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Posts posted by Fastskiguy

  1. That 800' hill looks really great except for the lack of snow, we've got hills half that size around here (southern WI). I think you need to really work on that day off during the week thing tho... At Alpine Valley you can loop the same run 50 times in about 3 1/2 hours, just think of that!

    Here's a couple of shots of my first two days (one has been posted B4).



  2. Like I said, it's got a 22.5 waist, not the standard 21.5 (see the Nyberg Axxess 183 on the Donek Spec sheet). I'm just reading the angle off the TD1 bindings. If it's not 45, it's pretty close.


    Oops, I missed the part about the 22.5cm waist, sorry :(

    You know, I've waited for a long time to be a big know-it-all and now this! Drat!

  3. You know, this is a loaded question. I mean, who is going to say "Yeah, I'm a cheap SOB, I'd buy from anybody for a couple of bucks" in public? And that's what "shop solely on price" kinda says. No wonder it's only got 3% right now. It's much easier to say "Yeah, I support alpine snowboarding" and vote something else, even if it might not be true when you punch "purchase now?"

  4. Once you get into quiver accumulation, this becomes a hard question to answer. If a board lasts for 100 days, you have 5+ boards, and you're a rec carver that notches maybe 20-30 days per season...assuming boards cycle in and out of your quiver occasionally, you'll never wear one out.)

    Hard to answer but looking at my brother's stuff I'm thinking > 125d would still be OK. I've got the quiver and no time, he's got the time and no quiver. Kinda funny that way.

  5. It seems like it's probably naive to mention it, but why don't they just give the moulds to klug or any other party that might someday have the funds to refurbish and improve upon them. It's not like they'd be feeding the competition, seeing as how burton is no longer in the alpine game ...

    If they're just going in the trash someday, why *don't* they just give them away and say "you've gotta have our name somplace on the piece" or whatever and get the good PR?

  6. The cold wax doesn't get stripped off as easily and other springtime hazards like dirt, pine needles and tree sap seem to roll off rather than get worked in.

    You know, that's a dang good idea. After a day of slushy spring riding my base(s) a super cruddy, a hard wax makes sense. Now...how about a hard wax and a little fluro overlay? ;)

    I like the wax whizard too for both regular "at home" stuff and "travel" too.

  7. That last picture just pains me... I can't look without cringing..

    It was funny, although it went against "every fiber of my being", watching some of those guys catch and edge on the steel and go down hard face first made it a lot more understandable! Truly a case of "different strokes for different folks"

    "Premature Jibulation" is a great name for an event like that!

  8. :eek: Did you actually ride there? It looks more like a mall parking lot than a ski area :eek: .

    Its starting to get crowded up here...yesterday the place was mobbed and today it was starting to get crowded when we left early. Worth every free penny though. Woo hoo! Day #7!

    Oh yeah, my ski buddy and I climbed 20 times for about 1000 feet of vertical, if our estimation was right. You remember the saying "Gettin' there is half of the fun?" It was a little more like "Gettin' there is *all* of the fun" LOL

  9. I wasn't sure I was supposed to be there but I've gotta say...there was some passion out there today. Just to be clear...50' of vertical, flat run, rain, and no lift service. And a TON of people there. It was freakin' amazing! Got a shot from the top, from the bottom, and some "tuning tips" for the steel. Not sure if I'll opt to try that type of tuning tho...




  10. For me, I simply can't ride with music. I can't drive with it either.

    Heh, I've got to turn it down to make a turn in the car LOL!

    Those Etymotic really block out the external sound, I can see my wife's mouth moving but I can't hear her with them in. A bit "too" isolating for me on the hill. But maybe I just need practice.

  11. Take a big regional bike race....say the Chequamegon Fat Tire Festival in Wisconsin. 1700 entrants, lots of guys hell bent for the top 100 places, a few current and ex pros thrown in for good measure. This year a guy on a single speed steel bike won it. And his brother came in 4th on a single speed steel bike. (you won't find'em in the single speed class....they ran in the open class) It's a mountain bike race but Travis Brown came in 6th on a cross bike. And Mr. and Mrs. Eppen came in 16th on a freakin' mixed tandem! I've run this thing 13 times, 3 times in the top 100 on a geared bike, 3 (of three tries) times in the top 100 on a single speed. I've run duallies, front suspension, no suspension, gears and single speed.

    It boils down to the motor. In cycling, horsepower rules. Lance did not win because he was on a Trek, not even in the time trials, not even on the time trial up Alpe D'Huez.

    Snowsports are different, some skis or boards are faster thru the gates than others, some are easier to carve and hold on ice better. I'm a novice rider but an experience ski racer and some skis just feel "right", some don't. You can tell on your first couple of turns if you're riding something that works or not. You might pick up a second on a 1 minute course with some dialed in stuff vs. some stuff that is not working well for you. For making nice carves down some cord it'll make less of an objective difference.

  12. I love my step-ins.

    Gliding off of the lift - pop right in.

    Loooooong cat tracks and need a little more speed? No stopping needed, just unclip while still moving, give a few kicks and click back in.

    Twice (the heel reciever kept my foot attached though). I've broken toe bails on standards also.

    Yeah, what he said! I love mine, super cool, super easy, just work perfectly!

    And Brody....you should consider the home brew option for beer or wine, it's cheap and can be excellent! (I'm mean *excellent*...I'm enjoying some old homebrew wine right now)

  13. Fisher ( I think it was fisher tried ceramic) in the mid 90's the edge was much wider. Any of you old ski guys remember this? I was at a show once where the rep had like 5 different edge materal even had ceramic on on edge and steel on the other so he could just switch skiis and have the new edge. I looked at the ceramic and saw it was full of chips. The rep said he could just buff them out with a diamond stone. Never saw ceramic again.

    You talkin' about the "Plasma Edge"? I'm pretty sure the ceramic never made it to market. But the Plasma Edge was a hard sucker. Was nice 'till it got dull then was pretty much impossible to sharpen with regular stuff.

    dude, I'm not old! LOL

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