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Posts posted by Fastskiguy

  1. FASTSKIGUY, I seemed to have missed your posting because earlier I was on my PDA (small screen). Thanks for your input. Now I'm screwed... FCII yes but 171 or 175?? Can 4 cm make that big a difference? I do like my old, very old, Burton Alp 169 but in comparison with todays gear, it's a 2x4. Maybe it will end-up in a coin toss.

    After seeing some videos on YouTube my initial response was to jump allover the EC boards, especialy the Donek Blade 180 medium (which Sean suggested), which you have. Maybe I'll start with the FC and next year it's the Blade. It seems that most of the carvers have a few quivers - why not me too?

    Heh, I had the same dilemma last year! FC vs Blade and then which length. I think you get a little more versatility going slowly with the FC than with the Blade, tighter turning too, but not as good for extreme carving.

  2. Well by some amazing twist of fate I've got a 171 FCII (19.5cm waist), a 175 Behle GS (23 cm waist), and a 180 Blade Medium (23.5cm waist) so I think I can comment on this with some authority. I lack any comparison to other boards-I haven't ridden anything else so take that into consideration. I'm 195 pounds, have a size 30 boot, and ride in Wisconsin, 300-500 foot vertical hills with 2-3 trips out west each year, should get in a little more than 500,000 feet for the season.

    The FCII is the easiest for me to ride and requires the least speed to get a carved turn going. I can crank the tightest turn on it too, especially at lower speeds. The GS board will carve a tight turn too if I'm going a little faster-it seems like it takes more speed to get it to bend. The Blade will turn tightly too but it's got to be tipped way up on it's edge. Once it's up there it bends really nicely. The GS board feels the most damp but the Blade feels really damp too. The FC is more lively. The wider boards (23 &23.5) are easier to balance on than the narrow one (19.5cm) when going slowly or getting on and off the lift but they don't feel more or less stable when going down the hill. I don't have a problem running different angles on the different boards, either way seems fine, but I guess this is a big deal to some people. I can't tell a difference in edge hold between the three of them! The Blade feels different when carving...like there's more (gripage) between your feet or something. I don't have any experience going off the groom with any of them. I think the FC is a little more versatile but even though they are different, I'm darn happy to ride any one. I think for really laying it over the Blade gives a more stable platform between your feet but you can get way over on the other boards too. I've got a case of "EC Fever" now so getting laid out is a high priority in my life LOL!

    I'm interested to hear other comments too, I think they are both good choices...maybe the 170 Blade would be the best? a little tighter radius than the 180 but still pretty wide and soft so it'll bend really nicely into the arc. Good luck :)

  3. Is this what you guys are talking about? Arc2Arc and I tried a few today. He made it a bunch of times but (of course) I didn't catch any of'em without a little hop. But he got me going around, then hit "stop" just before the finish LOL but you might call it a "gimmie" from there.

    <object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDMbe3Hl37w"> </param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDMbe3Hl37w" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>

  4. We found it helps if you can carve up a slight double fall line allowing you to start down the auxilliary fall line at the beginning of the last third of the turn. if you cna follow that you aught to be able to pull it off. Short turn radi tools are a must.

    Kinda like in the Badger Bowl, right? But it sounds like some guys are talking about a "single fall line" run, doesn't it?

  5. Anybody riding at or near Park City March 1-4? I'm coming out from Chicago and would love to hook up with another alpine rider. Around Chicago I usually end up riding along because other boarders aren't into it and skiers think I'm a snowboarder LOL! So riding with another alpine snowboarder would be great. Thanks :)

  6. Now I am realizing a big problem. My huge size 12 boots are too big for the bindings. I have adjusted the toe and heel all the way out and can't get my fat ass boot in them. I guess I will continue to ride the trusty old 1995 Hot Logical asym until I get a chance to ride some demos at ECES and buy a new set up.

    I've got some 29's and my snowpros just barely fit. For your boots...That sucks!

  7. Skiers... Can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em...

    Actually, I live with one now and deal with alot more of them. They're alot happier with me as a carver than on the soft board.

    That's because alpine snowboarding isn't really snowboarding LOL! Seriously, you've got way more in common with skiers than "regular" snowboarders when you're carving.

  8. Nothing wrong with being an "enthusiast" vs a "professional" snow sports guy. Lots of people live on the margins of financial destruction trying to snowboard all winter and you can probably get on snow a couple of times a week and maybe a trip or two to "real mountains", right? That's not too bad! You don't have to hope for a low paying ski industry job, and you're only freakin' 38! It's not impossible you could become the rider you always wanted now!

    The big question is what will you want to have done by age 59....then do it!

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