace skipoles, start spinnin from oneside of the run to the other in Tasmanian Devil mode👹

    since $hwietzer sold out, week days are not even close to the haven they once were😪

    rich does not make one smart, elitist is as elitist does! they are going to pass you and how dare you turn in front of them in a predictably consistent manner!

    Now that I think about it swinging my poles around every turn like a drunken monkey style defense should work to keep even the ignorant a step or two back!!

    has anyone tried flashing lights on the helmet, maybe like the cop strobes that cause seizures.

  2. score!!!! I have both iterations of these awesome all mt hardboot board, will ec the steeps and rip thru the glades like a dream, good for switch! they were my go to and used as a base line for my thirst bx.

  3. I rode burton 3 strap on an asym air waaay back and was amazed by the improvement to edge control with the glorified sorels of the time, my Merrel super comps negated my need for highbacks or 3rd straps, no more stoner rigged duct tape and skiboot liners and tongues.

    I wouldn't be suprized if somebody doesn't come out wit an optional 3rd strap lockable highback, now that carving is cool  and they'll need the latest and greatest newfangled carving system to keep a marketing edge in selling upgrades for the laceup 1 season boots every body loves.

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  4. 15 hours ago, Odd Job said:

    It's because making a product available to the masses (making it cheaper) means more crowding. The chances for collision go up. 

    There is also something to be said for failure to accumulate wealth in a capitalist country with few social guarantees, when it is so easy to do so, especially if you're not a minority. This is not taking into account being a trust funder.

    wealth did not get me 40yrs of season passes and thousands of days of skiing/boarding before I was old and tired.

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  5. 1 hour ago, lordmetroland said:

    If by some miracle we solve this, we can apply the same logic to drunk driving, domestic abuse, etc. Jerks gonna do what jerks do. When they're not doing jerky s*** on the hill, they're doing it on the road. The funny thing to me is that all this coincides with advancements in ski technology that facilitate...turning.

    All of us that could actually make a zipper line on 205s were lamenting the advent of shaped skis back in the 90s for this reason, It allowed people to get into terrain far beyond their experience/abilities and now the pow is toast by run #2.

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  6. I've actually had to say I'm not going until you do!!  Had them say "but we want to watch you!" so tell them to stay a couple turns behind me!!! Whenever I ride with anyone who's never seen me ride I warn them to stay at least 2 turns behind me because I will unexpectedly spin 360s and check lots speed followed by wide turns. As for joe public, I will never ski another weekend day at a modern resort for the rest of my life.

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  7. 62, hardboots since '89. I don't need to change anything, I settled on the most comfortable bio-mechanical neutral ready position by '92 and over the decades gave up using boards that will not be happy at 30/45* angles, I'm the one that needs to be happy and comfortable.

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  8. On 2/27/2024 at 4:52 PM, Carvin' Marvin said:

    Seems like y'all aren't riding fast enough.


    But in all seriousness, I started checking my 6 on every single turn instead of every other.  

    actually that's the problem, they're going fast in a strait line and I'm going just as fast in a curved line, laterally across the run which non-carving brains cannot comprehend

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  9.  when aasi separated from the oppression of pisa folks, it started going down hill sideways, but with 1 leg pointed backwards! My hip hurts every time I think about carving in duck.

    There is a pervasive belief that you can't rock switch with  both feet pointing forward and whenever I encounter this mentality I say to them " go tell that park skier they can't go backwards with plastic boots"

    • Like 1
  10. I'll let you convert the inches

    M 72", 32"inseam

    stance width 20" +/-, 30*r/45*f, +/- depending on board width always with 12*-15* splay

    3*inward cant , 3*heel/toe lift (sometimes flat front) been using the old Nitro stepins since the nineties.


    It aint broke, it works switch, and after decades I got no desire to change anything, no mechanism in the heel to wear out just a pin welded to a metal plate; got 5 pair to last the rest of my life would be 6 but the original pair a toe bail broke out of the cast block on a steep bump run!🫢! but the heel held me in so I could milk it down🤩!



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